Down goes DOMA!!


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
VERY BIG DECISION -- all federal rights have just been granted to same-sex couples.

The wording of this decision puts all anti-gay laws into jeopardy.
5 - 4

DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.
Wish they would just get the hell out of marriage period. This I hope is a step towards that by telling the government to take a flying leap off a cliff in trying to tell people who they can marry but I doubt it sometimes...just let people marry who they want for christ sakes.
VERY BIG DECISION -- all federal rights have just been granted to same-sex couples.

The wording of this decision puts all anti-gay laws into jeopardy.

Wrong. It only upholds gay marriages in 11 states that allow it.
Wish they would just get the hell out of marriage period.

That's a dumb libertarian talking point.

Marriage (dissolution of marriage) is about property.

Government's main function is to protect property (boundaries, ownership, possessions).
This ruling, AFAICT, does nothing to restrict States (who traditionally set Marriage requirements and standards)...... Yet.

The ruling on Californication's Prop 8 could seal the deal one way or the other. THAT is the important ruling, IMO
I'm perfectly copacetic with this as I support equal protection under the law. If gays want to marry (and pay the enormous marriage penalty - not sure they all realize this), that's fine with me. Our society spends way to much energy on this issue at the expense of major issues such as the ever growing expanse of government (and the resulting corruption), our poor economy, high unemployment, Obama's disastrous national defense policy....
VERY BIG DECISION -- all federal rights have just been granted to same-sex couples.

The wording of this decision puts all anti-gay laws into jeopardy.

Wrong. It only upholds gay marriages in 11 states that allow it. allows federal benefits for gays legally married in those (11 for now) states that have legal marriage.
This ruling, AFAICT, does nothing to restrict States (who traditionally set Marriage requirements and standards)...... Yet.

The ruling on Californication's Prop 8 could seal the deal one way or the other. THAT is the important ruling, IMO

The very broadly worded majority decision strikes down all anti-gay laws under equal protection.

Get a clue.
Wish they would just get the hell out of marriage period.

That's a dumb libertarian talking point.

Marriage (dissolution of marriage) is about property.

Government's main function is to protect property (boundaries, ownership, possessions).

Covered by contract law

Not as easy as it sounds. Legal marriage is like a turnkey system that covers the partners with such contracts. If one cannot legally marry, the legal process to put these in place is expensive and cumbersome.
Government's main function is to protect property (boundaries, ownership, possessions).



Dense mother fucker you are....
only had that law in the place thanks to slick willy

Slick Willy indeed! He knew he was signing something that would not stand eventually. :clap2::clap2::clap2: The Right set themselves up for eventual failure constitutionally, and Slick Willy gladly said ok. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
This ruling, AFAICT, does nothing to restrict States (who traditionally set Marriage requirements and standards)...... Yet.

The ruling on Californication's Prop 8 could seal the deal one way or the other. THAT is the important ruling, IMO

Not if the ruling is narrowly written enough to apply only to California.
Wish they would just get the hell out of marriage period.

That's a dumb libertarian talking point.

Marriage (dissolution of marriage) is about property.

Government's main function is to protect property (boundaries, ownership, possessions).

Covered by contract law

Contract law written by....

Contract law enforced by...

Contract law regulated by....

Contract law is one aspect to "Property".

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