Elderly woman dies because nurse refused to give CPR

So she was only hired to be a consultant and it is against state mandate to provide medical care at an independent living facility...
Glenwood Gardens in the national spotlight | KGET TV 17

Why are we still talking about this?
I figured her hands were tied if it was independent living. Story over. She did all she could, and that was call 911.

Good point. This refutes Katz's position regarding liability case closed
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We'll find out because the police have instituted a criminal investigation into the nurses conduct.

California nurse refuses to give CPR to dying woman | World news | guardian.co.uk

It's all over the local news this morning. This nurse is going to find herself behind bars before this is over.

From your link:

State officials did not know on Monday whether the woman who talked to the emergency dispatcher was a nurse, or just identified herself as one during the call. She said one of the home's policies prevented her from doing CPR, according to an audio recording of the call.

"The consensus is if they are a nurse and if they are at work as a nurse, then they should be offering the appropriate medical care," said Russ Heimerich, spokesman for the California board of registered nursing, which licenses healthcare providers.
So she was only hired to be a consultant and it is against state mandate to provide medical care at an independent living facility...
Glenwood Gardens in the national spotlight | KGET TV 17

Why are we still talking about this?
I figured her hands were tied if it was independent living. Story over. She did all she could, and that was call 911.

I did a search and there are 14 RNs in Kern County
as 911 pleaded that they should.

Elderly Woman Dies After Nurse Refuses to Give Her CPR - Yahoo! News

welcome to the new america

"it's not my problem"

Elderly woman dies because nurse refused to give CPR

That shit costs money. Quit whining. There is no reason to think that elderly living in assisted living housing might need some medical attention from time to time. It all breaks down to the REAL reason for putting grandma in a home. I know...some of you think it's to protect the old bag from falling down and not getting help. NOPE! It's so junior can get power of attourney and sell the home. Junior was just doing it because the old hag might have fallen down and hurt herself. These things all work out for the best.
Well, looks like she got her wishes considered...
Family: Woman denied CPR wanted no intervention
Mar 5,`13 -- The company whose employee refused to administer CPR to a dying woman said Tuesday that the employee wrongly interpreted its policy. But the elderly woman's family said she would not have wanted life-prolonging aid.
The family's statement to the Associated Press absolving an elder care home of blame came less than 1 1/2 hours before the company issued a statement saying the employee's failure to heed a 911 dispatcher's was the result of a misunderstanding of the company's emergency medical practices. The developments were the latest twist in a controversy following release of a 911 tape that recounts a dramatic 7-minute conversation on Feb. 26 between a dispatcher and a nurse who refused to cooperate with pleas for someone to start CPR as firefighters sped to the scene. The dispatcher insisted that the woman who identified herself as a nurse perform CPR or find someone willing to do it. Lorraine Bayless, an 87-year-old resident of Glenwood Gardens independent living home, later died.

Bayless' family said she was aware that Glenwood Gardens did not offer trained medical staff, yet opted to live there anyway. "It was our beloved mother and grandmother's wish to die naturally and without any kind of life prolonging intervention," said the statement. "We understand that the 911 tape of this event has caused concern, but our family knows that mom had full knowledge of the limitations of Glenwood Gardens and is at peace." The home's parent company, Brookdale Senior Living, later said, "This incident resulted from a complete misunderstanding of our practice with regards to emergency medical care for our residents. Glenwood Gardens is conducting a full internal investigation." The company said the employee was on voluntary leave during the process.

City fire officials say Bayless did not have a "do not resuscitate" order on file at the home. The family and the company have not commented.

^well, there you go. The old woman wanted to go when her time was up, and she did.
Now let this woman get back to work.
The 911 operator commanded her to do CPR or find someone that could. To those who say George Zimmerman should have followed the command of 911, is this woman guilty of a crime too?

A crime? No.

Will this nursing home end up paying millions of dollars to this woman's family? Probably. (EDIT) but looking at the statement Walkty provided, it seems like she chose this nursing home and the family isn't holding them to blame.

