Electronic Voting Machines Changing Romney Votes to Obama


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
More Electronic Voting Machines Changing Romney Votes to Obama: We Looked Into It and Here’s What a Vendor Told Us

Posted on October 31, 2012 at 2:09pm
by Liz Klimas

Last week, TheBlaze brought you a story from a North Carolina voting precinct using electronic voting machines that was already experiencing issues where votes for GOP candidate Mitt Romney were being changed to Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Now, it’s allegedly happening again, this time in both Kansas and Ohio — and we talked to a vendor supporting the machines about the issue.

Nancy from Topeka, Kan., who asked that her last name not be used for reasons pertaining to her husband’s work, told TheBlaze she fears if voters aren’t double checking their selections, they’ll be “robbed of their vote.”

Nancy explained that while her husband was casting a vote for Romney, the touchscreen highlighted Obama.


Early Voting Sees Calibration Issues With Some Touchscreen Voting Machines | TheBlaze.com
Switch bait, if anything there will be votes switched from Obama to Romney
, just like in 04 so go the fuck home u troll
More Electronic Voting Machines Changing Romney Votes to Obama: We Looked Into It and Here’s What a Vendor Told Us

Posted on October 31, 2012 at 2:09pm
by Liz Klimas

Last week, TheBlaze brought you a story from a North Carolina voting precinct using electronic voting machines that was already experiencing issues where votes for GOP candidate Mitt Romney were being changed to Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Now, it’s allegedly happening again, this time in both Kansas and Ohio — and we talked to a vendor supporting the machines about the issue.

Nancy from Topeka, Kan., who asked that her last name not be used for reasons pertaining to her husband’s work, told TheBlaze she fears if voters aren’t double checking their selections, they’ll be “robbed of their vote.”

Nancy explained that while her husband was casting a vote for Romney, the touchscreen highlighted Obama.


Early Voting Sees Calibration Issues With Some Touchscreen Voting Machines | TheBlaze.com

The ONLY chance and the ONLY way Barack Obama can win re-election, is to unleash the most widespread Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in the history of the United States.
The ONLY chance and the ONLY way Barack Obama can win re-election, is to unleash the most widespread Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in the history of the United States.

glad to see the excuses being set up in advance.

Have any others? the storm affected only republicans? Obama cast a voodoo muslim curse? Secret satan aliens are using diabolical brain control devices to make the people in the booth for that 1.5 seconds, change from GOP to DEM and then back without them knowing it, affecting ony the moment of their vote?
More Electronic Voting Machines Changing Romney Votes to Obama: We Looked Into It and Here’s What a Vendor Told Us

Posted on October 31, 2012 at 2:09pm
by Liz Klimas

Last week, TheBlaze brought you a story from a North Carolina voting precinct using electronic voting machines that was already experiencing issues where votes for GOP candidate Mitt Romney were being changed to Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Now, it’s allegedly happening again, this time in both Kansas and Ohio — and we talked to a vendor supporting the machines about the issue.

Nancy from Topeka, Kan., who asked that her last name not be used for reasons pertaining to her husband’s work, told TheBlaze she fears if voters aren’t double checking their selections, they’ll be “robbed of their vote.”

Nancy explained that while her husband was casting a vote for Romney, the touchscreen highlighted Obama.


Early Voting Sees Calibration Issues With Some Touchscreen Voting Machines | TheBlaze.com

The ONLY chance and the ONLY way Barack Obama can win re-election, is to unleash the most widespread Democrat voter fraud conspiracy in the history of the United States.
Liar, liar, shit ur pants are on fire
It doesn't come as a surprise to me. Obama and his thugs would go to any length to win the election.

They should all be behind bars!
It doesn't come as a surprise to me. Obama and his thugs would go to any length to win the election.

They should all be behind bars!

Like, I know, right? like what about laws put in to place to ensure upwards of 20 million people can't vote at all, right? Like oh em gee.
It doesn't come as a surprise to me. Obama and his thugs would go to any length to win the election.

They should all be behind bars!

Like, I know, right? like what about laws put in to place to ensure upwards of 20 million people can't vote at all, right? Like oh em gee.

