Don't Waste Your Sorrows

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Mrs. Cowman's March 20th devotion addresses the subject of sorrow. There is no one who escapes sorrow. Everyone who has ever lived has experienced sorrow in their life. Consider that for those who are in Christ, we can rejoice in the midst of our trials and sufferings. The world cannot do this because they have not Christ. If you abide in Christ, all things are working for your good. If you are not abiding in Christ, your suffering may lead you to him. Don't waste your sorrows. Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved.

Grieving Yet Rejoicing - Streams in the Desert - March 20
As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
(2 Cor. 6:10).

The stoic scorns to shed a tear; the Christian is not forbidden to weep. The soul may be dumb with excessive grief, as the shearer's scissors pass over the quivering flesh; or, when the heart is on the point of breaking beneath the meeting surges of trial, the sufferer may seek relief by crying out with a loud voice. But there is something even better.

They say that springs of sweet fresh water well up amid the brine of salt seas; that the fairest Alpine flowers bloom in the wildest and most rugged mountain passes; that the noblest psalms were the outcome of the profoundest agony of soul.

Be it so. And thus amid manifold trials, souls which love God will find reasons for bounding, leaping joy. Though deep call to deep, yet the Lord's song will be heard in silver cadence through the night. And it is possible in the darkest hour that ever swept a human life to bless the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you learned this lesson yet? Not simply to endure God's will, nor only to choose it; but to rejoice in it with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
--Tried as by Fire

I will be still, my bruised heart faintly murmured,
As o'er me rolled a crushing load of woe;
The cry, the call, e'en the low moan was stifled;
I pressed my lips; I barred the tear drop's flow.
I will be still, although I cannot see it,
The love that bares a soul and fans pain's fire;
That takes away the last sweet drop of solace,
Breaks the lone harp string, hides Thy precious lyre.
But God is love, so I will bide me, bide me--
We'll doubt not, Soul, we will be very still;
We'll wait till after while, when He shall lift us
Yes, after while, when it shall be His will.
And I did listen to my heart's brave promise;
And I did quiver, struggling to be still;
And I did lift my tearless eyes to Heaven,
Repeating ever, "Yea, Christ, have Thy will."
But soon my heart upspake from 'neath our burden,
Reproved my tight-drawn lips, my visage sad:
"We can do more than this, O Soul," it whispered.
"We can be more than still, we can be glad!"
And now my heart and I are sweetly singing--
Singing without the sound of tuneful strings;
Drinking abundant waters in the desert,

Crushed, and yet soaring as on eagle's wings.
--S. P. W.
Don't waste your Sorrows...You shall have plenty of Sorrows,,,Psalm 16:4 Their( Christians) SORROWS shall be multiplied that hasten after another gd( Your Jesus): Their( Christianities) drink offerings of blood I ( Gd himself) will not offer, nor take up their( Christians) names into my lips..... So much for your blood sacrifice and your sorrows will be multiplied as it will not be accepted in any shape or form....
Jesus Christ is not "another god." Jesus Christ is God. He is my Lord and Savior and I thank Him for saving me and making me a daughter of Abraham. I have been grafted into the family of God through Jesus Christ. To God be the glory.
Poppiing in and out will not save you Jeremiah...Numbers23:19 G-d is not a man(OOPS, Big big OOPS) that he should lie(Jesus was a man he lied)neither the son of man that he should repent......He is another God then one you have come along and says replaces the Gd of Israel.....Big Big OOPS....
Poppiing in and out will not save you Jeremiah...Numbers23:19 G-d is not a man(OOPS, Big big OOPS) that he should lie(Jesus was a man he lied)neither the son of man that he should repent......He is another God then one you have come along and says replaces the Gd of Israel.....Big Big OOPS....
Who do you think you are to speak for God?
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
No. That's not what you are doing and you know it.

I am all for using scripture, I am against what you are doing. You do not speak for God.
This is coming from the side that worships a man over the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob..You should stick to golf where at least you have a chance to shine and show your skill but make sure you hit the ball in the middle and not any other balls( old Nestor Pistor joke)....
This is coming from the side that worships a man over the Gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob..You should stick to golf where at least you have a chance to shine and show your skill but make sure you hit the ball in the middle and not any other balls( old Nestor Pistor joke)....
He is one and the same.
Isaiah 45 says otherwise do you want me to quote it verbatim for you esp the part where the ones who set up the wood( Cross) and worship another God...Hmmm. Who could that be....?.?..wink...
Isaiah 45 says otherwise do you want me to quote it verbatim for you esp the part where the ones who set up the wood( Cross) and worship another God...Hmmm. Who could that be....?.?..wink...
Isaiah 7:14 - He will be born of a young virgin woman - Matt. 1:18, 24-25; Luke 1:26-35 - Jesus was born of the young virgin Mary.
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
No. That's not what you are doing and you know it.

I am all for using scripture, I am against what you are doing. You do not speak for God.

You got caught lying again, Shimon clearly posted Bible scripture verses and you literally denounced the Bible. You do this alot:
Lie and oppose scripture and troll.
Best of all your lack of virtue opposed your own views in your Christian virtue post.
Boom, your bomb blew up in your face again. Maybe you should stick to golfing.
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
No. That's not what you are doing and you know it.

I am all for using scripture, I am against what you are doing. You do not speak for God.

You got caught lying again, Shimon clearly posted Bible scripture verses and you literally dnounced the Bible. You do this alot:
Lie and oppose scripture and troll.
Have you ever made an honest argument in your life?

I denounced him.
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
No. That's not what you are doing and you know it.

I am all for using scripture, I am against what you are doing. You do not speak for God.

