Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

This makes no sense to me. You (correctly, I think) identify the problem: our government is for sale. And that is the problem we should resolve. Harassing the buyers, or raising their taxes, or whatever scheme one might cook up to redistribute income, only gives government more power, more "services" to sell to wealthy interests.
Yes the immortality just means nothing to you.

That's not true at all. I just see no inherent immorality in one person having more money than another.
He said immortality

I guess he thinks rich people will live forever

I assumed it was a typo. gipper ?
Yes. Immorality
It's not immoral to have more than someone else
Yes the immortality just means nothing to you.

That's not true at all. I just see no inherent immorality in one person having more money than another.
He said immortality

I guess he thinks rich people will live forever

I assumed it was a typo. gipper ?
Yes. Immorality
It's not immoral to have more than someone else
It is immoral when we have people dying of malnutrition, while billionaires are around.

The billionaires could end starvation and homelessness and still have billions left over. Psychopaths!
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

The proposal would cancel up to $50,000 in debt for people with annual household income under $100,000. Beyond that income threshold, smaller amounts of debt would be canceled, but no one with more than $250,000 in household income would be eligible.

To keep students from accumulating more debt in the future, Warren also proposes making two- and four-year public colleges tuition free, according to a plan unveiled in advance of a Monday evening CNN town hall focused on issues of interest to young voters.

With a price tag of $1.25 trillion over 10 years, Warren’s higher-education initiatives up the ante on an issue that most 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have been trying to address in more modest ways.
That's not true at all. I just see no inherent immorality in one person having more money than another.
He said immortality

I guess he thinks rich people will live forever

I assumed it was a typo. gipper ?
Yes. Immorality
It's not immoral to have more than someone else
It is immoral when we have people dying of malnutrition, while billionaires are around.

The billionaires could end starvation and homelessness and still have billions left over. Psychopaths!

No it's not.

And no they couldn't.
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

The proposal would cancel up to $50,000 in debt for people with annual household income under $100,000. Beyond that income threshold, smaller amounts of debt would be canceled, but no one with more than $250,000 in household income would be eligible.

To keep students from accumulating more debt in the future, Warren also proposes making two- and four-year public colleges tuition free, according to a plan unveiled in advance of a Monday evening CNN town hall focused on issues of interest to young voters.

With a price tag of $1.25 trillion over 10 years, Warren’s higher-education initiatives up the ante on an issue that most 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have been trying to address in more modest ways.
That does seem to be her strategy

But I notice she's not divesting her considerable wealth to give it away
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

The proposal would cancel up to $50,000 in debt for people with annual household income under $100,000. Beyond that income threshold, smaller amounts of debt would be canceled, but no one with more than $250,000 in household income would be eligible.

To keep students from accumulating more debt in the future, Warren also proposes making two- and four-year public colleges tuition free, according to a plan unveiled in advance of a Monday evening CNN town hall focused on issues of interest to young voters.

With a price tag of $1.25 trillion over 10 years, Warren’s higher-education initiatives up the ante on an issue that most 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have been trying to address in more modest ways.

What is Warren going to do for me? I had a student loan and graduated college in 1979. I paid back the 3 large in 1980. Will I get a refund of the amount I paid and the amount I lost by not having that money?

If I hadn't paid the money back to the bank, I would have spent the money on the Apple 1980 IPO. Shouldn't I be made whole for the money I lost doing the right thing?
What is Warren going to do for me? I had a student loan and graduated college in 1979. I paid back the 3 large in 1980. Will I get a refund of the amount I paid and the amount I lost by not having that money?

If I hadn't paid the money back to the bank, I would have spent the money on the Apple 1980 IPO. Shouldn't I be made whole for the money I lost doing the right thing?

New generations will always benefit in ways older ones didn't. It's the way of the world. We are moving forward, not backward. Being jealous and throwing a fit about it is kind of ridiculous in my opinion.
What is Warren going to do for me? I had a student loan and graduated college in 1979. I paid back the 3 large in 1980. Will I get a refund of the amount I paid and the amount I lost by not having that money?

If I hadn't paid the money back to the bank, I would have spent the money on the Apple 1980 IPO. Shouldn't I be made whole for the money I lost doing the right thing?

New generations will always benefit in ways older ones didn't. It's the way of the world. We are moving forward, not backward. Being jealous and throwing a fit about it is kind of ridiculous in my opinion.

I'm not throwing a fit.

I just don't like the idea of being punished for doing the right thing and paying back the loan
He said immortality

I guess he thinks rich people will live forever

I assumed it was a typo. gipper ?
Yes. Immorality
It's not immoral to have more than someone else
It is immoral when we have people dying of malnutrition, while billionaires are around.

