Dr. Ben Carson: 'vicious,' white liberals are ‘the most racist out there’

A man is criticized because of his likening of gays to pedos and animal fuckers and the GOP trots out the nonsense that he can't be criticized because he is black. And the man himself believes it.

Wow. Just wow.
Or at least that is what your side wishes to keep hammering home because much of what he says scares the bejeebers out of the progressive big government crowd

You will latch on to the one thing and hang on like a cat on a curtain

What makes you think I'm scared? He's already proven he can't be elected to national office, unless he can adjust his thinking. He'd need to be president of all the people. Making those kinds of comments just aren't going to cut it. He's got a year or two to straighten himself out, but I don't see it happening. The world he comes from makes him tempermentally unsuited for a life in politics.

Not necessarily. There are certain states in this country where these views are being applauded pretty loudly these days.

"Certain states" aren't enough to make him a viable presidential candidate.
What makes you think I'm scared? He's already proven he can't be elected to national office, unless he can adjust his thinking. He'd need to be president of all the people. Making those kinds of comments just aren't going to cut it. He's got a year or two to straighten himself out, but I don't see it happening. The world he comes from makes him tempermentally unsuited for a life in politics.

Not necessarily. There are certain states in this country where these views are being applauded pretty loudly these days.

"Certain states" aren't enough to make him a viable presidential candidate.

I know, it's just that you said he was "tempermentally unsuited for a life in politics", which doesn't have to be only at the Presidential level. He could still be a Governor, for example.
Dr Carson is a Liberal's worst nightmare. An educated black man who can think for himself.

Not really, Homie.

Liberals worst nightmares are under-educated White men who let talking-heads do all their thinking for them.

Know anybody like that, do ya?
The funniest part here is if you read the link and what the person cited said,

that person isn't attacking Carson for being black,

he's mocking all the rightwing nuts who've flocked to Carson as their latest new black BFF.

That is hee-larious.

Now see, that is another racist assumption by a liberal. He isn't conservatives latest black BFF. He's simply a new intelligent, articulate, conservative who has resonated with conservatives. The fact that he is black only means something to the liberals who demean him for not "staying on the plantation" and under their "protection". Your side could learn a lot from him if you'd open your minds and show a little toleration.
A man is criticized because of his likening of gays to pedos and animal fuckers and the GOP trots out the nonsense that he can't be criticized because he is black. And the man himself believes it.

Wow. Just wow.

Liberals just took comparing gays to child molesters and animal fuckers the wrong way. It wasn't meant as a perjoritive...Dr. Carson meant raping kids in a good way.
From Facebook:

Media Matters for America-
Right-wing media claim that only the Left is outraged at Dr. Ben Carson's homophobic remarks, and that it was just "eight students who signed a petition" protesting his place as commencement speaker for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Just eight students? Try *half* of the graduating class!
so they take my words, misinterpret them, and try to make it seem that I’m a bigot.”

So, Ben believes that comparing gays to pedophiles and animal fuckers is not bigoted? Because if bigotry means this:

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

and his words fit that description. That means the Liberals are racist for saying his words fit the definition? Without even mentioning his race? Is racist?

How can liberal be less racist toward Dr Carson? By not giving an opinion to his words? By agreeing with him? Change the definition of Bigot?

He should know that when you make controversial statements on hot political topics that someone from somewhere will come after you.

Liberals have been no more(probably less)vicious towards him than conservatives have been towards The President since he first took office back in 2008.

He needs to sit down and re read his Mothers poem that everyone was fawning over not long ago:

"Youself to Blame"
Dr Carson is a Liberal's worst nightmare. An educated black man who can think for himself.

You're really behind the 8-ball on that one. We already have one of those at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

What's actually going on here is we're laughing at you wingers for trotting out every black conservative you can find and calling him/her "a Liberal's worst nightmare" and then seeing them crash and burn.

And as an added bonus, we get to laugh at you accusing us of "playing the race card", when really it's you guys doing it by your constant hyping of these guys, since so it's so obvious how desperate you are when doing it.


The Soro's pawn thinks for himself? LOL... get real.
From Facebook:

Media Matters for America-
Right-wing media claim that only the Left is outraged at Dr. Ben Carson's homophobic remarks, and that it was just "eight students who signed a petition" protesting his place as commencement speaker for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Just eight students? Try *half* of the graduating class!

