Drone Strikes Are Act of Self-Defense...?!

Join the enemy and declare war on the US, become a target. Simple really.

Who decides?

It is the duty of the Commander in Chief.

Whow, so you would give Bush the power of life over death. BTW can you show me in the COTUS where it says that the POTUS has the power of deciding who lives and who dies?

Any president has the duty to protect the country.

I see, sloganeering is your answer.

Bush thought he was protecting the country in Iraq, I am sure you agree.
A generalization you have no hope of soundly supporting.
No it's not a generalization, you piece of shit! You've never lived with Predator drones buzzing around above your head, so why don't you just shut the fuck up?

With that being said, do you know how terrorized you would feel, knowing that at any time, any where, your life could be over in an instant? You could be going to the store, or picking up firewood, or at a relatives wedding, then BANG! Drone strike. BTW, those 3 examples I just cited, all happened.

You hear the sound of a drone approaching, all of a sudden, your heart starts racing and you're thinking if you're being targeted, thinking about your children, knowing there is not a god-damn thing you can do about it.

The psychology of an entire population of people where these things are flying overhead 24/7, is terror.
A generalization you have no hope of soundly supporting.
No it's not a generalization, you piece of shit! You've never lived with Predator drones buzzing around above your head, so why don't you just shut the fuck up?

With that being said, do you know how terrorized you would feel, knowing that at any time, any where, your life could be over in an instant? You could be going to the store, or picking up firewood, or at a relatives wedding, then BANG! Drone strike. BTW, those 3 examples I just cited, all happened.

You hear the sound of a drone approaching, all of a sudden, your heart starts racing and you're thinking if you're being targeted, thinking about your children, knowing there is not a god-damn thing you can do about it.

The psychology of an entire population of people where these things are flying overhead 24/7, is terror.


He already shot four drones down, gosh darn it he knows what it feels like:)

Dude their is no turning back now. Obama made assassination the name of the game now. With killing Bin laden instead of taking him to trial like Bush Jr did with Sadam

Obama doubled down on his use of drones since Bush Jr.

Personaly I think all out assinasstion shouldn't be used, but no turning back now
A generalization you have no hope of soundly supporting.
No it's not a generalization, you piece of shit! You've never lived with Predator drones buzzing around above your head, so why don't you just shut the fuck up?
I laugh at your petulance. :lol:
I laugh at your thought that an argument supported by ad homs and emotion is sufficient to sway thinning adults. :lol:
Finally, I laugh your petulance, again. :lol:
Join the enemy and declare war on the US, become a target. Simple really.

Who decides?

It is the duty of the Commander in Chief.

Whow, so you would give Bush the power of life over death. BTW can you show me in the COTUS where it says that the POTUS has the power of deciding who lives and who dies?

Any president has the duty to protect the country.

I see, sloganeering is your answer.

Bush thought he was protecting the country in Iraq, I am sure you agree.

Yeah I'm sure that energy task force told him such.
Reacting to the news that Britain's own 'Jihad John' might be alive after a drone strike several months ago:

British Prime Minister David Cameron defended the strike on a British citizen as an 'act of self-defense. Jeremy Corbyn, 'Leader of the Labour Party and the Leader of the Opposition', however, declared 'John' should have been arrested instead.

President Obama has argued that Terrorists...no, 'enemy combatants'...no 'UNlawful enemy combatants...NO - "unprivileged belligerents" (As of Jun 21, 2015) should have their 'due process' (day in court) rather than being incarcerated in GITMO .... WHILE simultaneously running his own personal Assassination Program in which he decides who is added to the list and HE decides who is to be killed...very violently denying them of their 'due process' he says they should all have....

Should terrorists have their 'due process', as Obama says...or be killed, as Obama says?
Is killing terrorists through drone strikes ok?
Is killing American citizens via drone strikes OK based solely on Obama's say-so?
Is it 'Self-Defense'?

Your spirited effort to keep ISIS leaders alive is very interesting.

Very very very very very interesting.
Yeah right, because they target stadiums, concert halls and soft targets all the time.
No, because they target innocent civilians who have committed no crimes.

If that's case then we're the worst terrorists ever. If we were targeting innocents and easy to hit places like markets or malls or Mosques the body count would be in the hundreds of thousands.
Reacting to the news that Britain's own 'Jihad John' might be alive after a drone strike several months ago:

British Prime Minister David Cameron defended the strike on a British citizen as an 'act of self-defense. Jeremy Corbyn, 'Leader of the Labour Party and the Leader of the Opposition', however, declared 'John' should have been arrested instead.

President Obama has argued that Terrorists...no, 'enemy combatants'...no 'UNlawful enemy combatants...NO - "unprivileged belligerents" (As of Jun 21, 2015) should have their 'due process' (day in court) rather than being incarcerated in GITMO .... WHILE simultaneously running his own personal Assassination Program in which he decides who is added to the list and HE decides who is to be killed...very violently denying them of their 'due process' he says they should all have....

Should terrorists have their 'due process', as Obama says...or be killed, as Obama says?
Is killing terrorists through drone strikes ok?
Is killing American citizens via drone strikes OK based solely on Obama's say-so?
Is it 'Self-Defense'?
Don't like drones? Volunteer to go take their place. Easy solution.
Yeah right, because they target stadiums, concert halls and soft targets all the time.
No, because they target innocent civilians who have committed no crimes.

If that's case then we're the worst terrorists ever. If we were targeting innocents and easy to hit places like markets or malls or Mosques the body count would be in the hundreds of thousands.
Well, I believe the civilian body count in Desert Storm got pretty high. I wouldn't argue W's war was exactly the same as terrorism, but the ultimate goals were the same: use death to alter the behavior of another country's govt. I think we can own up to our own failure to act legally and morally, and still claim the moral high ground because 90% of the people living under muslim theorcratic (and often sociopathic) governance would beg to live in the west.

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