The billionaires could end starvation and homelessness and still have billions left over. Psychopaths!

No it's not.

And no they couldn't.
Yes it is and yes they could.
This is an absolutely insane Idea. We have needy billionaires to help. Not a bunch of the kids of America.

I don't know how Republicans get away with it. I really don't.


And worst of all, it looks like the economy is slowing down after the GOP's sugar high of infused cash wears off.

In big week for tech stocks, will GDP report show slowing growth? | WRAL TechWire

analysts polled by Refinitiv forecast an average of 1.9%

weren't we promised 4 or 5?
It is time for Bezos and the other billionaires to do the right thing...

One man could end world hunger, but he won’t – by Lee Camp
Millions of people in total die each year from a lack of clean water. So how much would it cost to change that? It would cost $10 billion a year to bring pure water to the entire world.

Jeff Bezos himself could provide the world with clean water for the next 15 years.

He could save millions upon millions of lives. But instead of doing that, he will continue to enrich himself by delivering sex toys in a box with a smiley on it.

Read more
Is it true that only progressive billionaires can save humanity?
But this is not about Jeff Bezos. It’s about world hunger. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty while the UN in 2015 estimated it would cost $30 billion a year to end world hunger. Imagine – not a soul hungry! And big shock – when people aren’t hungry, there’s less crime, less hatred, better decision-making, and so forth. Hunger correlates with all kinds of sh*tty stuff, which means we all benefit when there’s no hunger. Think about it; you probably have co-workers who miss lunch and start spraying hate crimes around the office. Then you have to say, “Leslie, I think if you just had a taco, you would stop using the C-word so much.” Now imagine Leslie on a global scale.

Jeff Bezos himself could end world hunger for five straight years. If he teamed up with the Koch brothers, they could do it for eight to 10 years.

But Bezos wouldn’t do that. Instead, he’ll just make billions convincing people to put Amazon Echo spy systems into their own homes.

This column is not about Jeff Bezos. It’s about Flint, Mich.

You remember how upset we were about Flint’s water? It was poisoned with lead. It was destroying lives of people who were already poor to begin with. Then the authorities came to the conclusion it would cost $216 million to fix, and everyone was aghast. That’s an insane amount of money. How could ANY city afford that?!

Jeff Bezos could pay to repair Flint’s water supply 694 times over.

He could pay for it 690 times over and still have $864 million left to pay for a cast of people to dance around him dressed like wood sprites and sprinkle glitter on his shining bald head for the rest of his f***ing life. (So don’t say he wouldn’t be happy.)

But this column is not about Jeff Bezos. It’s about homelessness.

One man could end world hunger, but he won’t – by Lee Camp
This is an absolutely insane Idea. We have needy billionaires to help. Not a bunch of the kids of America.

I don't know how Republicans get away with it. I really don't.


And worst of all, it looks like the economy is slowing down after the GOP's sugar high of infused cash wears off.

In big week for tech stocks, will GDP report show slowing growth? | WRAL TechWire

analysts polled by Refinitiv forecast an average of 1.9%

weren't we promised 4 or 5?
Dummy it’s not just Rs. Your beloved Messiah and his criminal party are just as bad.

Partisans. Ugh! They never learn.
This is an absolutely insane Idea. We have needy billionaires to help. Not a bunch of the kids of America.

I don't know how Republicans get away with it. I really don't.


And worst of all, it looks like the economy is slowing down after the GOP's sugar high of infused cash wears off.

In big week for tech stocks, will GDP report show slowing growth? | WRAL TechWire

analysts polled by Refinitiv forecast an average of 1.9%

weren't we promised 4 or 5?

I have a different idea , dean. Why not have the Federal Government get out of the student loan business entirely, and have banks, finance companies, shylocks and other lenders step in?

These folks can make their own assessment as to whether someone's plan to attend college is a worthwhile investment and the riskiness of the loan- and assign appropriate interest rates,collateral, cosigner and other requirements on the lenders. And if they don't think that loaning 100k to a broke teenager to study German Polka History is a good risk, to decline it entirely.
"Even better: I want to establish a *minimum* of $50 billion for HBCUs & Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs)! The Secretary of Ed. would increase the amount of money in the fund as needed to ensure that spending per-student at these schools is comparable to colleges in the area." - Pocahontas
Pocahontas "backs executive actions to —Force background checks on private sellers of >5 guns per yr —Ban guns for people convicted of domestic violence —Ban guns for people with outstanding arrest warrants —Crack down on lawbreaking makers/dealers"
Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

The proposal would cancel up to $50,000 in debt for people with annual household income under $100,000. Beyond that income threshold, smaller amounts of debt would be canceled, but no one with more than $250,000 in household income would be eligible.

