Don't know if I believe this...only 150 of those who have died...

People say they obey laws period but who is decreeing these laws?
Town councils, mayors, county executives, condo boards, governors. Where are their charters permitting this? Nonexistent mostly. So we are under a quasi martial law issued by people who have authority in war and civil unrest but have no legal authority to remove peoples freedoms over a health issue.
No one seems to remember that pot smoke is smoke and it’s drawn in deeply and held. Not healthy.
Difference being, your average pot smoker doesnt smoke as much as a cigarette smoker.
But the smoking technique is way more intense. A single joint is as bad as a pack of cigarettes because of the difference in consumption technique. You won’t hear that because of big pot.
Being not true goes a long way toward not hearing about it.!
But the smoking technique is way more intense. A single joint is as bad as a pack of cigarettes because of the difference in consumption technique.
nah, that's a myth.
No that is NOT a myth. You’re a propaganda dupe.
Yes, its an old myth.
No, it being safe is current (and retread) propaganda. Far out! Throw me a frisbee!
Firemen wear protective gear for smoke inhalation.
But the smoking technique is way more intense. A single joint is as bad as a pack of cigarettes because of the difference in consumption technique.
nah, that's a myth.
No that is NOT a myth. You’re a propaganda dupe.
Yes, its an old myth.
No, it being safe is current (and retread) propaganda. Far out! Throw me a frisbee!
Firemen wear protective gear for smoke inhalation.
Neato! But smoking a joint is not like smoking a while pack of cigs. That's old propaganda.
The scary news out of S. Korea today is that there have been almost 100 cases of people who had caught the virus who recovered, who later became reinfected. Sorry, but I think the immunity thing everyone was clinging in hope to has been shattered.

South Korea reported Friday that almost 100 patients thought to have recovered from the new coronavirus had tested positive again, sparking fears that populations could become re-infected with COVID-19.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that 91 people who had previously been cleared of the virus had tested positive. The KCDC had said the number had risen from 51 cases reported earlier in the week.
Were they tested before the recovery or did they think they were sick, got better, then really got the disease.

Read the link stupid. If the doctors said that they had tested positive AGAIN, that means they had the disease once before.
But the smoking technique is way more intense. A single joint is as bad as a pack of cigarettes because of the difference in consumption technique.
nah, that's a myth.
No that is NOT a myth. You’re a propaganda dupe.
Yes, its an old myth.
No, it being safe is current (and retread) propaganda. Far out! Throw me a frisbee!
Firemen wear protective gear for smoke inhalation.
Neato! But smoking a joint is not like smoking a while pack of cigs. That's old propaganda.
No, it’s the equivalent because the ultimate amount of residue.
You know, there was a time that I smoked both cigarettes and marijuana. Then, one day, I decided to get back on the bike and start working out again. And, getting back on the bike meant that I would stop smoking cigarettes, but would continue to smoke marijuana. When I stopped the cigarettes, my O2 uptake went way up again. And, this was in spite of the fact that I continued to smoke marijuana daily. I can tell you from personal experience and experimentation that cigarettes cut your wind down way more than marijuana ever thought about.
You know, there was a time that I smoked both cigarettes and marijuana. Then, one day, I decided to get back on the bike and start working out again. And, getting back on the bike meant that I would stop smoking cigarettes, but would continue to smoke marijuana. When I stopped the cigarettes, my O2 uptake went way up again. And, this was in spite of the fact that I continued to smoke marijuana daily. I can tell you from personal experience and experimentation that cigarettes cut your wind down way more than marijuana ever thought about.
I used to smoke both, too. Quitting both did nothing to enhance my wind.
I have repeatedly shown my appreciation for truck drivers and grocery store workers. And I do again here.

Why you are demanding that things "open up" is beyond me since for you they HAVE.

Do you not feel safe in doing what you are doing?

While I appreciate the sentiment...this is what I do and I would work regardless. I take precautions. So do the truck stop employees and the shippers and receivers.