Who care what Carson thinks about gays, marraige etc?. He is right on the money as far as the economy, political correctness, and healthcare. What's funny is the mindless have no answer for him. All they can do is attack a remark about homos? Too funny.
OMG!!! another Cain. Cain and Carson, I would bet my life all got where they are by liberal affirmative actions programs, etc.Anyway Carson has joined the GOP's version of affirmative action.
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Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Coming from the party that as recently as a few years ago installed a Klu Klux Klan Wizard as one of its most powerful Senators, this really can't come as much of a surprise:

Dr. Ben Carson on Tuesday blasted his critics for heat he’s taken recently over controversial remarks on gay marriage, calling his white liberal detractors “the most racist out there.”

Read the rest of Dr Carson's true statement @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Dr. Ben Carson: 'vicious,' white liberals are ?the most racist out there?

And @ Dr. Ben Carson: White liberals are the most racist people out there « Hot Air with video link

I just wish they'd give the guy a break. They're forcing too much media exposure on him.

He's the latest black minstrel show performer, doing an ol' timey Stepn'Fetchit routine for all the blue hairs in the GOP. He's a joke, and will fail to attract blacks to the GOP.
From Facebook:

Media Matters for America-
Right-wing media claim that only the Left is outraged at Dr. Ben Carson's homophobic remarks, and that it was just "eight students who signed a petition" protesting his place as commencement speaker for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Just eight students? Try *half* of the graduating class!

Who care what Carson thinks about gays, marraige etc?. He is right on the money as far as the economy, political correctness, and healthcare. What's funny is the mindless have no answer for him. All they can do is attack a remark about homos? Too funny.

Being gay (and black!), I care. He's on the money from a Republican perspective (which most of the country is against, mind you). It is funny, how Republicans can suspend their hatred for a black, Democratic President, yet, fawn all over themselves for the "n-word d'jour", who supports their ideology, while trying to suppress the black vote in Ohio and Florida, last election. Can you say, hypocrisy, of the highest order?
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Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Coming from the party that as recently as a few years ago installed a Klu Klux Klan Wizard as one of its most powerful Senators, this really can't come as much of a surprise:

Dr. Ben Carson on Tuesday blasted his critics for heat he’s taken recently over controversial remarks on gay marriage, calling his white liberal detractors “the most racist out there.”

Read the rest of Dr Carson's true statement @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Dr. Ben Carson: 'vicious,' white liberals are ?the most racist out there?

And @ Dr. Ben Carson: White liberals are the most racist people out there « Hot Air with video link

I just wish they'd give the guy a break. They're forcing too much media exposure on him.

He's the latest black minstrel show performer, doing an ol' timey Stepn'Fetchit routine for all the blue hairs in the GOP. He's a joke, and will fail to attract blacks to the GOP.

No truer words have been spoken (or written)
If Carson's comments make him homophobic, I guess Obama must be chauvanistic or sexist, after his comments about Harris, the California AG.

Obama Says Kamala Harris Is 'By Far, The Best-Looking Attorney General'


Dr. Ben Carson is not a Republican, he is an independent.
He is very well known and respected in the black community.
If he decides to run, I think that many blacks would vote for him.
Dr. Ben Carson is not a Republican, he is an independent.
He is very well known and respected in the black community.
If he decides to run, I think that many blacks would vote for him.

But he suggested a potential presidential run, as a Republican, didn't he?
I don't think he is that well-known or respected in the black community, as much as he is in the general medical community.
Perhaps quite a few blacks would vote for him....I don't think it would be many.
Dr. Ben Carson is not a Republican, he is an independent.
He is very well known and respected in the black community.
If he decides to run, I think that many blacks would vote for him.

But he suggested a potential presidential run, as a Republican, didn't he?
I don't think he is that well-known or respected in the black community, as much as he is in the general medical community.
Perhaps quite a few blacks would vote for him....I don't think it would be many.

No he didn't.

This is what he said;
In a Sunday morning appearance on ABC News, Carson suggested that a White House run wasn't out of the question if that was what God wanted.

"It's not my intention to do that," Carson told ABC's Jonathan Karl. "But as I always say in every part of my life, I'll leave that up to God."
It is the media that has made him into being a Republican, when he isn't.
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