Earth Hour today


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.
We are going to turn on every light inside and outside of the house. It's tempting to put up Christmas lights - but Mr. Boe refuses to climb up the roof today (he's painting our phone booth instead).

San Francisco sponsored such silliness on a Saturday a couple of years ago. Our moronic office building management sent out a note encouraging tenants to turn out the lights. As we didn't run a sweatshop, we had no staff working on Saturday night - it was a completely moot point.

I did send a letter of complaint to the building owners that we should not be subject to political propaganda for the privilege of paying them rent.

They left us alone after that.
Ah!!! You are warming my heart. Say, I better be careful a glacier might start melting somewhere. Hopefully the light show will make people breath faster.
I am doing what I can. I have purchased a dozen 1000 watt Kleig lights from the Circus. I have them plugged in and ready to go. When "earth hour" hits, I will paint the sky a dazzling white that will be visible for over 50 miles!!! WOO HOO!!! Go Earth Go!!!!
Good time to fire up the Haldron Collidier too. All that spare power. Hopefully all the jackasses will turn their power back on precisely at 9:30pm and cause an overload.
We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.

sure feel free to pay the electric companies more money :clap2:

while you are at it. Go buy a new GM auto to protest Toyota.
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The nominal amount of money for turning on extra lights for one hour is well worth the price. It's far cheaper than going out to the movies and dinner - which we can do at home just as nicely.

We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.

sure feel free to pay the electric companies more money :clap2:

while you are at it. Go buy a new GM auto to protest Toyota.

And you can feel free to continue gulping the ECO Kool Aid.

BTW, I would buy the Toyota before the GM. GM is a Zombie company that has no business being in business.. It is only a matter of time before they fail for good......

I will turn on every light, and that is a lot of lights. I will turn on my oven my air conditioner, my dishwasher, my washer and dryer, and both computers and all my TV's

I think that will about cover it

I want to see that satellite picture on the forum ASAP. That should be "enlightening"
Gee, maybe I'll go out and start the SUV up. Hate to run down the battery with just the highbeams on. I'm thinking bonfire!!!
We have an opportunity to show global warmers what we think tonight at 8:30pm. While they turn out their lights for an hour, we can turn ours on for three. Just a thought. I'm in.

sure feel free to pay the electric companies more money :clap2:

while you are at it. Go buy a new GM auto to protest Toyota.

Why would I want to help Obama and his friends.

I suggest taking some plastic and burning it in your backyard...or pouring a shitload of Drano down your drains.

Nope...I just won't recycle.

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