Dr. Birx BLASTED the media for it's political bias!

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Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In a separate interview, Birx blasted the media for being “slicey and dicey” in writing headlines about the pandemic.

I think the media is very slicey and dicey about how they put sentences together in order to create headlines … We know for millennials in other studies that some people may only read the headlines. And if there’s not a graphic, they’re not going to look any further than that,” she said Saturday on Fox News’ “Watters World.”
“And I think we have to be responsible about our headlines. I think often, the reporting maybe accurate in paragraph three, four, and five. But I’m not sure how many people actually get to paragraph three, four, and five,
” Birx added.

AND this is exactly what I've been pointing out! Selective editing. "Trump Divorces"??? "Trump anti-immigrant"? All examples of the political bias of a group of people pissed that their political donations of 96% to Hillary was wasted!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
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In a separate interview, Birx blasted the media for being “slicey and dicey” in writing headlines about the pandemic.

I think the media is very slicey and dicey about how they put sentences together in order to create headlines … We know for millennials in other studies that some people may only read the headlines. And if there’s not a graphic, they’re not going to look any further than that,” she said Saturday on Fox News’ “Watters World.”
“And I think we have to be responsible about our headlines. I think often, the reporting maybe accurate in paragraph three, four, and five. But I’m not sure how many people actually get to paragraph three, four, and five,
” Birx added.

AND this is exactly what I've been pointing out! Selective editing. "Trump Divorces"??? "Trump anti-immigrant"? All examples of the political bias of a group of people pissed that their political donations of 96% to Hillary was wasted!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
The Media is even ticking off Dr. Birx. How do you even do that? She's like the Brady Bunch Mom.
In a separate interview, Birx blasted the media for being “slicey and dicey” in writing headlines about the pandemic.

I think the media is very slicey and dicey about how they put sentences together in order to create headlines … We know for millennials in other studies that some people may only read the headlines. And if there’s not a graphic, they’re not going to look any further than that,” she said Saturday on Fox News’ “Watters World.”
“And I think we have to be responsible about our headlines. I think often, the reporting maybe accurate in paragraph three, four, and five. But I’m not sure how many people actually get to paragraph three, four, and five,
” Birx added.

AND this is exactly what I've been pointing out! Selective editing. "Trump Divorces"??? "Trump anti-immigrant"? All examples of the political bias of a group of people pissed that their political donations of 96% to Hillary was wasted!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
The Media is even ticking off Dr. Birx. How do you even do that? She's like the Brady Bunch Mom.
The media is too mired in their self importance to even realize how badly she slapped them.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.

You are partially right! President Trump is NOT a politically correct, politician. He is what I'm accustomed to, having lived in New York
and around people from Queens which I guess you've never been. Not being a politician, former Queens native, Trump is first and foremost
a business person. A boss. Someone from Queens who is loud, boisterous, and when poked, pokes back! Remember Obama when he said the following: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night.

Where was the MSM angst about that bully statement?

As I've pointed out the MSM doesn't like the fact they lost their 96% donation to Hillary in 2016!
And being childish, subjective, and for sure NOT journalists who use as Dr. Brix just said: In a separate interview,
Birx blasted the media for being “slicey and dicey” in writing headlines about the pandemic.

I think the media is very slicey and dicey about how they put sentences together in order to create headlines … We know for millennials in other studies that some people may only read the headlines. And if there’s not a graphic, they’re not going to look any further than that,” she said Saturday on Fox News’ “Watters World.”
“And I think we have to be responsible about our headlines. I think often, the reporting maybe accurate in paragraph three, four, and five. But I’m not sure how many people actually get to paragraph three, four, and five
,” Birx added.

Now Mame. You obviously get your news from the MSM. And evidently you do as Dr. Birx points out get your opinions from the headlines!
I'd suggest a little more scholarly and objective reading/watching the MSM and maybe if you are intelligent, you can perceive this gross
bias in the MSM. After all the MSM lost their political donations and simply are trying to remove Trump. None of which is working as fewer and fewer people like you are believing the MSM!

