Elections have consequences!!

Yes, elections have consequences. They always have and always will. I see the 2020 election having a similar consequence to the 1860 election, Civil War, regardless of which side wins.
I don't know, but I know tramp abused his power and bribed another country with a new president.

Wow! Really? Kool!!! this is awesome!

Links please!

I've been way out of the loop these days.

Thank you :)
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.

Just wait until Mueller gets done with him! Plus you shredded Trump's attorney client privilege

Who is tramps attorney??

Remember Michael Cohen? What would happen when Schiff's attorney is called as a material witness and Schiff and democrats lose their attorney client privilege?
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.

Just wait until Mueller gets done with him! Plus you shredded Trump's attorney client privilege

Who is tramps attorney??

Remember Michael Cohen? What would happen when Schiff's attorney is called as a material witness and Schiff and democrats lose their attorney client privilege?

You should VERY much care about random black men stopped on the street by CNN who say the Democrats should leave Trump alone.

Al is not my concern. I also have no use for Al since its in the Bible Belt. I do not plan on ever moving to Al or MS.

Right, I forgot. Everything revolves around YOU. This is Penny Jackboots' world and we're all just living in it.

I am merely stating a fact, neither AL, LA or MS are swing states.

And the impeachment is not very popular in the swing states, is it?

I don't know, but I know tramp abused his power and bribed another country with a new president.
That was a standing Party of INFANTICIDE Vice President that did what you described...

I don't know, but I know tramp abused his power and bribed another country with a new president.

Wow! Really? Kool!!! this is awesome!

Links please!

I've been way out of the loop these days.

Thank you :)

LOL youtube buried Bidens CFR clip

Yes they did BUT , I, of course have it ....copy it to use when needed to hear the EXTORTION. and quid pro Joe that they are basing the impeachment of President Trump of doing....Trump didn't but Joey DID!

Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.
I did not dislike Obama or dislike Trump. As I remember tho, Obama was never accused daily like Trump or THREATENED with impeachment. So neither Congress did ANYTHING. You are a bitter person because of the election. I did not get my favorite elected either, but I won't undermine my country's well being by wishing ill on the president or his party-you ought to be ashamed!

I don't think any of these cats have considered what will happen if a Dem IS elected in 2020. They have lowered the bar--WAY lowered the bar. Do you think they believe we will just go back to singing "Hail to the Chief" when their president walks on the stage?? HA! Think again, idiots. What goes around, COMES around. We have the Supreme Court now and LOTS and lots of judges....
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.
What does Nazi Pelousy have to show for that win?

What bills has she passed that have been enacted into law? Show us a list of her accomplishments.
Are you saying SweetSue92, the judges are partisan?
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.
What does Nazi Pelousy have to show for that win?

What bills has she passed that have been enacted into law? Show us a list of her accomplishments.

They are sitting on the Grim Reapers desk. Also the people voted.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.
What does Nazi Pelousy have to show for that win?

What bills has she passed that have been enacted into law? Show us a list of her accomplishments.

They are sitting on the Grim Reapers desk. Also the people voted.
Yep. Elections have consequences, huh?:21:
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won. So I think on that one I trump you.” - President Barrack Obama, 2009

As much as I dislike Trump, and that's a whole lot of dislike, it's funny as fuck that you and your ilk so quickly forgot Mr. Obama's little idiom three years ago. It's even funnier that you remember it now when you think it may serve your narrative.

I'm not sure who is more pathetic. People like you, or the mindless Trump sycophants who think he can do know wrong and all that he has done is right and righteous. Right now, it's a tie.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.

You should VERY much care about random black men stopped on the street by CNN who say the Democrats should leave Trump alone.

Al is not my concern. I also have no use for Al since its in the Bible Belt. I do not plan on ever moving to Al or MS.
You're adorable. Pathetic, but adorable.
I don't think any of these cats have considered what will happen if a Dem IS elected in 2020. They have lowered the bar--WAY lowered the bar. Do you think they believe we will just go back to singing "Hail to the Chief" when their president walks on the stage?? HA! Think again, idiots. What goes around, COMES around. We have the Supreme Court now and LOTS and lots of judges....

That can be fixed... Once we have the White House and Senate back, we just stack the judiciary...

SCOTUS would look nice with 11 justices...
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won. So I think on that one I trump you.” - President Barrack Obama, 2009

As much as I dislike Trump, and that's a whole lot of dislike, it's funny as fuck that you and your ilk so quickly forgot Mr. Obama's little idiom three years ago. It's even funnier that you remember it now when you think it may serve your narrative.

I'm not sure who is more pathetic. People like you, or the mindless Trump sycophants who think he can do know wrong and all that he has done is right and righteous. Right now, it's a tie.

Here's the underlying problem with that. Obama won a legitimate election, with a clear mandate.

Trump lost the popular vote, his "win" has more hair on it than a meatball rolling through a Cat-Lady's parlor...

All that said, if Trump had made an effort to work with people, he probably wouldn't be in the trouble he is in today. Bush won under similar circumstances, but still worked across the Aisle through a war and two recessions. Trump can't even play America on "Easy" mode.
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won. So I think on that one I trump you.” - President Barrack Obama, 2009

As much as I dislike Trump, and that's a whole lot of dislike, it's funny as fuck that you and your ilk so quickly forgot Mr. Obama's little idiom three years ago. It's even funnier that you remember it now when you think it may serve your narrative.

I'm not sure who is more pathetic. People like you, or the mindless Trump sycophants who think he can do know wrong and all that he has done is right and righteous. Right now, it's a tie.

Here's the underlying problem with that. Obama won a legitimate election, with a clear mandate.

Trump lost the popular vote, his "win" has more hair on it than a meatball rolling through a Cat-Lady's parlor...

All that said, if Trump had made an effort to work with people, he probably wouldn't be in the trouble he is in today. Bush won under similar circumstances, but still worked across the Aisle through a war and two recessions. Trump can't even play America on "Easy" mode.

You lost. Time to accept the outcome of the election.

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