Elon Musk asks why 'leaking' DOJ won't spill Epstein client list: 'Doesn't that seem odd?'

Or we realize that if a guy had PREVIOUSLY ATTEMPTED suicide, had rewritten his will the day before his suicide, and was in a locked cell by himself when he committed suicide, he probably committed suicide.
Maybe but this doesn’t excuse the unbelievable incompetence by the feds from the AG on down, in the handling of Epstein’s arrest and confinement.

Epstein had extremely damaging information on many of the world elite. Allowing him to kill himself benefits THEM.
Maybe but this doesn’t excuse the unbelievable incompetence by the feds from the AG on down, in the handling of Epstein’s arrest and confinement.

Epstein had extremely damaging information on many of the world elite. Allowing him to kill himself benefits THEM.

Oh, I agree, he wasn't handled well, from when Bush's boy Acosta gave him a sweetheart deal in the Aughts to not having him under constant survellience after his first attempted suicide.

That said... if he had anything really damning, he or Maxwell would have revealed it by now. What else do they have to lose?
Oh, I agree, he wasn't handled well, from when Bush's boy Acosta gave him a sweetheart deal in the Aughts to not having him under constant survellience after his first attempted suicide.

That said... if he had anything really damning, he or Maxwell would have revealed it by now. What else do they have to lose?
I can’t agree. He and Maxwell were running a child sex ring for decades. At the same time many of the world’s most powerful men were involved with Epstein, including Bill Gates, Clinton, Trump, Mitchell, Prince Andrew, Bill Richardson, Dershowitz, etc.

Who benefits from Epstein’s death and coverup?
The Epstein client list is a WHO's WHO about 911.,

Epstein's #1 customer was Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman...

Who claims to be Muslim but is really JEWISH TOO...

Putin said 911 was by US, Israel AND Saudi....

He was right.
Gas over double in price.
Inflation through the roof.
Yes, everything is dandy.
Predicting power blackouts in South Carolina, first time I'm my lifetime here. Got to have green energy.
Gas alone just erased my last two raises.

Don't even get me going on the cost of groceries.

So much for getting ahead like I was finally arriving at. Now I can barely keep up.

My empty wallet has something to say in Nov, and a lot of people feel that way.
Anyone notice how the groomers won't say who their favorite groomercrats are?

I heard from someone that would know, many of the groomercrats top people are involved with Epstein.
Sorry bout that,

1. Epstein was put to silence.
2. And I would guess either the CIA or FBI was behind his suicide.
3. Only a complete idiot would think otherwise.

Gas over double in price.
Inflation through the roof.
Yes, everything is dandy.
Predicting power blackouts in South Carolina, first time I'm my lifetime here. Got to have green energy.

No riots, no stacks of bodies in freezer trucks because we don't have room for them in the morgues... no mass unemployment.

Oh, boo, hoo, I had to pay a little more for gas because I insist on driving a gas-guzzling SUV.
No riots, no stacks of bodies in freezer trucks because we don't have room for them in the morgues... no mass unemployment.

Oh, boo, hoo, I had to pay a little more for gas because I insist on driving a gas-guzzling SUV.
Many people affected are fly over country citizens. However, there are many urban citizens not doing well either. Poorer areas of the nation are hurting much worse now.

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