They had years to get fvcking ID and for free...:D
It doesn't come as a surprise to me. Obama and his thugs would go to any length to win the election.

They should all be behind bars!

Like, I know, right? like what about laws put in to place to ensure upwards of 20 million people can't vote at all, right? Like oh em gee.

They had years to get fvcking ID and for free...:D
You miss the point. It was legislation enacted for the sole purpose of voter supression. The problem of "voter fraud" was never a problem in the first place.

in a 5 year span, out of 190 million votes... 86 cases. that's less than 4/100,000 of a percent.

Don't feed me the GOP bullshit line.
It doesn't come as a surprise to me. Obama and his thugs would go to any length to win the election.

They should all be behind bars!

Like, I know, right? like what about laws put in to place to ensure upwards of 20 million people can't vote at all, right? Like oh em gee.

How hard is it to get a state issued ID? How is that comparable to a machine changing a person's vote?
Like, I know, right? like what about laws put in to place to ensure upwards of 20 million people can't vote at all, right? Like oh em gee.

They had years to get fvcking ID and for free...:D
You miss the point. It was legislation enacted for the sole purpose of voter supression. The problem of "voter fraud" was never a problem in the first place.

in a 5 year span, out of 190 million votes... 86 cases. that's less than 4/100,000 of a percent.

Don't feed me the GOP bullshit line.

Fvck you melon brain, I always had to show ID to vote going back to 2000, but now it's a big deal. I guess it's alright with you if your here you can vote regardless where and when you got here...


Melon brain the thread is about rigging Electronic Voting Machines...:D
They had years to get fvcking ID and for free...:D
You miss the point. It was legislation enacted for the sole purpose of voter supression. The problem of "voter fraud" was never a problem in the first place.

in a 5 year span, out of 190 million votes... 86 cases. that's less than 4/100,000 of a percent.

Don't feed me the GOP bullshit line.

Fvck you melon brain, I always had to show ID to vote going back to 2000, but now it's a big deal. I guess it's alright with you if your here you can vote regardless where and when you got here...


Melon brain the thread is about rigging Electronic Voting Machines...:D
of which you have no evidence other than a "concerned" right winger talking to a right wing blog.

Carry on with the dumbfuckery.
You miss the point. It was legislation enacted for the sole purpose of voter supression. The problem of "voter fraud" was never a problem in the first place.

in a 5 year span, out of 190 million votes... 86 cases. that's less than 4/100,000 of a percent.

Don't feed me the GOP bullshit line.

Fvck you melon brain, I always had to show ID to vote going back to 2000, but now it's a big deal. I guess it's alright with you if your here you can vote regardless where and when you got here...


Melon brain the thread is about rigging Electronic Voting Machines...:D
of which you have no evidence other than a "concerned" right winger talking to a right wing blog.

Carry on with the dumbfuckery.

Shove off melon brain, fn liberal ilk...:eusa_hand:
Fvck you melon brain, I always had to show ID to vote going back to 2000, but now it's a big deal. I guess it's alright with you if your here you can vote regardless where and when you got here...


Melon brain the thread is about rigging Electronic Voting Machines...:D
of which you have no evidence other than a "concerned" right winger talking to a right wing blog.

Carry on with the dumbfuckery.

Shove off melon brain, fn liberal ilk...:eusa_hand:

nah. Watching you pretend you have a salient point is too entertaining.

The joke is on you guys. They are the one's who decide who wins, not the voters. I have no doubt that there has been electioneering, just as there was manipulation to get Bush elected. The only important thing is that you go to the polls to vote, and make the government appear to have some legitimacy. The real owners and controllers will choose who runs the system for you.

Thank you for your blind participation though. The world and the nation needs to believe that this is what you wanted. :D Just as the world needed to believe the Germans voted to put Hitler in Power. And just like they needed to believe that Romney is who the majority of Republicans actually wished to have represent them.
I'm sure you'll all join me in calling for extensive logic & accuracy testing, voter verified paper trails and post election manual audits on voting machines, right?

No wait, we have to make sure Sister Mary Catherine who was born at home, never drove a car and has voted every election since she first liked Ike, has photo ID first...

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