Don’t Call It Climate Change. Red States Prepare For ‘Extreme Weather’

They are not “adapting” in Africa
They are starving

Actually, in Africa, the natives use vines to swing from place to place. Very friendly to the environment.

When I was a kid, I saw all of the Tarzan documentaries.

Climate change has nothing to do with the dark continent, where its still hot as hell, and you have to worry about lions, tigers and bears as well as poison snakes, the tsetse fly and quicksand.
Their society depends on eating
Climate change is causing drought and famine

But go ahead and blame the victims
One corrupt poor continent doesn't speak for the rest of humanity. Food production worldwide is massive, and a longer growing season would only be beneficial.
In fact in my cold ass part of the world, some of that warming Al Gore promised three decades ago would be nice.
So do your part and ditch that device.
Every post you make kills another Polar Bear.

I can't believe the snake-oil the ignorant peeps are buying from the so-called climate change hucksters....Hell, "the science" of the 80s was saying that we would be well into a new ice age by now.

I'm still waiting for my first polar bear to pass by my stand out here in the frozen tundra of Virginia.
The right is waking up to the reality of climate change.

However since they spent a couple of decades saying it was all a hoax and not real, the republican politicians are now having to use the words" extreme weather."

No matter what terminology they use, they are finally waking up to the reality of it and finally taking some steps to combat the effects of climate change.

The sad thing, we never would have had to do this if the right had not spent so much time denying it's happening and actually took steps to combat it we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.

It's going to cost much more and we will have to take more steps to combat it since it was allowed to get so bad.

I sure wish the right had woken up decades ago to this problem. It wouldn't be as bad as it is now.

That half a billion that DeSantis is going to spend isn't federal tax dollars. It's state tax dollars which means the state of Florida is going to have to raise taxes in some way soon.

They will probably do as they have been doing with taxes for decades.

Hit the guests who go there as tourists. The last time I was in Florida there were FIVE separate taxes on hotels and car rentals. While the taxes on the people who live there are very low.

The last thing a republican is going to do is be responsible and pay their own way.

So don't be surprised if it's much more expensive to visit Florida than it already is.

The right is waking up to the reality of climate change.

However since they spent a couple of decades saying it was all a hoax and not real, the republican politicians are now having to use the words" extreme weather."

No matter what terminology they use, they are finally waking up to the reality of it and finally taking some steps to combat the effects of climate change.

The sad thing, we never would have had to do this if the right had not spent so much time denying it's happening and actually took steps to combat it we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.

It's going to cost much more and we will have to take more steps to combat it since it was allowed to get so bad.

I sure wish the right had woken up decades ago to this problem. It wouldn't be as bad as it is now.

That half a billion that DeSantis is going to spend isn't federal tax dollars. It's state tax dollars which means the state of Florida is going to have to raise taxes in some way soon.

They will probably do as they have been doing with taxes for decades.

Hit the guests who go there as tourists. The last time I was in Florida there were FIVE separate taxes on hotels and car rentals. While the taxes on the people who live there are very low.

The last thing a republican is going to do is be responsible and pay their own way.

So don't be surprised if it's much more expensive to visit Florida than it already is.'s November....winter is coming....with snow.....

Remember your fear mongering when you tried "global warming?" Then it kept snowing at your "global warming," conferences, and now you had to create a new lie....."climate change," as if the climate changing was new and unusual....

Remember when you shitheads were screeching about the arctic melting.....when it was global warming......?

Yet there is more evidence that what is occurring is related to solar energy output than SUV’s. I have noted before, the Sun has likely entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) of sunspot activity. This means that there will be a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum leading to a noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature.

This theory better aligns with the record-breaking cold in the Antarctic as well as the early freeze in the Arctic that just stranded 18 ships.

At least 18 ships are stuck in Arctic sea ice off the coast of Russia after an unexpected early freeze took shipping companies by surprise. Some could be stranded for months as they wait for icebreakers to reach them.
In recent years warmer weather triggered by climate change has allowed ships to cross parts of Russia’s northern sea route in November without the help of icebreakers. Ship owners had assumed this month would be no different.
However, ice up to 30cm thick has already formed across most of the Laptev Sea and East Siberian seas, according to the Barents Sea Observer, a Norwegian news site.
The plight of the ships, which are stuck in five different locations, will raise concerns in Moscow, where the Kremlin has invested heavily in the northern sea route as climate change opens up the Europe to Asia shipping passage.
On the other hand, there is new evidence that the Arctic has been warming, not because of carbon dioxide, but because of a process called “Atlantification”.

The new research highlights the connection between the North Atlantic and Arctic between Greenland and Svalbard, a region known was Fram Strait, where warmer, saltier water from the south has been steadily infiltrating northern waters.
“Pinpointing the exact timing of the onset of Atlantification in the Arctic can give us some important clues as to the exact driving mechanisms behind this phenomenon,” study co-lead author Francesco Muschitiello told UPI in an email.
A more precise Arctic warming timeline will also allow scientists to compare the history of climate change in the Arctic to changes in volcanism, solar activity, freshwater, greenhouse gases, aerosols and more.

The right is waking up to the reality of climate change.

However since they spent a couple of decades saying it was all a hoax and not real, the republican politicians are now having to use the words" extreme weather."

No matter what terminology they use, they are finally waking up to the reality of it and finally taking some steps to combat the effects of climate change.

The sad thing, we never would have had to do this if the right had not spent so much time denying it's happening and actually took steps to combat it we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.

