election poll: H.Clinton or Trump

of these two, for whom would you vote

  • HClinton

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • DTrump

    Votes: 17 50.0%
  • I would not vote if they're the only choice

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i like polls, even informal ones like this. for the next few Mondays i'd like to take this board's political temperature .

i'll start with the two front runners and work my way down. poll will be open for a week.

i'll save them as we go and make a spiffy graph. i'm curious how these polls will square with the mainstream media.

feel free to comment as well. this is going to be a great election, i think more people will get involved, than ever before, at least that's my hope. thanks to those who participate.
Trump......lesser of evils...........don't trust him.........

So call it a vote against Hillary.
Trump's unstable...on his feet. He's old. Too old. He's the oldest Republican candidate, by far. The only other candidate of either side who is older is Sanders.

His legs are so atrophied, he can barely walk. That's why he whined about the three hour debate. He gets around in an electric cart because a scooter would be too obvious. He would barely live one term, certainly not two. He's going to need his $4 billion for life support machines.


I will Make America Great Again like you wouldn't believe.
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Trump......lesser of evils...........don't trust him.........

So call it a vote against Hillary.
Yeah, that's exactly how we keep getting more and more evil choices, because dipshits keep picking the lesser of two.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil.
It's all moot. The stupid, stupid, stupid Republicans are in awe of a megalomaniacal ex-surgeon who thinks he can take the leap from a tiny operating room in Maryland to ISIS, Putin and beyond. The sheer fucking stupidity of the Republicans is going to force me to vote for Hillary, and I cannot stand her. Thanks, you bunch of idiots.
It's all moot. The stupid, stupid, stupid Republicans are in awe of a megalomaniacal ex-surgeon who thinks he can take the leap from a tiny operating room in Maryland to ISIS, Putin and beyond. The sheer fucking stupidity of the Republicans is going to force me to vote for Hillary, and I cannot stand her. Thanks, you bunch of idiots.
I simply do not understand this illogic.

"I hate arsenic so much I am forced to drink this bleach."
Make the bastards EARN your vote. Boycotts work.

Two-thirds of eligible voters stayed home the last election. The country is ripe for a new major party. A sane one.

When you vote for one of these evil motherfuckers, you are telling them they are doing something right. THINK ABOUT THAT.
Trump......lesser of evils...........don't trust him.........

So call it a vote against Hillary.
Yeah, that's exactly how we keep getting more and more evil choices, because dipshits keep picking the lesser of two.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil.
So we sit home and allow the greater of two evils to win. No chance of that.
It's all moot. The stupid, stupid, stupid Republicans are in awe of a megalomaniacal ex-surgeon who thinks he can take the leap from a tiny operating room in Maryland to ISIS, Putin and beyond. The sheer fucking stupidity of the Republicans is going to force me to vote for Hillary, and I cannot stand her. Thanks, you bunch of idiots.
Baloney.............you'd vote for her anyway................Tell the GOP candidate you'd vote for.
i like polls, even informal ones like this. for the next few Mondays i'd like to take this board's political temperature .

i'll start with the two front runners and work my way down. poll will be open for a week.

i'll save them as we go and make a spiffy graph. i'm curious how these polls will square with the mainstream media.

feel free to comment as well. this is going to be a great election, i think more people will get involved, than ever before, at least that's my hope. thanks to those who participate.

I can't stand either one but given only those two as a choice, Trump is by far the lesser evil.
Trump's unstable...on his feet. He's old. Too old. He's the oldest Republican candidate, by far. The only other candidate of either side who is older is Sanders.

His legs are so atrophied, he can barely walk. That's why he whined about the three hour debate. He gets around in an electric cart because a scooter would be too obvious. He would barely live one term, certainly not two. He's going to need his $4 billion for life support machines.


I will Make America Great Again like you wouldn't believe.
FDR :) ? the dems cands aren't old ??

you aren't going to score many points with the libs with that line.
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Trump will win in a cakewalk.

He's tapping into an anti-incumbent sentiment that is far beyond what anyone imagined.

People are fed up with incompetent bureaucrats....

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