Donald Trump: The Bidens Are an ‘Organized Crime Family’


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

Thats what Bush's ethics lawyer RIchard Painter said of Trump family.

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

Thats what Bush's ethics lawyer RIchard Painter said of Trump family.

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.

And you've been totally fine with the Trumps ? I means, you've only spent the last four years, crying, bitching, moaning, pulling jackassed impeachment stunts, obstructing, shitting your pants, saying insane shit, focusing on the smallest things....

I am sure the Bidens will get the same treatment.

You fuckers are straight up....not hypocrites.
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

Thats what Bush's ethics lawyer RIchard Painter said of Trump family.

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.
Bush's "ethics lawyer".....lmao.
Joe is talking about issues....
Trump has been reduced to talking about his opponent's son.

What matters more to you?

Yes, we are just thrilled at his ideas around masks and transgender shit.

And of course he was so clear on his court packing position (issue).

Can you do us all a favor and go fuck yourself.

I don't have to. But that is the only way you can ever have sex.
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

Thats what Bush's ethics lawyer RIchard Painter said of Trump family.

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.

The biden family is a depraved bottom of the sewer family. Shrub had no ethics.
Joe is talking about his personal issues....
Trump has reduced to talking about his opponent's corruption

What matters more to you?

Nah, he's talking about getting more educated Americans,
Expanding child care and early education programs
Repealing Trump's tax cuts.
Actually fighting Covid.

His non-answer on the court packing is stupid and he should stop. You're right about that.

Meanwhile the blob is not talking about his programs or policies...just his opponent's son.
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

Thats what Bush's ethics lawyer RIchard Painter said of Trump family.

people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.

The biden family is a depraved bottom of the sewer family. Shrub had no ethics.

Absolutely they are! no doubts about it! worse of the worse! :mad-61:
Joe is talking about issues....
Trump has been reduced to talking about his opponent's son.

What matters more to you?

That's outrageous!!!!!

Only Dems are allowed to talk about opponent's sons.

Families should be off limits I would imagine. But this has been the state of our politics since the blob oozed onto the scene. I still find it hilarious that Ted Cruz is defending the blob even though he called his wife ugly.... Its like...really?
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

He is wrong. They aren’t organized. Shoddy calendars and cannot keep track of their laptops
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

He is wrong. They aren’t organized. Shoddy calendars and cannot keep track of their laptops

Yeah, you get sloppy when you're waking up with a crack pipe in your mouth.
hey, maybe some successful movie producer can make another Godfather Like series from this, but what can we call it?
The Dumbass Father? The Wandering Fingers Father? The Hair Sniffing Father?
I agree with the President!

The president referred to recent reports featuring Biden son Hunter Biden pursuing lucrative foreign deals with not only the Ukrainian Energy company Burisma, but also corporate interests in China.

Trump is a liar.

Biden even lies more while extorting ukraine and riding point on illegal activities with china while his son is a crackhead and has connections to human traffic rings.

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