So this is another case of Wingnuts trying to interpolate ObamaCare as going to kill us all and failing- again.
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According to the news last night, Glenwood Gardens has already rolled on the nurse. She is on voluntary unpaid administrative leave pending an internal investigation. She misinterpreted the policy. The police have instituted a criminal investigation as to whether the nurse was criminally culpable. The policy itself is being reviewed by the state Attorney General's office.

What happened was this woman called 911. It wasn't a case of letting the old lady go. They called 911, while she was still breathing. The assumption is, if someone calls 911 the intention is to save the life not thereafter abandon the effort. It doesn't matter what the family thinks because they certainly aren't the only ones affected. Next time it could be someone who received a serious cut and the 911 operator says "Put pressure on the wound". A misguided member of the staff says "No our policy is to let them bleed to death".

Had no one called 911, the woman would have eventually stopped breathing, be declared dead, the family would have thanked the facility for their efforts and none of this would have happened.
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We'll find out because the police have instituted a criminal investigation into the nurses conduct.

California nurse refuses to give CPR to dying woman | World news | guardian.co.uk

It's all over the local news this morning. This nurse is going to find herself behind bars before this is over.

Wait so police are investigating and you're assuming she will be behind bars? Tell me how did you come to this well thought out conclusion?

From the facts, this is manslaughter. If this woman was a nurse she would now be in the process of losing her license.

Is CPR considered medical care or ordinary care? The dispatcher intended to give anyone on the street, instructions on how to perform CPR it doesn't take trained medical personnel. Once 911 was called it was an undertaking to provide some kind of assistance. As an employee of the facility, the nurse or whatever she was, had a duty to provide some level of service. After calling 911, the employee abandoned that duty and refused to follow the instructions of the dispatcher. Not only did the nurse or whoever she was refuse to give CPR, she refused to follow instructions or find someone who was willing to give CPR by following the dispatcher's instructions.
I think people need to learn the difference between independent living and a nursing home.
First off her DNR status could have been posted in her room, therefore not on file with the facility. With it being independent I am going with residents keeping it in their room.
If she was still breathing when she called, she wasn't suppose to provide CPR.
This lady won't be put behind bars, and to say what she did was manslaughter is stupid.
I think people need to learn the difference between independent living and a nursing home.
First off her DNR status could have been posted in her room, therefore not on file with the facility. With it being independent I am going with residents keeping it in their room.
If she was still breathing when she called, she wasn't suppose to provide CPR.
This lady won't be put behind bars, and to say what she did was manslaughter is stupid.

Listen to the 911 tape. The woman was breathing, but not enough. The nurse can clearly be heard saying "she took three breaths" and the dispatcher saying "That's not enough."

What it does mean is that the woman needed help breathing.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure, performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person in cardiac arrest. It is indicated in those who are unresponsive with no breathing or abnormal breathing, for example, agonal respirations.
At the very least, this kind of case is going to force a change in the policies of these kinds of facilities. This is the very kind of case that is capable of repetition and next time the family might not be so understanding.
sounds like the old lady got what she wanted. she wanted to die a natural death. she did
There is not a difference!

You are not legally obligated to do as a 911 operator says.

Police are not even legally obligated to protect you. You can call 911 & they or the police could go take a nap while you are raped & you can't sue them.

Is too!

I suppose you can show us the law that says we have to follow 911 operators orders? How about some court cases?

uscitizen can't show us because there are no such laws or cases & he is full of shit.

I suppose you can show us the law that says we have to follow 911 operators orders? How about some court cases?

uscitizen can't show us because there are no such laws or cases & he is full of shit.

Let's try a dab of comon decency. If you believe that woman lying there on the floor did not want any assistance and wished to die then there is nothing to discuss. If anyone thinks that she wanted to live longer then the nurse should be prosecuted for neglect and 2nd degree murder.

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