You got caught lying again, Shimon clearly posted Bible scripture verses and you literally dnounced the Bible. You do this alot:
Lie and oppose scripture and troll.
Have you ever made an honest argument in your life?

I denounced him.
You know I have otherwise you did it again bashing the Bible I posted many times...
:) Busted lying again and blasting your own phoney virtues post in the process.
I always find it humorous when Christians misinterpret the Jewish scripture that being pagan cultures it was claimed a women was a virgin and impregnated by a god so she wouldn't bring shame on her family or be stoned .it got so common in most Greek towns and villages that they outlawed this practise..Heck Zeus was running around the countryside impregnating whoever he chose...I believe he impregnated a women named Daana( not sure I could look it up the spelling..The mother of Jason?)with his mystical seed flowing down so she was a Wirgen too...I am sure that story was worked in to the Christian scriptures to bring in Greek myths to placate the Greek subjects of the Roman Empire...That being said I think anyone with an open mind should read the 16 crucified saviours before Jesus by Kersey Graves to get an inkling where these silly ideas come from not to mention the fact the Gd would be committing incest by impregnating his mother which is not only ludicrous for god to do but has an obvious number of silly problems that don't just jive to say the least...
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
No. That's not what you are doing and you know it.

I am all for using scripture, I am against what you are doing. You do not speak for God.

You got caught lying again, Shimon clearly posted Bible scripture verses and you literally dnounced the Bible. You do this alot:
Lie and oppose scripture and troll.
Have you ever made an honest argument in your life?

I denounced him.
You know I have otherwise you did it again bashing the Bible I posted many times...
:) Busted lying again and blasting your own phoney virtues post in the process.
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I don't think you have. You have caught me exposing you and your sidekick.
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I always find it humorous when Christians misinterpret the Jewish scripture that being pagan cultures it was claimed a women was a virgin and impregnated by a god so she wouldn't bring shame on her family or be stoned .it got so common in most Greek towns and villages that they outlawed this practise..Heck Zeus was running around the countryside impregnating whoever he chose...I believe he impregnated a women named Daana( not sure I could look it up the spelling..The mother of Jason?)with his mystical seed flowing down so she was a Wirgen too...I am sure that story was worked in to the Christian scriptures to bring in Greek myths to placate the Greek subjects of the Roman Empire...That being said I think anyone with an open mind should read the 16 crucified saviours before Jesus by Kersey Graves to get an inkling where these silly ideas come from not to mention the fact the Gd would be committing incest by impregnating his mother which is not only ludicrous for god to do but has an obvious number of silly problems that don't just jive to say the least...
Isaiah 9:1 - His ministry will make Galilee glorious - Matt 4:12-17 - Jesus begins His ministry in Galilee.
Just using scripture...Who are you to deny its usage...Ding the troll as you are once again trolling where you do not belong...
These devotionals are to help people and encourage them in their walk with God. I notice that you are not abiding by USMB rules, you're not addressing the topic but trying to incite trouble. Please make your own threads and stop using my threads to attack others with or I am going to report you.

Zone 2 Posting Rules

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
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I always find it humorous when Christians misinterpret the Jewish scripture that being pagan cultures it was claimed a women was a virgin and impregnated by a god so she wouldn't bring shame on her family or be stoned .it got so common in most Greek towns and villages that they outlawed this practise..Heck Zeus was running around the countryside impregnating whoever he chose...I believe he impregnated a women named Daana( not sure I could look it up the spelling..The mother of Jason?)with his mystical seed flowing down so she was a Wirgen too...I am sure that story was worked in to the Christian scriptures to bring in Greek myths to placate the Greek subjects of the Roman Empire...That being said I think anyone with an open mind should read the 16 crucified saviours before Jesus by Kersey Graves to get an inkling where these silly ideas come from not to mention the fact the Gd would be committing incest by impregnating his mother which is not only ludicrous for god to do but has an obvious number of silly problems that don't just jive to say the least...
Isaiah 9:1 - His ministry will make Galilee glorious - Matt 4:12-17 - Jesus begins His ministry in Galilee.

The Galilean Christ was Yehuda who died in 6bc, he had 2 sons who also were crucified for revolting against Rome and their taxes.
He was the christ who lived in the era of King Herod (4bc) & Lysanias (died 35bc), a far cry from the AD era Christ in the time of Pilate and surely not the Egyptian influenced sorcerer christ of 100bc who's mother Mary was the great Harlot churches queen harlot.
You really have done 0 seeking researching leg work for God. Maybe if you put the same effort to studying history and Torah as you do golf and trolling here you would have some sense in your posts and actually know what it is you youself are saying and perhaps then you'd hesitate throwing bombs up in the air that come back down and wipe out everything else you have said previously. Think about it Wile E.

Just a few of the many sources for:
Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter christ.
Josephus : on Yehuda the Galilean and the similar confused named thief murderer Yehuda the Galionite(used for the table turners & Jesus Barabbas scenes):
Book 18 chapter 1 is where the heart of the info on the tax revolt and teaching of the crucified Yehuda of Galilee is mentioned.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
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Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan;

I find this very interesting Michael..I hope our wonderfull OP doesn't get offended but I can't but notice the word Gaulonite or Gaulonitis...Tell me does anyone have any pertinent information on whether this was a town of Gauls or it is just a coincidence...The reason I ask is because the Gauls worshipped the god Esus who was portrayed as a man placed on a tree and ritually pierced by a spear...I believe that it was pronounced Hesus..In any case if these were transplanted Gauls then they would have possibly brought their beliefs with them which could have influenced said situation and if said person came from said City or town he would have known about said practises and worship....

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