Drone Strikes and Democrats

That's right folks, some liberals are proposing drone strikes on republicans/conservatives because...Racism! Oh, and (shades of Cambodia) "re-education camps" for Republicans or the rest of us stubborn tossers that just despise liberals. I love how the media is portraying this Biden administration as "healers and unifiers".
You got some kind of link or are you just making it up whole cloth?
I know how this sounds: Do your own homework, it seems we cant trust links and fact checkers.
Not chasing your alternative facts for ya, honey. Either you got tha goods or you don't. Move along toots.
Brilliant. liberals burn down cities for months, that my "goods". What card do you have?
The local rule card, ya twit. If you don't like it. Throw the bums out or MOVE. You don't like the decisions and management of local officials, do like Kroger in Seattle. Pick up your investments and leave and leave them to it. It ain't like that everywhere and it ain't a problem that will be solved by national debate boards or the Federal Government. You can sell that crap all you want for your little political sideshow, but the rest of us just ain't buyin it. Go solve something, build something or raise something in your own town, honey. If that is how it is where you live, you shouldn't have let it get out of hand or you should just pick up and get out if you can't fix it, cause it ain't that way everywhere.
Or, I could just push a political movement and pander to idiots and demonize you into oblivion.
Doubt it. You don't seem bright enough.
The Democrats tapped into a deep well of incredulous fools, its their strength . Me ? I am no genius. But if a moron like me can see past the pandering bullshit of the democrats, why can't you?

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