Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by Senate Intelligence Committee

Was Nixon a Democrat?

No, why? You trying to make some sort of point?

How many Presidents have resigned from office in U.S. history? And what party were they members of? It's not about being a quitter or a fighter. What matters is if the person isn't a lying piece of scum... then they wouldn't have anything to worry about.

You mean like Bill Clinton?

Of course the difference between Clinton and Nixon is that he was heavily supported by his party whereas the Republicans told Nixon to get out of Dodge. How many Presidents resigned from office and from what party? Well how many Presidents were convicted of perjury and from what party?

Bill Clinton didn't resign. He was impeached but not removed from office by the Senate and served 8 years. Doesn't mean he wasn't shady... but when your go to defense EVERY SINGLE TIME for Trump is to point the finger at some past President? You've lost.

Of course Clinton didn't resign. At least you can say Nixon had a little integrity.

Clinton took an oath of office to uphold the US Constitution, and was found guilty of perjury. Violation of his oath of office right there. How can you state a man found guilty of a crime was not shady?
So you admit that perjury is a bad enough crime to be impeached and found guilty for. Or does that only apply for Democrats to you?
Made-up bullshit?
Correct, not one single subpoena ignored by hillary or ignored at her order.

Your a fucking jackass and an idiot moronic liar. Don't even pretend like you actually read those links. Hillary never did a thing herself personally like any smart attorney including satisfy her husband, just told someone else to do it. So take your TDS and 2nd grade mentality and go bother someone who actually cares.
It's a fun day when you read a CRC post where they call others "moronic" as they use basic English words like "your" and "you're" incorrectly. Indeed, a bastion of CRC brilliance. :71:
Still many #NEVERTRUMP Republicans in Congress...Apparently Don Jr. previous 13 hours of testimony and the HOPE he will walk into one of many PERJURY TRAPS that the SWAMP CRITTERS will be setting for him is the TRUE reason he is being called back....ANYTHING yo hurt this president personally..... .but an Executive Privelege order should have this null and voided. By the way, Mr. president a BLANKET EP order for any member of the administration would go far into ending this charade, and at worse send it to SCOTUS where it can be held up for YEARS, at least long enough to finish out a second term of your MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN agenda!
Poor donnie.....he's such a victim.
Trump is a fighter? Trump is a crooked bully who has never had his ass thoroughly kicked.

That's what usually happens with fighters. It's the wimps that get their ass kicked all the time.

While you on the left are jumping up and down, hoping this is the one what gets rid of Trump, what you don't realize is that you are giving Trump ammunition for the 2020 debates against whoever the Democrat nominee is. A lot of people don't really pay attention to things like this, but when Trump addresses the public about these side-shows of harassment, the voters tuning in will realize just how corrupt the Democrat party is.

Was Nixon a Democrat?

No, why? You trying to make some sort of point?

How many Presidents have resigned from office in U.S. history? And what party were they members of? It's not about being a quitter or a fighter. What matters is if the person isn't a lying piece of scum... then they wouldn't have anything to worry about.

You mean like Bill Clinton?

Of course the difference between Clinton and Nixon is that he was heavily supported by his party whereas the Republicans told Nixon to get out of Dodge. How many Presidents resigned from office and from what party? Well how many Presidents were convicted of perjury and from what party?

While it is true and well documented that Clinton TWICE lied under oath about his dalliances with Lewinsky, that he is a proven womanizing sleazebag, the over all Starr investigation was unfounded and didn't rise to the level of an Impeachable offence. Investigating him over his stupid sexual dalliances in the White House with a White House intern was a waste of time and money from the start.
All they are gonna hear is that Fusion GPS was totally in charge of this fiasco.. It was a political set-up.. The Russian "orphanage babe" met with Fusion GPS the day before AND the day after the meeting.. Go summon them to testify to learn what the "russians told them"... And whether Hillary and the DNC paid for that set-up...
Hmm, no, that's pure fantasy and will not happen. They are going to ask about the Trump tower meeting and the Moscow tower project. As everyone paying attention knows.

Which never happened.
It was a real- estate deal that never came to maturity.
Because they finally learned of the Russian interference, which the FBI failed to tell them.

I think the way it went was that the Trump campaign FAILED to notify the FBI they were contacted by Russians promising 'dirt' on HRC.

No charge for the clarification but try & keep up next time.

there is nothing illegal about accepting political information from a foreign source. What's illegal is using foreign lies to enact a FISA warrant to spy on american citizens.

Did I say there was anything 'illegal' about it? No, I did not.

The FAILURE of EVERYONE within the Trump campaign that knew anything about this should have notified the FBI.
That would have been the 'right thing to do' and it would have demonstrated CHARACTER & PRINCIPLE by Trump's campaign.
We ALL however know that did not happen; WHY? Because no one associated with the Trump campaign has a shred of CHARACTER, nor PRINCIPLE.

