Another of those topics, tangled webs, dot connecting, etc.


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
that could be put in different forums, and not wanting to over load the small minds of Question Mark avatar cowards, I put it here, in a General Discussion-

Disclaimer: I am a proponent of the K.I.S.S. in all things - this article (lengthy essay) isn't of that philosophy- it reminds me of the book that was one of the first I read that delved into politics Behold A Pale Horse, by William Cooper that I could not finish- what little I did read was an eye opener-

this is an example of investigative journalism, something we don't see a lot of from our betters

This is a snippet from this article/essay I read this morning-

Gates spoke at a conference panel entitled “Closing the Global Divide: Health, Education and Technology.” He discussed how the mapping of the human genome would result in a new era of technological breakthroughs and discussed the need to offer internet access to everyone to close the digital divide and allow the “new” internet-based economy to take shape. At the time, Gates was backing a company, along with American Telecom billionaire Craig McCaw, that hoped to establish a global internet service provider monopoly through a network of low-orbit satellites. That company, Teledesic, shut down between 2002 and 2003 and is credited as being the inspiration for Elon Musk’s Starlink.

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates entered the world of philanthropy around the same time, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launching in 2000 and the Clinton Foundation, in 2001. Not only that but Wired described the two foundations as being “at the forefront of a new era in philanthropy, in which decisions—often referred to as investments—are made with the strategic precision demanded of business and government, then painstakingly tracked to gauge their success.”


Years after creating their foundations, Gates and Clinton discussed how they have “long bonded over their shared mission” of normalizing this new model of philanthropy. Gates spoke to Wired in 2013 about “their forays into developing regions” and “cites the close partnerships between their organizations.” In that interview, Gates revealed that he had met Clinton before he had become president, stating, “I knew him before he was president, I knew him when he was president, and I know him now that he’s not president.”

Also in that interview, Clinton stated that after he left the White House he sought to focus on two specific things. The first is the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which he stated exists “thanks largely to funding from the Gates Foundation,” and the second is the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), “where I try to build a global network of people to do their own thing.”


In addition to these ties, Hillary Clinton established a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the Gates Foundation in 2014 as part of the Clintons’ No Ceilings initiative. That partnership sought to “gather and analyze data about the status of women and girls’ participation around the world” and involved the two foundations working “with leading technology partners to collect these data and compile them.” Months before the partnership was announced, Gates and Epstein met for dinner and discussed the Gates Foundation and philanthropy, according to the New York Times. During Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful run for president in 2016, both Bill and Melinda Gates were on her short list as potential options for vice president.


The Epstein Cover-Up Continues

Despite the relatively abrupt shift in the mainstream media regarding what is acceptable to discuss regarding the Jeffrey Epstein–Bill Gates relationship, many of these same media outlets refuse to acknowledge much of the information contained in this investigative report. This is particularly true in the case of the Evening Standard article and Bill Gates’s odd relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister Isabel and CommTouch, the company Isabel previously led.

The likely reason for the continued cover-up of the true extent of Epstein’s ties to Gates has much more to do with Gates’s company Microsoft than with Bill Gates himself. While it is now permissible to report on ties that discredit Gates’s personal reputation, the information that could tie his relationship with Epstein and the Maxwells to Microsoft has been omitted.


The ties of Epstein and the Maxwells to Silicon Valley, not just to Microsoft, are part of a broader attempt to cover up the strong intelligence component in the origin of Silicon Valley’s most powerful companies. Much effort has been invested in creating a public perception that these companies are strictly private entities despite their deep, long-standing ties to the intelligence agencies and militaries of the United States and Israel. The true breadth of the Epstein scandal will never be covered by mainstream media because so many news outlets are owned by these same Silicon Valley oligarchs or depend on Silicon Valley for online reader engagement.

Perhaps the biggest reason why the military/intelligence origins and links to the current Silicon Valley oligarchy will never be honestly examined, however, is that those very entities are now working with breakneck speed to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which would make artificial intelligence, automation, mass electronic surveillance, and transhumanism central to human society. One of the architects of this “revolution,” Klaus Schwab, said earlier this year that rebuilding and maintaining trust with the public was critical to that project. However, were the true nature of Silicon Valley, including its significant ties to serial child rapist and sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein and his network, to emerge, the public’s trust would be significantly eroded, thus threatening what the global oligarchy views as a project critical to its survival.


From the comments section to the essay

Very interesting. Thank you, Ms. Webb.
I would like to see a closer look at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that was launched in 2000 and on operations of William H. Gates Foundation that preceded it and which was run by Bill Gates father.
Then one should look at the antitrust action against Microsoft during Clinton administration. The suit began on May 18, 1998. On June 7, 2000, the court ordered a breakup of Microsoft as its remedy. And then after election of Bush in 2000 and the appeal action the DOJ announced on September 6, 2001 that it was no longer seeking to break up Microsoft.
Ms. Webb is right that it is not about Bill Gates but about Microsoft, big money only and men who exert control on them.

Don't be misled by that comment though-


The web weaved, the dots added to the picture are deep- things like this and the book mentioned above remind me of the fad going round for a while about looking at a picture of colored dots long enough in a certain way an image would emerge--

This is 8200 words- a book with an average of 225 words per page would make this a 36 page book- don't hurt yourselves

The Cover-Up Continues: the Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein
Ok Gdjjr, there are a lotta dots here, but the one connection that comes through loud and clear is the connection betwixt corporatism and politics
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Ok Gdjjr, there are a lotta dots here, but the one connection that comes through loud and clear is the connection betwixt corporatism and politics
Succinctly, and well stated, sparky!
Ok Gdjjr, there are a lotta dots here, but the one connection that comes through loud and clear is the connection betwixt corporatism and politics
Succinctly, and well stated, sparky!
This Epstein thing has to be forensically analyzed. Everything. I never realized how many pedos and Communist China Sympathizers here.
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I never realized how many pedos and Communist China Sympathizers here.
WTH does that have to do with anything? Good lord!

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But, you can't legitimately refute anything I post- like most 1/4 wits you attack the messenger ignoring the message- good job, 1/4 wit-
I never realized how many pedos and Communist China Sympathizers here.
WTH does that have to do with anything? Good lord!

Pardon me for that. I don't refute anything because I've rarely read you pal. Seen your song and book tastes. No further comment again. There is a reason I never read ya. Don't flatter yourself
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There is a reason I never read ya.
But you're reading this- correct? And you can't refute anything I've posted, because, well, you can't- you're one of those who knows everything there is to know about everything there is to know everything about- as for my tastes, they are subjective- your's? Why are your's better? Or, is that just your subjective opinion? I suspect the reason (sound explanation) you don't read my posts is because you can't keep up intellectually- yet, here you are making a fool of yourself, in public, being flippant because you can't refute anything I post, musically or other wise-
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I don't refute anything because I've rarely read you pal
I'm not your pal. Let's start there- you don't know me and I don't know you- I'm merely a message board poster, as are you- that's not spelled p a l- btw-
Ok Gdjjr, there are a lotta dots here, but the one connection that comes through loud and clear is the connection betwixt corporatism and politics
Succinctly, and well stated, sparky!
This Epstein thing has to be forensically analyzed. Everything. I never realized how many pedos and Communist China Sympathizers here.
View attachment 497901

If only the FBI wasn't headed up by Epstein regulars.

If only

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