Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Because you're bigoted over a book of fiction, which is retarded.
And you believe that the bible is true, so prove it.

Can you prove that it IS a book of fiction?

You can't prove:
A talking snake made a rib-woman eat magic fruit
A dysfunctional family gathered 2 of EVERY animal on earth to put on a boat
The parting of the sea.
Person turning to salt.
The world being made in 6 days.
All of Jesus' miracles
The resurrection.
The burnibg bush
The actual 10 commandments.

That enough to make it a work of fiction??

Can you prove that it did not happen? After all, science concurs with the "order" of creation.
I can believe that the earth was created in six days (length according to the Lord). His time is not the same as our time.
It was a serpent, that could apparently walk "upright" for its curse was to crawl on its belly, afterwards. And there are "myths" from almost every culture of a time that animals could speak.

You are thinking in terms of man. These feats were done by the Lord. If men were empowered by Him to do these things, it was as an example to the arrogant, proud, and selfish rulers of sinful nations.]
What culture came up with anything close to the ten Commandments? Before this, when laws were written, the laws were different for different classes of people and for different tribes/races. It was a totally new concept, that the same laws apply to every person, including the rulers.

Because something is "hard" to believe, does not make it fiction: take Calculus.
That doesn't even make any sense..."bigoted over a work of fiction".

Please return to school and take remedial English. Then, when you have a nominal grasp of the language, you get to prove that there is bigotry involved, exactly what form it takes ( isn't "bigoted" to say "gay people are not genetically formed as homosexuals". Sorry. Look up the words if you don't understand them.) and then point out specifically how that so called bigotry is connected to any falsehood in the bible.

What you will find is that the bigotry you attribute to believers isn't bigotry at all. It's a difference of opinion. Though I doubt you have the ability to get that far in your analysis of the situation, given your limited command of the language.

The bible says that homosexuality is a sin against god. Since God is unprovable and unknowable (as of today), the claim of it being a sin against God is false. You cannot know what a God might want since you don't know if one exists at all.

This thread is about what "is" in the Bible. If you want to start a thread about how you, in all your wisdom, choose to believe (that is faith) the Bible is fiction, please do so. Otherwise, show where it says in the Bible that homosexual acts are not sinful.
The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.
So when Yeshua said that perversity/lewdness/immoral sex (along with other sins) were sins, you with your "godly" authority say that Yeshua was not talking about homosexuality, even thought homosexual acts would clearly be included in those sinful acts? There you go again, trying to "speak" for the Lord. Why not tell people to read the gospels for themselves to see what Yeshua thought? Why do you continue to encourage people to sin, by deceiving them into thinking particular sinful behaviors are not mentioned?
The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.

And thankfully you're part of a growing majority of christians.

The ones on here condemning them to hell, as if somehow the sins of a gay person are worse than the sins of a straight person, are the part of a dying minority.

As time goes on, they'll be weeded out.


WE ARE NOT SAYING THAT OUR SINS ARE LESS THAN HOMOSEXUALS' SINS. WE ARE SAYING: DO NOT DECLARE SINS AS NON-SINS. YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT AUTHORITY! We will be in the line of sinners to be judged with homosexuals. We will not get to "skip" our punishment. We will not be held up as great examples. We will be fellow sinners, and will have to answer to the Lord, as the rest of the sinners, will.

BTW: the Lord is a "just" Lord. Punishment for sins, does not necessarily mean that you are going to hell. From my tiny, little, understanding of what is in the book of Revelations, hell, will be reserved for those that side with the great deceiver, Satan, or those that curse the Lord. They will kneel before the Lord and be given a chance to speak for themselves, but instead of asking for mercy, they will curse the Lord for their lives and their existence.
The "you can't prove" argument goes both ways concerning religion which is a belief.
No on can prove that the Jewish religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove that the Christian religion is wrong with their beliefs.
No one can prove the Spaghetti monster in the sky religion is wrong with their beliefs.
Why? Because religion is based on BELIEFS, not proof.
Folks are killing each other the world now because of "my religion is the only way to heaven" belief.
Christians have pretty much quit doing that many years ago but our beliefs need NO proof.
I need no proof to be a Christian. Those that do and require a book that cites old JEWISH laws as their commands do not have much faith in their relationship with CHRIST, a man that NEVER said a word about homosexuals.
Christianity is to be CHRISTLIKE. Folks can believe what they want as the Christian religion has many denominations.
But until I find something, anything, anyplace, somewhere where Jesus condemned homosexuals as sinners it does not exist. I follow Christ, NOT old Jewish laws.

And thankfully you're part of a growing majority of christians.

The ones on here condemning them to hell, as if somehow the sins of a gay person are worse than the sins of a straight person, are the part of a dying minority.

As time goes on, they'll be weeded out.

Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

Tell then to read Proverbs. The deceit is exposed.
And thankfully you're part of a growing majority of christians.

