Droctors Dropping Insurance


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.

so this has nothing to do with health care reform but what the insurance companies are doing NOW with these doctor friends of yours?

does this relate?

AMA President and Bryan resident Dr. James Rohack says he is encouraged by the Health Care Reform Bill approved by Congress.

He calls the bill an important step toward providing coverage to all Americans and improving our nation's health system. Rohack says he is hopeful it can help restore balance between the rising cost of insurance and the actual cost of health care.

"Healthcare premiums have increased 131 percent. So the average family now is spending more than $13,000 a year on health care premiums," he said. "But yet at the same time, the cost, the health spending last year was the lowest that its been in over 50 years at only 4.4 percent. So we don't see the balance here of why you need to increase premiums 39 percent when the spending has only increased less than 5 percent."

Rohack says while the bill isn't perfect, we can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good when it comes to something as important as the health of Americans
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.

That's great news. Now I can get on the golf course on Wednesdays too (or, maybe not. Who will go to them since all of us will be insured. Crap, now they'll be on the course Mon thru Fri., no patients, no need to go to the office/hospital).
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.

That's great news. Now I can get on the golf course on Wednesdays too (or, maybe not. Who will go to them since all of us will be insured. Crap, now they'll be on the course Mon thru Fri., no patients, no need to go to the office/hospital).

LMAO. Darn I am dead on you for rep points right now. Catch you later.

In most parts of my state a DR will have no patients if they do not take ins, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIPS.
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.

Sounds like with the new law, cash only won't be an option, since everyone will have insurance.

But, I'd do it myself, if I lived in a place where people actually had cash. Insurance companies are a bitch to deal with.
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.

Me and my doctor already did that. I get a nice 50% discount because I pay cash the day he provides his services.

Works very nicely for both of us. It's also the way it USED TO BE DONE many many years ago. Before Big Insurance and Big Hosptial became the way of the world.
Talked with three Doctors I know during the day today. All are in the process of dropping all insurances and are moving to a cash only basis. They indicated many others are planning the same move.

sure saves on the paperwork.. course the ER will be flooded double deep in the poor. nice going congresscritters. it always helps to demonize yep
I've always given my doctor cash under the table

So they're aiming to try a new line of work,what other kind of job doyou think they'll go for.

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