Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

Oh, now you want to talk about something else? Go ahead and comment on the topic, or start a new thread like I told you to before.
Oh I have and it triggered you into this hilarious bit of emotional fragility. Let's relive the sequence of events that lead us here for shits and giggles.....

What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

You can name-call all day? Clearly that is your intention. Too bad you can't discuss the thread topic. I wonder if you could link to any post of yours actually related to a thread topic NOT about racism.

By name-calling?

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.

If you enjoy being a name-caller.

Now we've established that you enjoy being a name-caller. You might want to try something else, though. You know, like discussing a topic?

The part you keep cutting out because you're embarrassed. Let's relive it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again, for as long as you want to pretend. :lmao:

What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

According to the name-caller ^^^^^.

You can name-call all day? Clearly that is your intention. Too bad you can't discuss the thread topic. I wonder if you could link to any post of yours actually related to a thread topic NOT about racism.

By name-calling?

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.

Too bad you can't discuss the thread topic. I wonder if you could link to any post of yours actually related to a thread topic NOT about racism. Can you?

If you enjoy being a name-caller.

Now we've established that you enjoy being a name-caller. You might want to try something else, though. You know, like discussing a topic?

Why not start a thread right now and have a real discussion without all of your usual name-calling?

Open a window so you don't drown in your tears, hypocrite.

Embarrassed for you? Everyone is.
Well when you have the strength of character that I have what other people think of you doesn't even cross your mind because who gives a shit? :dunno: :laugh:

What I find funny is all the crying you do about name calling when the record clearly shows you name calling first. Let's relive it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again, for as long as you want to pretend. :lmao:

What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

According to the name-caller ^^^^^.

By name-calling?

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.

If you enjoy being a name-caller.

Now we've established that you enjoy being a name-caller. You might want to try something else, though. You know, like discussing a topic?

Why not start a thread right now and have a real discussion without all of your usual name-calling?

Do you have any? Crying and hypocrisy do not suggest so.
Hypocrisy suggests a lack of character does it? Well then let's examine the hypocrisy one of us has actual evidence for......

What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

According to the name-caller ^^^^^.

By name-calling?

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.

If you enjoy being a name-caller.

Now we've established that you enjoy being a name-caller. You might want to try something else, though. You know, like discussing a topic?

Why not start a thread right now and have a real discussion without all of your usual name-calling?

This does happen. There is only so many times women can tell a man how much they don't need him before he allows them to live by their decree
Is that your excuse for why 75 percent of Black marriages fail, because Black men "allow their wives to live by their decree"? Wow that's a new one.
Quite simply many marriages fail because people in their 20s aren't ready to be married. They're figuring out that it's best to wait longer. Where's the downside to waiting until 30 or 35? Nobody has been able to explain this.
Quite simply many marriages fail because people in their 20s aren't ready to be married. They're figuring out that it's best to wait longer. Where's the downside to waiting until 30 or 35? Nobody has been able to explain this.
I'm 34 and still a bachelor. I'm much more secure in my career and am in no rush to get married.
If a woman is doing all that without help from her spouse, he spouse is a piece of shit and she could do much better
If you went on a cruise, you would find the East Asian men and women who do the work hate Americans and American spoiled women. These Asian men and women will be top dogs replacing us in a couple of decades and you will see what that means. I can honestly say that the people servicing the guests on ships are smarter. Only the luck of the draw from poorer nations causes this. Scorched earth is needed.
You keep saying that, but what is sad is that you need a permission slip from the Govt to make your relationship last.
You don't need a permission slip to make your relationship last. The permission slip entitles you to various benefits from the government. The government would prefer that no one marry so they don't have to deal with things like tax breaks for families.
Yeah, something you should work on.
What are you talking about Unk? I've done a fantastic job exposing yours. It's why you're suffering this week long meltdown. Let's see if it lasts for two. :laugh:

Anyway, here it is again, and again and again and again and again if you thought you could pretend longer than I can point and laugh. :laugh:
What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

According to the name-caller ^^^^^.

You can name-call all day? Clearly that is your intention. Too bad you can't discuss the thread topic. I wonder if you could link to any post of yours actually related to a thread topic NOT about racism.

By name-calling?

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.


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