The ones on here condemning them to hell, as if somehow the sins of a gay person are worse than the sins of a straight person, are the part of a dying minority.

As time goes on, they'll be weeded out.

Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.
Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.
God said don't judge. Shut up, bitch.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.

Hey stupid..........this is from a web site ran by theological scholars, who I'm pretty sure understand what's in the Bible better than you.........

* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home

Try again you bigoted asshole.
Plus, every picture of jesus makes him look gay. Mebbe that's because he only hung around with guys, never had a girlfriend, only fucked a woman once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), dressed like a girl and rode a donkey (a known gay ride).
Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.

Christ never mentions homosexuality, so your idea of christ-like has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible.

If we're going by Old Testament rules for what immoral sex is, than anyone who has oral sex, and any man who has sex with his hand, is having immoral sex and is not "Christ-like" in your view if your views are consistent.

But of course your views aren't consistent, in your view gays have to live by crazy Old Testament laws, and straights don't.
GOD never sentence anyone to death for eating shellfish but he did say "men who lie with men are deserving of death." He did not even sentence Cain to death for murdering his brother. He did sentence Annaias to death for LYING.
And I he said do not judge those by what they eat.

Col 2;16

New International Version (©1984)
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
New Living Translation (©2007)
So don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.
New International Version (©1984)
But now that you know God--or rather are known by God--how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?
New Living Translation (©2007)
So now that you know God (or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world?

Laws regarding eating was given ONLY to the Israel, ancient Isreael and do not even apply today to Jews. When Jesus came and the old covenant are replaced with the new covenant and Jews made the choice not to accept Christ and thus not accepting the new covenant. Resulting in their being rejected by GOD.

Land of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
New International Version (©1984)
But now that you know God--or rather are known by God--how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?
New Living Translation (©2007)
So now that you know God (or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world?

Laws regarding eating was given ONLY to the Israel, ancient Isreael and do not even apply today to Jews. When Jesus came and the old covenant are replaced with the new covenant and Jews made the choice not to accept Christ and thus not accepting the new covenant. Resulting in their being rejected by GOD.

Land of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know about as much about the Judaic religion as you do about everything else......

Which is to say you know nothing Big Ol Bitch.
You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex.

Well, now, wait a minute. Remember this is the guy who hung out with prostitutes, and famously stopped an adultress from being punished. Sure, he told her "go and sin no more," but it's clear he had a soft spot for those whose only transgressions involved carnal pleasures. He reserved the big guns for self-righteous religious hypocrites and greedy money-changers.

And then there's the fact that in the Gospel of John, the author is continually referred to as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." Hmm. Remember that it was written in Greek. And we know about those ancient Greeks. So when the text singles out some young guy as the disciple Jesus "loved," the implication of a homosexual relationship would be clearly understood.

Seems to me that in order to be Christlike in every way, one would almost HAVE to live a lifestyle of immoral sex. ;)
Our church has doubled in the last 4 years. Not saying we are any better than the others and not saying they are wrong. They are the ones pointing fingers and telling us WE are wrong as they watch their members leave the door by the masses headed to another church.
One of my football coaches told me years ago "you can not fool the kids" as he ran my tail off for not knowing my play book after a few practices. That stuck and that is what is going on. Our youth see that their gay and lesbian neighbors are just as good and equal as them and they do not believe Jesus condemned them.
They are following Christ. Not old Jewish law.

I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.

Who determines what is "perverse", "lewd", or immoral when it comes to sex? Are you talking the puritanical values of the Christian right, or are you talking about the values that Hindus share in the Karma Sutra?

Or would you prefer Puritan values?

Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) was asked once what was the greatest Commandment? Know what His reply was? "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God".

Incidentally, gender wasn't specified.

Additionally, there is NO WHERE AT ALL in the NT where it specifically quotes Yeshua as condemning homosexuals.
I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.
God said don't judge. Shut up, bitch.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

I have no power to judge. I am telling you what the Bible says (the subject of this thread). I can tell you searched the Bible for your response. Thank you for being so rational.
I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.

Hey stupid..........this is from a web site ran by theological scholars, who I'm pretty sure understand what's in the Bible better than you.........

* Of 32,000 verses in the Bible, only five directly mention homosexuality.
* The Qur'an only directly mentions homosexuality once.
* Leviticus, the book of the Bible which stipulates death for homosexuality, requires the same punishment for adultery, pre-marital sex, disobedient children and blasphemy.
* The Biblical Jesus does not condemn homosexuality.
* The destruction of the Biblical city of Sodom was due to their mistreatment of strangers.
* The Bible never condemns same sex marriage.
* The Biblical David and Jonathan had a formal same-sex union.
* 'Traditional marriage' in the Bible includes polygamy.
* No known sacred text forbids same sex marriage.
* Very few sacred texts even mention homosexuality.
* Hindu and other far eastern sacred texts do not condemn homosexuality.
* Homosexuality is not unnatural, it is practised by hundreds of species of animals.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home

Try again you bigoted asshole.