To keep students from accumulating more debt in the future, Warren also proposes making two- and four-year public colleges tuition free, according to a plan unveiled in advance of a Monday evening CNN town hall focused on issues of interest to young voters.

With a price tag of $1.25 trillion over 10 years, Warren’s higher-education initiatives up the ante on an issue that most 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have been trying to address in more modest ways.

Why though when we could borrow another trillion for bombing brown people instead? That's what real nationalism is about, right?

Anyway, sarcasm aside, this will be Donald's 2020 competitor. You better take her seriously. Calling her Pocahontas won't be good enough.

Elizabeth Warren proposes canceling student loan debt and offering free public college

The proposal would cancel up to $50,000 in debt for people with annual household income under $100,000. Beyond that income threshold, smaller amounts of debt would be canceled, but no one with more than $250,000 in household income would be eligible.

To keep students from accumulating more debt in the future, Warren also proposes making two- and four-year public colleges tuition free, according to a plan unveiled in advance of a Monday evening CNN town hall focused on issues of interest to young voters.

With a price tag of $1.25 trillion over 10 years, Warren’s higher-education initiatives up the ante on an issue that most 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have been trying to address in more modest ways.

Seriously, she has got a lot of nerve calling for college loan forgiveness when she was one of the culprits. When she wasn’t checking the box for her 1/1,024th Cherokee Indian heritage, she was charging $300-$400 /hour to teach one class. Trump donates his $400k per year salary as President.

Elizabeth Warren does identify a serious problem that has serious implications for a consumer driven society. The Republicans are partially responsible for it. Republican governors have cut taxpayer dollars to state funded institutions. Republicans in Congress have moved towards loans and away from grants. They cannot ignore the problem.

Also many student loans carry a 7% interest rate. That is almost usurious in today's dirt cheap interest rates. Also many people who are paying loans were steered into programs which delayed payments but did allowed interest to build and were not told about income based plans. Instead of the government holding these companies accountable, they would allow them to continue. Crooked Republicans who favor big business over the ordinary person.

The best thing to do may be income based payments with loan forgiveness after 20 years.

Egregious Big Education budgets need to be trimmed like Big Government. Big Education can either get lean, generate more endowments but they need to stop sticking it to the consumers and squeezing them,
Absolutely irrelevant, super hater dupe of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. Everyone pays the taxes they owe, and these ridiculously low taxes on the rich are the problem and the GOP has made them so. No sacrifice by the middle-class and working-class is too great so that we can save the rich, right dupe? LOL.

You can keep slinging your dupes and swimming in your class warfare but the core problem is egregious spending on failed programs.
every modern country ever has had progressive tax systems until the United States today, where the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class and not much more than the working class if you count all Texas. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Of course they have to cut services for regular people so now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...

Stop lying. We pay higher percentage in Fed, State, and Local Income taxes the more we make. That's why you have to look up your tax rate by BRACKET. Typical dishonest Lib.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, dumbass doup. Count all taxes and we do not have a progressive system.

Dumbass doup? Wow, now I know you are obviously losing the argument, and have nothing credible because you have to resort to personal attacks. Our Income tax system is certainly progressive. Some other taxes like Gasoline taxes (Fed and State) are regressive, but you Far Left Democrats pushed for those too.
Sorry I should have said brainwashed functional dumbass dupe. Dupe is not a personal attack, it is a political attack the way I see it anyway.the duing of GOP voters by the GOP propaganda machine is the most important story of the last 30 years. I don't blame the dupes, it is a brilliant operation.
You can keep slinging your dupes and swimming in your class warfare but the core problem is egregious spending on failed programs.
every modern country ever has had progressive tax systems until the United States today, where the rich pay the same percentage wise as the middle class and not much more than the working class if you count all Texas. Google the only tax graph you need to know. Of course they have to cut services for regular people so now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...

Stop lying. We pay higher percentage in Fed, State, and Local Income taxes the more we make. That's why you have to look up your tax rate by BRACKET. Typical dishonest Lib.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, dumbass doup. Count all taxes and we do not have a progressive system.

Dumbass doup? Wow, now I know you are obviously losing the argument, and have nothing credible because you have to resort to personal attacks. Our Income tax system is certainly progressive. Some other taxes like Gasoline taxes (Fed and State) are regressive, but you Far Left Democrats pushed for those too.
Sorry I should have said brainwashed functional dumbass dupe. Dupe is not a personal attack, it is a political attack the way I see it anyway.the duing of GOP voters by the GOP propaganda machine is the most important story of the last 30 years. I don't blame the dupes, it is a brilliant operation.

Don't back pedal. You have nothing but personal attacks and insults. Nothing credible.

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