Election 2020 Challenges -- Pennsylvania


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Use this thread to organize all the news and discussion on a state-wide basis for states still in contention..
It's VOLUNTARY.. But we'll get better discussions if all the facts and evidence, rumors and conspiracies don't all get mixed up.. These sticky threads will be here for 30 days and then left to float..

Republicans haven't actually produced anything at all in PA thus far.

What’s Up With Pennsylvania Republicans’ Latest Supreme Court Move
When is a lawsuit just a very expensive press release? Republicans have spent the past few days questioning the legality of the presidential election — even though, as I’ve mentioned several times on this live blog, the Trump campaign hasn’t yet produced actual evidence of wrongdoing, or proof that “illegal” ballots are being included in the count.​
The latest notable legal maneuver came this afternoon, when Pennsylvania Republicans asked the Supreme Court to order Pennsylvania counties to segregate ballots that arrive after Election Day and refrain from counting them until the legal questions surrounding the deadline have been resolved.​
Upon reading that, those of you who have followed the election litigation closely might have a bit of déjà vu. Pennsylvania’s secretary of state has already directed county election officials to set aside the late-arriving ballots (which are still valid under a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling) to be counted later. (This batch of ballots does not appear to be very large.) In their emergency application to the Supreme Court, Pennsylvania Republicans expressed concern that some counties might not be following the secretary of state’s orders because they hadn’t confirmed that they were adhering to the procedure, but didn’t offer any evidence that the guidance was actually being flouted.​
This is just the latest in a stream of legal actions from the Trump campaign and Republicans that allege election misconduct without providing concrete proof that something illegal has happened. In a statement earlier today, Trump declared that “illegal ballots should not be counted.” But there’s no evidence that’s actually happening. The legal arguments that have been made in that direction either haven’t been convincing to judges, or — like this one — seem highly unlikely to affect the election in ways that could change the outcome. And so far, the litigation hasn’t stopped or even meaningfully slowed the vote count in key states — much less called the totals into question.​

Quick turnaround from the Supreme Court, which has just granted the Pennsylvania GOP’s request to instruct county election boards to segregate mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day. This order was probably made easier by the fact that, as Amelia noted earlier, the Pennsylvania secretary of state had already directed counties to do this. In his order, Justice Samuel Alito did not order counties to stop counting these ballots, which was also part of the initial request this afternoon. Pennsylvania’s secretary of state has said that there aren’t enough of these late-arriving ballots to affect the final outcome of the presidential race in Pennsylvania.​

For those of you claiming election fraud doesn't exist-- Philadelphia is a good place to start.. It's not always the VOTERS that are commiting the frauds..

The Justice Department announced Thursday that a former Pennsylvania election official was convicted of accepting $2,500 in bribes to stuff ballots for three Democratic candidates for Common Pleas Court judge in Philadelphia.

Domenick J. Demuro pled guilty in March to the charges in a filing that was unsealed Thursday, the DOJ said. He admitted to being directed by an unnamed political consultant to inflate votes for “clients and preferred candidates” in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primaries in exchange for “money and other things of value.” While he only cast 27 fraudulent ballots in the 2014 election, 40 votes in May 2015, and 46 in 2016, election results showed that the numbers accounted for over 22 percent of the total votes cast from Demuro’s voting location in 2014, over 15 percent in 2015, and over 17 percent in 2016.

One of the city's largest cases of fraud was in 1993, when a federal judge had to overturn the results of a state senate election after it was concluded that Democrats had forged hundreds of absentee ballots.

In 2017, the city had a case of fraud during a special election for a statehouse seat. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro charged polling-place workers in one location with intimidating voters, casting fake ballots and falsely certifying results.

The GOP has seen mixed success on legal claims in Pennsylvania. It has secured a favorable ruling about poll-observer access and obtained an interim order Friday that holds certain provisional ballots separate for now. These cases, however, are likely too small in scope to affect large numbers of votes.​
Mr. Trump and his supporters have placed faith in the pending appeal at the Supreme Court that challenges Pennsylvania’s three-day extension for accepting ballots postmarked by Election Day. But later-arriving ballots haven’t been large in number so far, while the current vote count is trending toward Mr. Biden even without them. Both of those factors could leave any high court case with little practical consequence.​

A person claiming fraud has recanted his accusations under oath.
A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations, according to three people briefed on the investigation and a statement from a House congressional committee. ...​
Hopkins, 32, told investigators from the U.S. Postal Service’s Office of Inspector General that the allegations were not true, and he signed an affidavit recanting his claims, according to the people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe an ongoing investigation. Democrats on the House Oversight Committee tweeted late Tuesday that the “whistleblower completely RECANTED.”​

Judge orders Pennsylvania to stop counting segregated late ballots

This is a crucial victory for the Trump campaign.

November 12, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar “lacked statutory authority” to direct state election officials to count mail-in ballots even if they did not receive proof of identification by November 9, President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt of Pennsylvania ruled Thursday in a victory for the Trump campaign’s legal campaign to prevent the state from being certified for Democrat nominee Joe Biden.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled before the election that election officials in Pennsylvania (as well as North Carolina) could accept absentee ballots for up to three days after the election, though the court also ruled several days later that all ballots that would arrive beyond the legal deadline be segregated and counted separately, in response to a lawsuit by state Republicans to stop a last-minute rule change by Boockvar that allowed the ballots to be counted and co-mingled with ballots that had arrived on time.
But on Thursday, Leavitt ruled that the Secretary of the Commonwealth “lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance to Respondents County Boards of Elections insofar as that guidance purported to change the deadline [...] for certain electors to verify proof of identification.”
“Accordingly, the Court hereby ORDERS that Respondents County Boards of Elections are enjoined from counting any ballots that have been segregated” pursuant to the court’s previous order on the matter.
Most national news networks have called the race for Biden, but no election results have been certified yet. Recounts are pending in Georgia and likely in Wisconsin and potentially additional states, and the Trump campaign is pursuing challenges based on evidence of possible fraud in several states including Michigan, Nevada, and another Pennsylvania dispute over allowing its campaign workers to observe the vote counting.


Those numbers appear small. Election Day Trump held a substantial lead over Biden. Besides that, without witnesses who’s to say ballots received after Nov. 3rd were segregated?
Lousy OMS/DSA commies kill babies in the womb so it’s easy for them to lie, cheat and steal.

10,000 Pennsylvania votes are in limbo. They won’t change the outcome. They could still have a huge impact.
by Jonathan Lai, Posted: December 20, 2020- 5:00 AM
Not sure about the information .It claims to be from a Philadelphia news paper. I couldn't get the whole article .I would had to pay for a subscription. Its called the Inquirer.

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