
I find that private and religious schools dont have a retention problem? The teachers there dont get paid as much as a public indoctrination educator, could it be that the private/religious teachers have the school board protecting their backs along with parent participation since they have to pay out of pocket? You betcha. That is why those schools put out a much better quality student also. Parent participation.

And your sad face is why i think you are a Marxist. Facts...all three of my kids have gone to private school, graduated with honors. The teachers there were paid good money, but they did work for the kids, not just a paycheck, and benefits that the UNIONS bartered for them. Also, private and religious schools stayed open during the Kung Flu, again for the children not the workers of UNIONS.
That's true, to an extent.

As I stated in other posts like this, not all people who become teachers, become teachers for the reasons you think. And like the positions of Doctor, Nurse, and Priest/Rabbi/Preacher/etc.. get immediately put on exalted pedestals, and a LOT of these people are not all altruistic with these positions.

More often than not, as the stories have been coming to light the past few years, MANY of these "teachers" have become "teachers" to CONVERT YOUR KIDS to THEIR ways! Regardless of that way being a sex toy for a pedophile "teacher", a punching bag for a "teachers" personal abuse, or just getting a paycheck for sitting at the head of a class and doing nothing. If anything at all, the videos these people have put on TikTok over the past few years is absolute proof of that.

Like any job, like any employee anywhere you have to deal with, you have to take these people on their personal abilities, morals (if they have any), knowledge, and capability to actually teach another human being.........NOT basing everything on the misconception of them just being a Teacher.
I pity you
I find that private and religious schools dont have a retention problem? The teachers there dont get paid as much as a public indoctrination educator, could it be that the private/religious teachers have the school board protecting their backs along with parent participation since they have to pay out of pocket? You betcha. That is why those schools put out a much better quality student also. Parent participation.
The "better" results are because private schools pick and choose which students to accept in the first place.
The "better" results are because private schools pick and choose which students to accept in the first place.
Pick and choose? Bwaahhaaaaa....If funding for schools werent FORCED upon people, but were allowed to choose which school they could send their children to, and have the funds from property taxes to pay for it, you bet all the parents right now would bust up the teachers union, by NOT sending their kids to public schools...
Yes, pick and choose. Private schools don't have to accept everyone who walks through the door. Public schools do.
And that is why children of public schools fail. Because the teachers know that they will get paid whether they do a good job or not, they are protected by the unions. Now stop before you really make yourself look like a Marxist.

And that is why children of public schools fail. Because the teachers know that they will get paid whether they do a good job or not, they are protected by the unions. Now stop before you really make yourself look like a Marxist.
Your ridiculous comments are entirely unrelated to my post that you quoted. Why bother to quote in the first place?
Your ridiculous comments are entirely unrelated to my post that you quoted. Why bother to quote in the first place?
Because it is true. And you dont like it. Just like you dont like it when i talk about Anchor babies. The 14th amendment was for children of slaves, because their parents werent national born, so the Republicans had to create a law to provide citizenship to the freeborn. Since we no longer have slaves(unless they are Democrat voters) the 14th amendment is no longer needed, because it is being abused by diseased illegals who wait until they set foot into the US and then drop anchor, especially in our emergency rooms where they get free services and the rest of us have to pick up the tab. Shame you are too stupid, not to see this. You job loyalty and union pay, keeps you blind to the problem.
And you are a reason why millions of illegals are crossing our southern border right now. You condone such actions, because you love them ANCHORS.
There is no such thing as an "anchor baby," and I most certainly do NOT condone illegal immigration.
While I don't like such tangents, to deny that there is any such thing as an "anchor baby" is preposterous. We all know what it is, but it is less well known why the U.S. (one of only two or three countries in the world) is stuck with this absurd policy, when the legislative history of the 14th Amendment is totally opposed to the concept.

Lefties LOVE the Anchor Baby phenomenon because it works to their advantage. But it is anti-Constitutional, as everyone familiar with the facts is aware.
May I tangent back to the subject of the OP? Education?

Back when I was a little whippersnapper (which word dates me, I'm sure), the parochial school that I attended separated the students by some combination of intelligence and performance. The "good" students were in one group; the average students were in the second group; everyone else was in the third group. We only had enough students for three 40-student classes in each grade.

In my Catholic HS - all boys, if you please - the same philosophy prevailed. The students were separated into classes by some magic combination of ability and proficiency. These gradations affected the teachers, the teaching methods, the homework, and even the textbooks. For illustration, the "smart" kids did their own experiments in the Chem Lab, while the other kids sat at their desks while the teacher performed and explained the experiments. (For Information, our tuition in 1965 was $150/yr).

Virtually everyone in my HS went on to some form of higher education, 75% going to college. Our in-school attrition was minimal. We started with 400 in our class and graduated 375 (with no transfers-in). Behavior problems were nipped in the bud, so to speak. We had two large, ex-Marine officials whose title was "Prefect of Discipline." When any problem came up, the boy or boys were referred to the Prefect's office for "correction." And that was that.

So my question is, why can't this model be used in PUBLIC schools? If the real answer is "Don't want to piss-off the POC's," why must this insanity prevail? If 80% of the students would benefit by being taught alongside kids with comparable abilities. And further, is it not clear that separating boys and girls would be beneficial to all, and mostly to boys?

I defer to those with better understanding than I have, but why can't this philosophy be adopted?
What's your opinion about Brown v Board of Education?
As it should be. why should we bother with the ghetto hoodrats who'll only wind up slamming their 40s with their pants all the way down to the ankles smoking crack? They aren't worth my tax dollars.
Who the fuck are you to determine someone else's future based on what neighborhood they live in? Who the fuck are you to proclaim that some kids don't deserve an opportunity based on YOUR fucking bigotry?

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