Elections have consequences!!

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won. So I think on that one I trump you.” - President Barrack Obama, 2009

As much as I dislike Trump, and that's a whole lot of dislike, it's funny as fuck that you and your ilk so quickly forgot Mr. Obama's little idiom three years ago. It's even funnier that you remember it now when you think it may serve your narrative.

I'm not sure who is more pathetic. People like you, or the mindless Trump sycophants who think he can do know wrong and all that he has done is right and righteous. Right now, it's a tie.

Here's the underlying problem with that. Obama won a legitimate election, with a clear mandate.

Trump lost the popular vote, his "win" has more hair on it than a meatball rolling through a Cat-Lady's parlor...

All that said, if Trump had made an effort to work with people, he probably wouldn't be in the trouble he is in today. Bush won under similar circumstances, but still worked across the Aisle through a war and two recessions. Trump can't even play America on "Easy" mode.

According to the Constitution, Trump's win in the Electoral College minus the popular vote is just as legitimate as a win in the Electoral College with the popular vote. That's the way it works.

Look, I don't like Trump, never have, never will. I look forward to the day he is no longer in office. But I think it would be better for the country that he be removed at the ballot box. After the last three years, I find it hard to believe that it can't be done... then I look at the choices the Democrats are putting up and I have to wonder...
According to the Constitution, Trump's win in the Electoral College minus the popular vote is just as legitimate as a win in the Electoral College with the popular vote. That's the way it works.

Guy, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact. The one thing that is clear is that Trump is unfit for office. Even the Republicans would admit that if they were being honest.

Look, I don't like Trump, never have, never will. I look forward to the day he is no longer in office. But I think it would be better for the country that he be removed at the ballot box. After the last three years, I find it hard to believe that it can't be done... then I look at the choices the Democrats are putting up and I have to wonder...

Again, how long do you leave a crazy person in charge? Impeachment is a remedy called for in the Constituion. So would removing Trump for incapacity through the 25th Amendment.

I can imagine Romans in 38 AD saying, "Sure, Caligula is nuts... and I look forward to when he isn't Emperor, but...."
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry
Oh you must enjoy 2020.....to see the US Marines drag trump by the balls out to the white house lawn after losing....priceless. Listen, the Congress has sent bill after bill to the senate lead by Moscow Mitch and nothing is being done to hear these on the floor...now I ask, you dumb simp, how in the hell is that the congress fault and because you want answer, because you can't ....fuck off!!
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.

You should VERY much care about random black men stopped on the street by CNN who say the Democrats should leave Trump alone.
Random black men who 99% are fucking white women and we should find this surprising that these sellout toms are on Trumps side? Child please!! Nigga black men are about as loyal as a male dog in heat, give me a break.
The left in their current Lunacy..........about guarantees Trump winning again..........And they will lose another 2 SCOTUS seats...........

They are UNHINGED now...........my God .....after they lose again .........Boogles the mind......They are already LUNATICS.
Earth to stupid, come in stupid.....How in the fuck is Trump winning?
The left in their current Lunacy..........about guarantees Trump winning again..........And they will lose another 2 SCOTUS seats...........

They are UNHINGED now...........my God .....after they lose again .........Boogles the mind......They are already LUNATICS.
Earth to stupid, come in stupid.....How in the fuck is Trump winning?
Just like in 2016, attitudes like yours.
Say what? After democrats torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day, Hollywood celebs threatened the President with everything from arson to murder, old men in MAGA hats were assaulted and democrats engaged in a three year attempted political coup we get a lecture from the left about elections having consequences. Go figure.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

Not only going to keep it, will expand it to a supermajority.

Whats cute is you think you're going keep the Senate and the White House.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.
Can we have as many impeachment hearings as Benghazi hearings...that would be fun
It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump.
What a retarded comment. 100s of bills are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk, and you cheer for that. Why are you fools trying to blame someone instead of taking credit for things you want and which are actually the accomplishments of your heroes? So fucking stupid... Really, truly moronic and embarrassing...
It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump.
What a retarded comment. 100s of bills are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk, and you cheer for that. Why are you fools trying to blame someone instead of taking credit for things you want and which are actually the accomplishments of your heroes? So fucking stupid... Really, truly moronic and embarrassing...
America rejects Nazi Pelousy's anti-American bills.

That's why America put control of the Senate in Republican hands, and elected Trump.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.

You should VERY much care about random black men stopped on the street by CNN who say the Democrats should leave Trump alone.

Al is not my concern. I also have no use for Al since its in the Bible Belt. I do not plan on ever moving to Al or MS.
I'm sure I speak for the majority of the people from Alabama when I say thank you for never moving to my State.
It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump.
What a retarded comment. 100s of bills are sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk, and you cheer for that. Why are you fools trying to blame someone instead of taking credit for things you want and which are actually the accomplishments of your heroes? So fucking stupid... Really, truly moronic and embarrassing...
Funny how people like yourself didn't have a problem with bills piling up when it was Reid's desk. Just more political hacktivism and hypocrisy.
Yep, The Sore Loser Brigade refuses to accept the outcome of the election.

The outcome was the people said no, the establishment put him in anyway thinking they can control him, and now they know they can't.

Look on the bright side, you'll get Pence to finish out his term, and he might not even embarrass you too much.
The establishment didn't put him in.

The 30 states he won by over 7 million votes gave him 304 electoral votes. That is why he is President.

You need to learn how our system works.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.
That's so cute those new meds you are taking aren't working to curb your delusional tendency
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

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