If they can do it..lots of you can do it too. If not...why not? Maybe not the big cities...but the rest of us.
So for you...there is no issue...yet you want others to be at risk. Do you understand that your risk is GREATER if we "open up" before this thing is gone?
It's not going to be "gone" for at least 18 months. What we have to do is adapt and overcome. We in the trucking industry and the shippers and receivers had to implement procedures on the fly...and we are likely as safe as you are going to the grocery store...maybe more so.

You have had almost a month to conceptualize and implement procedures to keep folks safe AND reopen your business. What have you come up with?

I'm in northern Wisconsin now...and these places are all open. Everyone is staying away from eachother an no one is sneezing or coughing. The cashiers are behind Plexiglas and are wearing gloves and homemade this is happening with or without government approval.
I own a brewery. And if I were to open up and then have to shut down definitely wouldn't survive

Good business to be it right now...I understand it is booming.

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Shit's a scam. Are you over 65 with pre-existing conditions affecting immunity or your cardiovascular system? Do you smoke? If yes...start treating yourself better cause there is worse shit than this silly ruse to worry about.

I'd love you to get it. Not because I want you dead and I wouldn't want you to die, but just to shut your dumb fucking mouth up. Once you've had it, you'd then see what it's about. God, it's like Trump put his brain into a machine and all these dumb fucks who got a dose of his brain started posting on here. Dumb as a sack of rocks. Then again, I'd probably get more sense out of a sack of rocks.

Does anyone see conservatives wishing this virus on individuals on this board? Because I see this from Leftists all the time.

Demonic. It's from the pit of Hell, and you should know it. I do.
It doesn't bother Tijn..he thinks it's a hoax remember?
Christ you are dumb. I've even bolded it for you, Deplorable.
Shit's a scam. Are you over 65 with pre-existing conditions affecting immunity or your cardiovascular system? Do you smoke? If yes...start treating yourself better cause there is worse shit than this silly ruse to worry about.

I'd love you to get it. Not because I want you dead and I wouldn't want you to die, but just to shut your dumb fucking mouth up. Once you've had it, you'd then see what it's about. God, it's like Trump put his brain into a machine and all these dumb fucks who got a dose of his brain started posting on here. Dumb as a sack of rocks. Then again, I'd probably get more sense out of a sack of rocks.

Does anyone see conservatives wishing this virus on individuals on this board? Because I see this from Leftists all the time.

Demonic. It's from the pit of Hell, and you should know it. I do.
It doesn't bother Tijn..he thinks it's a hoax remember?
Christ you are dumb. I've even bolded it for you, Deplorable.
Don't bring Christ into this...he doesn't need to be reminded you're such a douche bag.
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

I think we should stop calling it Coronavirus

Chinese most apropos...........................
"Nearly 90 percent of U.S. coronavirus patients who have been hospitalized have underlying health problems, or comorbidities, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to Dr. Shikha Garg and associates, during the month of March, among 178 (12%) adult patients with data on underlying conditions, 89.3% had one or more underlying conditions:

The most common were hypertension (49.7%), obesity (48.3%), chronic lung disease (34.6%), diabetes mellitus (28.3%), and cardiovascular disease (27.8%). -"

11 Apr 2020
...from Chinese Coronavirus did not have a pre-existing condition, this article states.

I've been burned by Gateway Pundit so I don't endorse this article...could be fake news.

What do y'all think?

I believe it. I've also read that the virus is leaving some with permanent heart damage.
Interesting, scarlet fever can also do that
Rheumatic Heart Disease
No, it’s the equivalent because the ultimate amount of residue.

Never smoked mary jane but smoked ciggies for 17 years. Gave up 20 years ago. Wind is much better. However would love to see a link backing up your assertion that one joint equals a pack of ciggies.
A joint is 5 cigarettes. Five or ten cigarettes will easily cause lung damage. So by extension, so does pot. But you won’t read about it. You have to find it yourself.

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