It's going to cost much more and we will have to take more steps to combat it since it was allowed to get so bad.

I sure wish the right had woken up decades ago to this problem. It wouldn't be as bad as it is now.

That half a billion that DeSantis is going to spend isn't federal tax dollars. It's state tax dollars which means the state of Florida is going to have to raise taxes in some way soon.

They will probably do as they have been doing with taxes for decades.

Hit the guests who go there as tourists. The last time I was in Florida there were FIVE separate taxes on hotels and car rentals. While the taxes on the people who live there are very low.

The last thing a republican is going to do is be responsible and pay their own way.

So don't be surprised if it's much more expensive to visit Florida than it already is.

It has been noted more than once that a bill that says "climate change" cannot pass but if you relabel it "extreme weather preparedness" or something similar Republicans will vote for it.

They are simple, easily manipulated folks.
Especially the humans who can con gullible saps like you, with a pseudo-scientific hoax whose "models" have never ever been predictive.
The biggest cons of the climate hoax are the millionaires who use far more resources than ten American families, but feel the need to lecture the rest of us about our SUV's or pickups.
Funny how all these howling idiots never call out the Al Gores or John Kerrys of the world on their massive use of resources and carbon emissions for multiple mansions.
The right is waking up to the reality of climate change.

However since they spent a couple of decades saying it was all a hoax and not real, the republican politicians are now having to use the words" extreme weather."

No matter what terminology they use, they are finally waking up to the reality of it and finally taking some steps to combat the effects of climate change.

The sad thing, we never would have had to do this if the right had not spent so much time denying it's happening and actually took steps to combat it we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.

It's going to cost much more and we will have to take more steps to combat it since it was allowed to get so bad.

I sure wish the right had woken up decades ago to this problem. It wouldn't be as bad as it is now.

That half a billion that DeSantis is going to spend isn't federal tax dollars. It's state tax dollars which means the state of Florida is going to have to raise taxes in some way soon.

They will probably do as they have been doing with taxes for decades.

Hit the guests who go there as tourists. The last time I was in Florida there were FIVE separate taxes on hotels and car rentals. While the taxes on the people who live there are very low.

The last thing a republican is going to do is be responsible and pay their own way.

So don't be surprised if it's much more expensive to visit Florida than it already is.

More steps to fight extreme weather? Ok. Dana7360 vs. Extreme Weather...

Who would win?

The right is waking up to the reality of climate change.

However since they spent a couple of decades saying it was all a hoax and not real, the republican politicians are now having to use the words" extreme weather."

No matter what terminology they use, they are finally waking up to the reality of it and finally taking some steps to combat the effects of climate change.

The sad thing, we never would have had to do this if the right had not spent so much time denying it's happening and actually took steps to combat it we wouldn't be in the situation we're in now.

It's going to cost much more and we will have to take more steps to combat it since it was allowed to get so bad.

I sure wish the right had woken up decades ago to this problem. It wouldn't be as bad as it is now.

That half a billion that DeSantis is going to spend isn't federal tax dollars. It's state tax dollars which means the state of Florida is going to have to raise taxes in some way soon.

They will probably do as they have been doing with taxes for decades.

Hit the guests who go there as tourists. The last time I was in Florida there were FIVE separate taxes on hotels and car rentals. While the taxes on the people who live there are very low.

The last thing a republican is going to do is be responsible and pay their own way.

So don't be surprised if it's much more expensive to visit Florida than it already is.

Another troll thread from the leftist troll. Fla doesn’t have state income tax so they have always had other taxes to compensate. If you hate it so much then don’t go there.
I hate to point out the fact that the temperatures have only gone up a single degree Centigrade in the past 50 years ... and average weather is exactly the same as it was back in 1970 ...

We're expecting another single degree rise over the next 50 years, and again average weather will be exactly the same ... of course there will be bad weather ahead, there has always been bad weather, one or two degrees doesn't change this ...

This is an hour's drive south, why is that climate catastrophic? ... [giggle] ... or better, how is that climate any different from your climate? ...

Temperature has gone up a single degree here over the past hour ... nothing bad has happened ... looks like the fog will burn off early and we'll have a sunny warm day ... barefoot weather ...
If it wasn't for climate change, my house would currently be under a one mile sheet of ice.

Imagine the moonbats if they were around for the massive flooding that occurred during the Great Warming. Evidence that is still visible in the massive Mississippi flood plains and carved limestone bluffs of Southern MN and its tributaries. A lake region formed to the north as the retreating ice sheets carved the landscape down to some of the oldest Granite rock exposed on Earth.
They would have thought it was the end of days.
I bet it was an impressive sight to behold.

During one warming period about 65 million years ago, this part of the continent was covered by ocean, as we find fossil remains of simple sea creatures in the southern part of the state.

Liberals cannot grasp an ever changing cyclical Earth far outside our perception of time.
"Climate change" is WEATHER............PERIOD.

The weather on this planet has been ever changing, every day, all day, each day........since this planet was formed.

Weather cannot be stopped, slowed, sped up, or changed.......not by MAN, not by beast.

This planet is a living thing. It changes constantly, and has done so for millennia. It will never stop.

This planet is always evolving, changing, shifting, creating, and destroying. It is the FACT of nature.
MAN CANNOT CHANGE THIS. And if you think MAN has anything to do with this planet shifting, changing, and going forward with it's fundamental natural are a whole new level of fuktard!!!

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