Ummm, ..... didn't we go thru this before? You chose not to respond when I asked you if it meant that Saul was having an affair with David when he gave David his (Saul's) clothes (befor the fight with Goliath). I posted the entire passage once, and the parts surrounding your Chapter and verses, another time, yet you had no response. So now, do you think I have forgotten how easy it was to point out this man's info is WRONG?

Yeshua states that "immoral sex, lewdness, and perversity are sins, along with murder and other sins. I know, "he didn't say 'homosexuality'", just the same, it is covered there whether you choose to deny it or not.

Again, if you want to call me bigoted, please provide a better way to live. If you want to go with far eastern religions, please list the country where the majority live in "freedom and liberty" under that religion.

As for calling me an asshole, I guess that means you are down to repeating yourself like a grade school kid, because you have no rational thoughts to state. It is a shame, because some times, I think you have the Holy Spirit with you.
I'm glad your church is growing, the majority of gays are christian. Gay christians for the most part are doing the same thing straight christians are, trying to be as christ-like as they can and follow his teachings.

And as we've said, none of those teachings even hint at the idea of having any marginal issue with being gay.

You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex. Either you are being deceived or you are deceiving.

Christ never mentions homosexuality, so your idea of christ-like has absolutely nothing to do with the Bible.

If we're going by Old Testament rules for what immoral sex is, than anyone who has oral sex, and any man who has sex with his hand, is having immoral sex and is not "Christ-like" in your view if your views are consistent.

But of course your views aren't consistent, in your view gays have to live by crazy Old Testament laws, and straights don't.

Excuse me?????? Are you saying that our Savior chose to live a life of immoral sex, lewdness, and perversity??????? Grow up, the Savior lived as an absolute model of the Lord's love, not a depraved, sinful "man". Since the Savior didn't speak English, there are a LOT of things that He never said ...... (read DIPSHIT here).
Since you are perfectly comfortable listing immoral sexual techniques, it is obvious that it is clear to you that homosexual sex IS immoral sex.

Please, try to keep up, I am really tired of repeating this: homosexual acts are sinful.

NOTICE: I did not condemn homosexuals, not even those that practice homosexual acts. I did not state that adultery was not a sin. I did not state that living together (having immoral sex) was not a sin. I did not say that casual sex (having immoral sex) was not a sin.

I simply pointed out that homosexual acts are sinful. Just as I have my faults and commit sins, if a person does homosexual acts, they also, commit sin.

I am not saying their sin is any worse than the sins I commit. I am not saying that I am any better than a person that commits homosexual acts. I am just saying that they are sinning.

The Lord gave them the ability to reason. If they choose to reason that the Lord will forgive them for their acts, that is up to them. I have no problem with that.

I have a problem with people bearing false witness against what the Lord has declared sinful, with no authority. They are deliberately leading people astray, where they will be vulnerable to other evils. They know it and they are doing it on purpose.
You cannot be "Christ-like" if you choose to live a lifestyle of perversity/lewdness/immoral sex.

Well, now, wait a minute. Remember this is the guy who hung out with prostitutes, and famously stopped an adultress from being punished. Sure, he told her "go and sin no more," but it's clear he had a soft spot for those whose only transgressions involved carnal pleasures. He reserved the big guns for self-righteous religious hypocrites and greedy money-changers.

And then there's the fact that in the Gospel of John, the author is continually referred to as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." Hmm. Remember that it was written in Greek. And we know about those ancient Greeks. So when the text singles out some young guy as the disciple Jesus "loved," the implication of a homosexual relationship would be clearly understood.

Seems to me that in order to be Christlike in every way, one would almost HAVE to live a lifestyle of immoral sex. ;)

Yeshua ate with the "unholy". When He was questioned, He explained that those sinners needed Him more than those that believed in the Lord. He did not "do" sinful things with them. He forgave them and encouraged them to turn from their evil ways. He also went to see the "unclean" those with leporsy, according to your logic, He was "unclean" too (though if that was true, He would not have been welcomed into Jerusalem). The Lord knew that those that desired "carnal pleasures" were really searching for the Lord's love and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He showed them how to reach the Lord (the Lord's prayer), and how to overcome worldy temptations (that pretty much implies that He was not involved in worldly temptations for He had been in the presence of His Father, and desired nothing more than to join His Father again).

The Greeks were pretty clear about homosexual relationships. No where in the Bible does it say there was a homosexual relationship with Yeshua. Bearing false witness to lead others astray?????
Well yeah the same is true of pork, but that rule has been repealed, the rule against homosexuality has not been repealed. How do we know? Well those are the rules.:lol:

Where in the bible was pork declared clean to eat?

I recall Jesus supposedly cast out demons from an man into some pigs.
Poor little pigs...
Maybe that was the beginnings of republicans?

Yah, it's in there. It's in one of the first five books. But sorry...I kind of like ribs. :razz:

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