Easily Manipulated Liberals / Liberal Media Have No Clue Trump Is Manipulating Them...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Evidence exists that the Russians easily manipulated highly emotional, hate-driven Democrats / snowflakes into organizing for them, marching for them, and getting them to participate in a Russian PsyOp campaign against the US by getting liberal groups to spread racial division and violence across the country...

(Of course this was after Comey and Obama did nothing about the Russian hacking attempts and interference they knew about since 2014...)

It was their raw emotion, their hate that made them so easily manipulated ... the same raw emotion and hate allowing Trump to so easily manipulate and distract the media now with, from the accomplishments he is actually quietly scoring.


1. The Drudge Report is running an article today about how CNN is running a SECOND story today about the 'conspiracy' involving a 'suspicious' truck partially blocking their view of Trump PLAYING GOLF'.

-- CNN's quest for truth behind truck blocking view of Trump golf course stretches into second day

BWUHAHAHA....STOP THE PRESSES! We have a 'Breaking News Story'. :p

2. Trump just mocked Al Gore Global Warming worshippers ... and as expected, the Libs / snwowflakes spun up like a top about THAT
-- AP News - Trump says East could use some 'global warming' this weekend

3. The Liberal Media went nuts over Trump declaring, 'Even if 'Russia Collusion' was true, it is not Illegal'
Again, mocking the left, teasingly, Trump drives snowflakes CRAZY just by stating this FACT.

Trump is a smart man, and it appears that he is having FUN doing these things, tweeting what he does, because he KNOWS the liberal media hangs on his every word / Tweet, and he KNOWS these statements will spin them up like a top ... distracting them from the work he is getting done ... and the left wing propaganda porn pushers don't even realize they are being manipulated...again. :p
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Evidence exists that the Russians easily manipulated highly emotional, hate-driven Democrats / snowflakes into organizing for them, marching for them, and getting them to participate in a Russian PsyOp campaign against the US by getting liberal groups to spread racial division and violence across the country...

(Of course this was after Comey and Obama did nothing about the Russian hacking attempts and interference they knew about since 2014...)

It was their raw emotion, their hate that made them so easily manipulated ... the same raw emotion and hate allowing Trump to so easily manipulate and distract the media now with, from the accomplishments he is actually quietly scoring.


1. The Drudge Report is running an article today about how CNN is running a SECOND story today about the 'conspiracy' involving a 'suspicious' truck partially blocking their view of Trump PLAYING GOLF'.

-- CNN's quest for truth behind truck blocking view of Trump golf course stretches into second day

BWUHAHAHA....STOP THE PRESSES! We have a 'Breaking News Story'. :p

2. Trump just mocked Al Gore Global Warming worshippers ... and as expected, the Libs / snwowflakes spun up like a top about THAT
-- AP News - Trump says East could use some 'global warming' this weekend

3. The Liberal Media went nuts over Trump declaring, 'Even if 'Russia Collusion' was true, it is not Illegal'
Again, mocking the left, teasingly, Trump drives snowflakes CRAZY just by stating this FACT.

Trump is a smart man, and it appears that he is having FUN doing these things, tweeting what he does, because he KNOWS the liberal media hangs on his every word / Tweet, and he KNOWS these statements will spin them up like a top ... distracting them from the work he is getting done ... and the left wing propaganda porn pushers don't even realize they are being manipulated...again. :p
/----/ And then there is this: Idiot “Protests” Trump By Yelling at His Robot Doll During Disney World Show
Did the Disney security guards give him a hickory stick shampoo as they were ushering him out the door?

I would have. There's nothing better than a hickory stick shampoo, followed by a pepper spray conditioner, followed by a fire hose rinse. That's the way we dealt with those shitheads in the old days. :biggrin:
Trump is making fools of all of them............

I am having a blast watching these nut cakes....
Hate crime!

Trump is Hitler!

He is going to blow up the planet!

He is going to enslave and execute minorities.

He is going to invade Canada, just like Hitler invaded Poland!

He is going to take guns away from citizens, just like Hitler!
It seems it’s not only liberals/Dems are frustrated by Trump’s words/actions.
Obama and GW Bush were called divisive during their terms. Both of these men were classified as divisive, with their peak numbers reaching 55% during their terms. However, 66% of those polled said Trump is divisive by the the same pollster and the same question.
That said, I don’t understand Trumpsters glee to the fact that it’s not just the left who are frustrated with Trump and find hil divisive. Clearly, based on the numbers, it’s the left and center that find Trump divisive.

Poll: Majority of Americans see Trump as divisive
It seems it’s not only liberals/Dems are frustrated by Trump’s words/actions.
Obama and GW Bush were called divisive during their terms. Both of these men were classified as divisive, with their peak numbers reaching 55% during their terms. However, 66% of those polled said Trump is divisive by the the same pollster and the same question.
That said, I don’t understand Trumpsters glee to the fact that it’s not just the left who are frustrated with Trump and find hil divisive. Clearly, based on the numbers, it’s the left and center that find Trump divisive.

Poll: Majority of Americans see Trump as divisive
/----/ Let us know if you find someone who gives a crap what those people think.
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

It seems it’s not only liberals/Dems are frustrated by Trump’s words/actions.
Obama and GW Bush were called divisive during their terms. Both of these men were classified as divisive, with their peak numbers reaching 55% during their terms. However, 66% of those polled said Trump is divisive by the the same pollster and the same question.
That said, I don’t understand Trumpsters glee to the fact that it’s not just the left who are frustrated with Trump and find hil divisive. Clearly, based on the numbers, it’s the left and center that find Trump divisive.

Poll: Majority of Americans see Trump as divisive
/----/ Let us know if you find someone who gives a crap what those people think.

So a huge majority of America loving, tax paying people, who are much smarter than you, don’t matter.
You truly an easily manipulated dumb fuck.
Keep on sucking Trump’s ass,,,loser.
Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

It seems it’s not only liberals/Dems are frustrated by Trump’s words/actions.
Obama and GW Bush were called divisive during their terms. Both of these men were classified as divisive, with their peak numbers reaching 55% during their terms. However, 66% of those polled said Trump is divisive by the the same pollster and the same question.
That said, I don’t understand Trumpsters glee to the fact that it’s not just the left who are frustrated with Trump and find hil divisive. Clearly, based on the numbers, it’s the left and center that find Trump divisive.

Poll: Majority of Americans see Trump as divisive
/----/ Let us know if you find someone who gives a crap what those people think.

So a huge majority of America loving, tax paying people, who are much smarter than you, don’t matter.
You truly an easily manipulated dumb fuck.
Keep on sucking Trump’s ass,,,loser.
/----/ No wonder your Special Ed teacher is so frustrated with you. You've been shown over and over how those tiny samplings of random adult polls are generated to create news headlines and give the Dem base something to cling to. A poll of 1,000 random people can't possibly prove anything. And how many of those polls did they take to find one that fit their narrative? BTW I have a BS in Business from a private college on Long Island, graduated with a 3.76 out of 4 GPA and I pay more taxes than most people if you include capital gains and property tax.
The sad fact is that if conservatives had the brains to, they would have a decent, competent Republican president, since they were in a good position to do so,
and with that they'd be in pretty good shape right now and going into the 2018 election.

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