One of President Trump’s most important accomplishments has been delegitimizing the mainstream media in the United States.
Trump has exposed their perfidy, and corruption, and malfeasance in such a beautiful way.
In fact, Trump has turned his ability to humiliate the enemy press into an art form. It is breathtaking, and stunning, and entertaining.
This is why Trump’s approval ratings continue to rise, despite the constant barrage of attacks from the MSM.
Americans simply do not trust the MSM anymore, and that is because President Trump has destroyed their credibility. And rightfully so.
You can call me uneducated and repeat the same things over and over about what horrible terrible Democrats the media are, but it doesn't change the fact that Trump is viewed negatively because he is an asshole. Presidents NEVER get along with the press. Trump has made a war out of it because he can't take the pokes he likes to dish out.

I actually agree that some of the news channels dig for ways to make him look worse than he is. I just stick to the facts, which are bad enough. I was taught to detect bias, and I can see it on both sides, here as well. You are making a big mistake by placing all the blame on the media, though. That is you being gullible and led by a narcissist who whines perpetually and made the spectacularly dangerous move of coining "fake news." Now a good chunk of the country won't even listen to the truth when it slaps them in the face. That's dangerous. You bought fake news from Trump, imo.
In a separate interview, Birx blasted the media for being “slicey and dicey” in writing headlines about the pandemic.

I think the media is very slicey and dicey about how they put sentences together in order to create headlines … We know for millennials in other studies that some people may only read the headlines. And if there’s not a graphic, they’re not going to look any further than that,” she said Saturday on Fox News’ “Watters World.”
“And I think we have to be responsible about our headlines. I think often, the reporting maybe accurate in paragraph three, four, and five. But I’m not sure how many people actually get to paragraph three, four, and five,
” Birx added.

AND this is exactly what I've been pointing out! Selective editing. "Trump Divorces"??? "Trump anti-immigrant"? All examples of the political bias of a group of people pissed that their political donations of 96% to Hillary was wasted!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
I saw the interview. She definitely got her point across and she is not wrong.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
What did Brett Kavanaugh do to deserve the vitriol?
In a separate interview, Birx blasted the media for being “slicey and dicey” in writing headlines about the pandemic.

I think the media is very slicey and dicey about how they put sentences together in order to create headlines … We know for millennials in other studies that some people may only read the headlines. And if there’s not a graphic, they’re not going to look any further than that,” she said Saturday on Fox News’ “Watters World.”
“And I think we have to be responsible about our headlines. I think often, the reporting maybe accurate in paragraph three, four, and five. But I’m not sure how many people actually get to paragraph three, four, and five,
” Birx added.

AND this is exactly what I've been pointing out! Selective editing. "Trump Divorces"??? "Trump anti-immigrant"? All examples of the political bias of a group of people pissed that their political donations of 96% to Hillary was wasted!
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
She wants to keep her job so she says things that will ingratiate her with tRump.

That doesn't me she's accurate.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
What did Brett Kavanaugh do to deserve the vitriol?
I blame Pelosi for that whole mess. The media did what it always does and dug around and reported what they found. They are in this for a profit, remember. They print what sells and the country was apparently quite interested.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
What did Brett Kavanaugh do to deserve the vitriol?
Attempted rape.
LOL lets see, she couldn't remember which friend she was at's house, she couldn't name any of HER friends that were there, she didn't hear two sloppy drunks ( her claim) coming up the stairs bouncing off the walls( her claim again) she doesn't remember who besides Kavanaugh was in the room when the supposed attack took place. She remembers them bouncing off the walls on the way down cause as she claimed they were VERY drunk. She did not tell anyone at the party she did not tell any friends later, she did not tell her parents. She can't remember how she got home. BUT BY GOD she remembers it was Kavanaugh for sure. Yup totally believable.

Add in she lied about flying she lied about not wanting anyone to report it and she was a wishy washy testifier before the committee. Yup ABSOLUTELY Believable.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
What did Brett Kavanaugh do to deserve the vitriol?
Attempted rape.

Zero evidence for, real evidence against. In other words it was fraudulent.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
faux has also jumped from the "skidmark" train.
You can call me uneducated and repeat the same things over and over about what horrible terrible Democrats the media are, but it doesn't change the fact that Trump is viewed negatively because he is an asshole. Presidents NEVER get along with the press. Trump has made a war out of it because he can't take the pokes he likes to dish out.

