Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

The video does not show that CNN created a fake report that shows events that did not happen.
Um...that's exactly what it shows. It amazes me that you LWNJ's will actually deny even video. You people attempt to deny the ultimate form of evidence. They clearly state that it is "bullshit" which means it is not an event because it never happened. They follow that up with admitting they do it for ratings.

That is the textbook definition of fake news.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Or, more likely, a modern day Benedict Arnold.
President Trump continues to show what a a real leader looks like. What an effective leader looks like. A government "shutdown" would be the best thing to happen to the United States as we are $20 trillion in debt and would curb spending as much as possible (obviously stuff like defense, the post office, etc. would still be running and thus funded). But the unconstitutional nonsense would stop.
After being heavily criticized for not including funding for a border wall in a previous budget bill, President Trump is said to be willing to take drastic steps to force funding in the next budget. A Freedom Caucus congressman says Trump is willing to force a government shutdown if his border wall isn’t funded.
Of course, the left can't handle that. So if they choose the other option, then the wall gets funded and built - exactly as President Trump promised. So we either get border security or a reduction in government spending. We win either way (also as President Trump promised).

Trump to take drastic steps to force Democrats to fund border wall
It's nice to see an adult and a real leader to take action to turn around the nightmare created by progressives. Our veterans deserve the best healthcare in the world and have received third-world healthcare thanks to the left.
Since President Donald Trump took office, 526 employees have been fired from the Veterans Administration, 27 have been demoted, and 194 have been put on two-week suspensions for their mistreatment of veterans.
Credit Where Credit Is Due: Trump’s Firings at the VA Are a Bright Spot in a Dark Week
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Most likely the most infamous.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time
The United States will waive environmental rules so extra barriers can be built to bar illegal immigrants from crossing the border with Mexico near San Diego, the Department of Homeland Security said on Tuesday.

The projects, on about 15 miles (24 km) of the frontier extending east from the Pacific Ocean, are part of President Donald Trump's planned wall between the United States and Mexico.
Securing the borders, restoring constitutional government, preserving liberty, being fiscally damn it is great to be an American again!

U.S. eases environment laws for Mexico border wall near San Diego
The Dow Jones is absolutely exploding - hitting record highs today. The unemployment numbers were released - it's 4.3% (a 16-year low). President Trump is averaging 184,000 jobs per month. Over 1 million jobs have been created since President Trump's inauguration.
What he is achieving is simply astounding. Who would have imagined that Donald Trump would be the one to save the U.S. Constitution?

San Francisco Is Suddenly for States Rights When It Comes to Deporting Illegal Aliens

So you're supporting San Francisco claiming states rights under the Constitution?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Immigration has been determined by the Supreme Court to be a federal issue. When Texas and Arizona tried to do their own immigration the Court put an end to it.

The same thing applies to the big city Communists havens.

Stop being a nitwit. It just makes you look foolish when you post your ignorant stuff.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

.... it's something to hope for but it would take tremendous odds for me to lay any money on it. I do wish us luck.
Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

.... it's something to hope for but it would take tremendous odds for me to lay any money on it. I do wish us luck.
I'm hoping for the shortest presidency for him

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