Donald Trump Just Called Himself ‘A Very Stable Genius’

I shit you not.
Yes he did.
Would a stable person OR a genius ever utter those words?

President Donald Trump hit back at critics who have questioned his mental stability by branding himself a “very stable genius” on Saturday morning.

In a series of tweets, Trump said that throughout his life his “two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.” He also bragged about going from “VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star... to President of the United States (on my first try).”

You don’t find these comments the least bit peculiar, trump humps?

Stable people don’t going around telling everybody they’re stable unless they doubt it themselves.

Donald Trump Just Called Himself 'A Very Stable Genius' | HuffPost

Would a stable genius use the word "like" before saying it?

It's funny, he said "taking out the old Ronald Reagan play book" but Reagan ACTUALLY HAD PROBLEMS, we know this.

He died of complications from his Alzheimer's. And Trump is using this as an example... what a muppet.
There’s Alzheimer’s in Trump’s family and it’s hereditary
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

"You know, one of the things that people don’t understand — we have signed more legislation than anybody. We broke the record of Harry Truman,”
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

We are going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. And they are going to like it!
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

"You know, one of the things that people don’t understand — we have signed more legislation than anybody. We broke the record of Harry Truman,”

Can we have the original quote? Especially the part after ",".
I shit you not.
Yes he did.
Would a stable person OR a genius ever utter those words?

President Donald Trump hit back at critics who have questioned his mental stability by branding himself a “very stable genius” on Saturday morning.

In a series of tweets, Trump said that throughout his life his “two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.” He also bragged about going from “VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star... to President of the United States (on my first try).”

You don’t find these comments the least bit peculiar, trump humps?

Stable people don’t going around telling everybody they’re stable unless they doubt it themselves.

Donald Trump Just Called Himself 'A Very Stable Genius' | HuffPost
Check out his IQ compared to Obubba's.
Maybe 30 years ago he had it together but now he’s a blistering idiot.

How so?
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

“This is going to cost me a fortune, this is not good for me.” (speaking of the tax bill)
I shit you not.
Yes he did.
Would a stable person OR a genius ever utter those words?

President Donald Trump hit back at critics who have questioned his mental stability by branding himself a “very stable genius” on Saturday morning.

In a series of tweets, Trump said that throughout his life his “two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.” He also bragged about going from “VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star... to President of the United States (on my first try).”

You don’t find these comments the least bit peculiar, trump humps?

Stable people don’t going around telling everybody they’re stable unless they doubt it themselves.

Donald Trump Just Called Himself 'A Very Stable Genius' | HuffPost
Check out his IQ compared to Obubba's.

Yup Dump said he tested positive for his IQ.

You on the other hand, failed the IQ test.
Hey Normy... would a real genius try to convince everyone who is willing to listen that he’s a genius? Have you all lost your minds defending this man with an obvious deteriorating mental state?
You on the other hand, failed the IQ test.
View image on Twitter

Bette Midler @BetteMidler
2:09 PM - Jan 6, 2018

That's Trump alright, but who's the front half of that horse?
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

“This is going to cost me a fortune, this is not good for me.” (speaking of the tax bill)

A link would be nice....
I shit you not.
Yes he did.
Would a stable person OR a genius ever utter those words?

President Donald Trump hit back at critics who have questioned his mental stability by branding himself a “very stable genius” on Saturday morning.

In a series of tweets, Trump said that throughout his life his “two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.” He also bragged about going from “VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star... to President of the United States (on my first try).”

You don’t find these comments the least bit peculiar, trump humps?

Stable people don’t going around telling everybody they’re stable unless they doubt it themselves.

Donald Trump Just Called Himself 'A Very Stable Genius' | HuffPost
Check out his IQ compared to Obubba's.
Maybe 30 years ago he had it together but now he’s a blistering idiot.

How so?
Many people who have known him for decades say his speech patterns and mental faculties have fallen way off.
You could see him drolling down his 6 foot long red tie and still say he’s brilliant.
There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

"You know, one of the things that people don’t understand — we have signed more legislation than anybody. We broke the record of Harry Truman,”

Can we have the original quote? Especially the part after ",".

You know, one of the things that people don’t understand, we have signed more legislation than anybody — we broke the record of Harry Truman. And they were saying, if we get this big tax break — because that’s the legislation of all legislation, that’s the biggest there is.

and then he doubled down on his lie...

We have more legislation passed, including the record — was Harry Truman. That’s a long time ago. And we broke that record. So we have a lot done.

Remarks by President Trump to First Responders | The White House
There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

“This is going to cost me a fortune, this is not good for me.” (speaking of the tax bill)

A link would be nice....

Analysis | President Trump says the tax bill will ‘cost me a fortune.’ That’s false.

Go to about 15 seconds into the video and you will hear him say it.
There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...

“This is going to cost me a fortune, this is not good for me.” (speaking of the tax bill)

A link would be nice....
Soggy ass never watches the news.
Your demented prez made that comment dozens of times and it’s been reported hundreds of times.
This is not the first time I caught u not knowing a common quote.
You need to get your head out of Fox News who censors all his lies.
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...
Are you a masochist or just a troll?
The Donald is smarter than Barry "Butthurt" Hussaine Obama and Crooked Hillary combined. Plus he is honest and tells it like it is. That is why he won the election in a landslide! Get over it!

There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...
Are you a masochist or just a troll?

I have given two, and I predict that Soggy will forget this thread even exist.
Genius,? Maybe.

Narcissist? Unquestionably.

Idiot? No.

Insane? Only if he is also genius.

Unstable? I don't know, but just because some ass hurt snot nosed pussy claims he is, makes it less likely in my mind.
There is not an honest cell in his being!

Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...
Are you a masochist or just a troll?

I have given two, and I predict that Soggy will forget this thread even exist.
They do it all the time, not only Soggy.
They keep asking the same questions every single day.
Just because you can't take the truth doesn't mean the rest of us are as weak.

You obviously have spaghetti for brains if you have not heard any of the average 5.5 lies a day the Orange Genius tells.

Give us an example of one...
Are you a masochist or just a troll?

I have given two, and I predict that Soggy will forget this thread even exist.
They do it all the time, not only Soggy.
They keep asking the same questions every single day.

That is true, this request for an example of a lie is almost a daily occurrence. It is the partisan hack version of the movie 50 First dates, every day the Trump zealots wake up and have no memory of anything that happened the previous day.
Here are some signs that your President is a mentally ill knuttjob :
“If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”
“It’s very rare that I come to an event where I’m like the fifth- or sixth-most interesting person.”
“throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”
“Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states, I think one left to go.”
“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
“My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”
“Islam has always been part of America”

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