Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.
The rom-com idea is nothing new
Maybe some people are afraid of adult responsibilities.
Look who's still name calling. You're essentially calling everyone who doesn't want to accept the role of wife or mother a child, hiding from responsibility. If we strip away your emotional insecurity and look objectively then we realize whatever responsibilities people have when they're adults are adult responsibilities. Make rational arguments Unk, rather than emotional one's.
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.

Let me guess, you want your "Woman" barefoot and pregnant.
Look who's still name calling. You're essentially calling everyone who doesn't want to accept the role of wife or mother a child, hiding from responsibility. If we strip away your emotional insecurity and look objectively then we realize whatever responsibilities people have when they're adults are adult responsibilities. Make rational arguments Unk, rather than emotional one's.

You fail semantics. Try again.
If you're asking for help, you need to clarify just what it is you don't understand.

You think I'm ashamed to ask for your help understanding your inarticulate argument? :dunno: I don't understand what adult responsibilities you're referring to. Give one as an example.

You think I'm ashamed to ask for your help understanding your inarticulate argument? :dunno: I don't understand what adult responsibilities you're referring to. Give one as an example.

There you go. It would have been easier for you to beg from the outset rather than dragging it out like this.

Adult responsibilities include things like working to support your own family, making and keeping commitments to people you claim to care about rather than just using them for your own temporary comfort and convenience, raising and nurturing the next generation, acting in the interests of others (including your country) rather than just your own selfish wants, and in general living a life of service.
There you go. It would have been easier for you to beg from the outset rather than dragging it out like this.

No one's begging Unk. I'm asking you for clarification. Why are you so emotional about everything that you have to pretend and fantasize this nonsense? :dunno: :laugh:
Adult responsibilities include things like working to support your own family, making and keeping commitments to people you claim to care about rather than just using them for your own temporary comfort and convenience, raising and nurturing the next generation, acting in the interests of others (including your country) rather than just your own selfish wants, and in general living a life of service.
So basically exactly what I described the first time. :laugh:

Because they're not living their life as you think they should you don't think they have their own adult responsibilities, their own families and support systems, young people that they mentor and guide or are active in their communities? That's a pretty ignorant assumption you're making there and before you cry I'm not calling you ignorant without cause, i mean it objectively. You don't know anything about anyone else's life.
You were very smart to wait until you knew what it is you wanted. A growing number of young people are seeing the light you saw and are waiting until later in life. Less chances for divorce and more mature and financially stable. In every facet that is better than mid 20s, not much money saved yet, less mature. Two people aren't ready for a marriage commitment until they've dated for many years.
Record numbers of young people(mostly young men) are not dating let alone marriage.

You’re not responding to what’s been posted countless times my friend. Record levels of depression and drug use in the USA occurring today among the youth.
More than a few so-called "adults" have posted on this site boasting about actively avoiding marriage, having children, or working hard. The far left has been trying for decades to make pathetic arrested development something "cool" or "fun." They have been trying to sell the avoidance of adult responsibilities as a virtue. It isn't.

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