I actually agree that some of the news channels dig for ways to make him look worse than he is. I just stick to the facts, which are bad enough. I was taught to detect bias, and I can see it on both sides, here as well. You are making a big mistake by placing all the blame on the media, though. That is you being gullible and led by a narcissist who whines perpetually and made the spectacularly dangerous move of coining "fake news." Now a good chunk of the country won't even listen to the truth when it slaps them in the face. That's dangerous. You bought fake news from Trump, imo.
Dollars to donuts this dumb ass OP take the entity known as FOXNEWS as the gospel truth. Without question too.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
What did Brett Kavanaugh do to deserve the vitriol?
Attempted rape.
LOL lets see, she couldn't remember which friend she was at's house, she couldn't name any of HER friends that were there, she didn't hear two sloppy drunks ( her claim) coming up the stairs bouncing off the walls( her claim again) she doesn't remember who besides Kavanaugh was in the room when the supposed attack took place. She remembers them bouncing off the walls on the way down cause as she claimed they were VERY drunk. She did not tell anyone at the party she did not tell any friends later, she did not tell her parents. She can't remember how she got home. BUT BY GOD she remembers it was Kavanaugh for sure. Yup totally believable.

Add in she lied about flying she lied about not wanting anyone to report it and she was a wishy washy testifier before the committee. Yup ABSOLUTELY Believable.
She remembered the important stuff fine. It wasn't a "friend's" house; she heard about the party from a friend but she didn't know the host. I remember several parties I went to where I didn't know the host and today I couldn't possibly tell you where the house was. She remembers in detail the pool house where the party was. She remembers in detail the boys ganging up on her, even the music playing on the stereo. She DID tell people, both then and later. If you actually read what she'd SAID instead of relying on news sites that wanted to make her look like a lying whore for political reasons, you wouldn't be quite so sure of yourself.

Christine Blasey-Ford made a tentative move to tell her story and then decided she didn't want to come forward. Pelosi or her office staff threw her to the lions anyway. It was just too good an opportunity to waste. That was absolutely unforgivable. Yes, Kavanaugh was an entitled rich kid jock who was a real Jekyll and Hyde when he drank. He was a teenager and he grew up, quit beer bombing, leads a decent life and has had a respectable career. There was no excuse for ANY of it except a Speaker of the House who will do anything--anything--to keep political power and abortion fanatics on both sides doing their best to destroy each other through the participants in this fiasco. It was a low point in Congressional history.
coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
There's a reason for that. It's Trump's own words, actions and gutter sniping that put him in a negative light. I'm surprised they found 20% of nice things to say. Must have been Fox.
What did Brett Kavanaugh do to deserve the vitriol?
Attempted rape.
LOL lets see, she couldn't remember which friend she was at's house, she couldn't name any of HER friends that were there, she didn't hear two sloppy drunks ( her claim) coming up the stairs bouncing off the walls( her claim again) she doesn't remember who besides Kavanaugh was in the room when the supposed attack took place. She remembers them bouncing off the walls on the way down cause as she claimed they were VERY drunk. She did not tell anyone at the party she did not tell any friends later, she did not tell her parents. She can't remember how she got home. BUT BY GOD she remembers it was Kavanaugh for sure. Yup totally believable.

Add in she lied about flying she lied about not wanting anyone to report it and she was a wishy washy testifier before the committee. Yup ABSOLUTELY Believable.
She remembered the important stuff fine. It wasn't a "friend's" house; she heard about the party from a friend but she didn't know the host. I remember several parties I went to where I didn't know the host and today I couldn't possibly tell you where the house was. She remembers in detail the pool house where the party was. She remembers in detail the boys ganging up on her, even the music playing on the stereo. She DID tell people, both then and later. If you actually read what she'd SAID instead of relying on news sites that wanted to make her look like a lying whore for political reasons, you wouldn't be quite so sure of yourself.

Christine Blasey-Ford made a tentative move to tell her story and then decided she didn't want to come forward. Pelosi or her office staff threw her to the lions anyway. It was just too good an opportunity to waste. That was absolutely unforgivable. Yes, Kavanaugh was an entitled rich kid jock who was a real Jekyll and Hyde when he drank. He was a teenager and he grew up, quit beer bombing, leads a decent life and has had a respectable career. There was no excuse for ANY of it except a Speaker of the House who will do anything--anything--to keep political power and abortion fanatics on both sides doing their best to destroy each other through the participants in this fiasco. It was a low point in Congressional history.
Except it came out later that she was a pro choice activist and no one could corroborate the story of an incident that almost but didn't happen. Stop this nonsense. She blatantly lied.
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