These assholes would NOT 'do the right thing', ever.
All they are gonna hear is that Fusion GPS was totally in charge of this fiasco.. It was a political set-up.. The Russian "orphanage babe" met with Fusion GPS the day before AND the day after the meeting.. Go summon them to testify to learn what the "russians told them"... And whether Hillary and the DNC paid for that set-up...
Hmm, no, that's pure fantasy and will not happen. They are going to ask about the Trump tower meeting and the Moscow tower project. As everyone paying attention knows.

Which never happened.
It was a real- estate deal that never came to maturity.
Because they finally learned of the Russian interference, which the FBI failed to tell them.

I think the way it went was that the Trump campaign FAILED to notify the FBI they were contacted by Russians promising 'dirt' on HRC.

No charge for the clarification but try & keep up next time.

The Trump tower never happened.

The Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016; fuck, you are stupid.
That's what usually happens with fighters. It's the wimps that get their ass kicked all the time.

While you on the left are jumping up and down, hoping this is the one what gets rid of Trump, what you don't realize is that you are giving Trump ammunition for the 2020 debates against whoever the Democrat nominee is. A lot of people don't really pay attention to things like this, but when Trump addresses the public about these side-shows of harassment, the voters tuning in will realize just how corrupt the Democrat party is.

Was Nixon a Democrat?

No, why? You trying to make some sort of point?

How many Presidents have resigned from office in U.S. history? And what party were they members of? It's not about being a quitter or a fighter. What matters is if the person isn't a lying piece of scum... then they wouldn't have anything to worry about.

You mean like Bill Clinton?

Of course the difference between Clinton and Nixon is that he was heavily supported by his party whereas the Republicans told Nixon to get out of Dodge. How many Presidents resigned from office and from what party? Well how many Presidents were convicted of perjury and from what party?

While it is true and well documented that Clinton TWICE lied under oath about his dalliances with Lewinsky, that he is a proven womanizing sleazebag, the over all Starr investigation was unfounded and didn't rise to the level of an Impeachable offence. Investigating him over his stupid sexual dalliances in the White House with a White House intern was a waste of time and money from the start.
Only to stupid, Partisan ANNORMALS....LIED under oath....what Cohen and Manafort sent to jail for!
All they are gonna hear is that Fusion GPS was totally in charge of this fiasco.. It was a political set-up.. The Russian "orphanage babe" met with Fusion GPS the day before AND the day after the meeting.. Go summon them to testify to learn what the "russians told them"... And whether Hillary and the DNC paid for that set-up...
Hmm, no, that's pure fantasy and will not happen. They are going to ask about the Trump tower meeting and the Moscow tower project. As everyone paying attention knows.

Which never happened.
It was a real- estate deal that never came to maturity.
Because they finally learned of the Russian interference, which the FBI failed to tell them.

I think the way it went was that the Trump campaign FAILED to notify the FBI they were contacted by Russians promising 'dirt' on HRC.

No charge for the clarification but try & keep up next time.

there is nothing illegal about accepting political information from a foreign source. What's illegal is using foreign lies to enact a FISA warrant to spy on american citizens.

Did I say there was anything 'illegal' about it? No, I did not.

The FAILURE of EVERYONE within the Trump campaign that knew anything about this should have notified the FBI.
That would have been the 'right thing to do' and it would have demonstrated CHARACTER & PRINCIPLE by Trump's campaign.
We ALL however know that did not happen; WHY? Because no one associated with the Trump campaign has a shred of CHARACTER, nor PRINCIPLE.

These assholes would NOT 'do the right thing', ever.
You mean like the Durrender Monkeys administration did when they discovered supposed Russians interference with the Trump campsign....Who was it, Page that said

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'
Feb 7, 2018 · 2, 2016, text exchange, Page writes that she was preparing the ... Describing that conversation months later, Obama said he told .
Just reported on MSNBC. I am surprised. What do you think?

Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenas Donald Trump Jr. in Russia probe

What I think is this is political harassment; something I hope the Republicans remember for a long time, at least until the next Democrat President if we ever have one again.

You do realize this committee is a Republican lead/majority committee, don't you?

Oh, you don't? OK, not surprised.

Gee, and I wonder who suggested it and how many Democrats agreed with it? So what Republican voted to have the questioning?

Sent from my iPad using

Republican Sen. Richard Burr

Key GOP senator after Trump Jr. intel subpoena says 'at some point this smacks of politics'

I'm sure, just like with everyone else associated with this corrupt administration, daddy will tell him to ignore the subpoena.

In today's corrupt political climate, showing up for subpoenas issued by Congress is optional.

Yep. Hillary made an art of it . . . .
What subpoenas has she ignored?

You slept through all the hearings she's been in since Benghazi? It took months, years or never to get shit out of her. That's why her hearings dragged on so long. Democrats never meet a subpoena deadline! You fuckheads invented the process of lawlessness, now you're shitting your pants because Trump is throwing it back in your face! :lmao:
Answer the question, nitwit. Better yet, I'll answer it for you. She hasn't ignored any subpoenas, moron.

Another flaming TDS butthole jerkoff who can't read half a dozen articles listing all the ignored subpoenas without even going back into Benghazi, but still fantasizes about grabbing Ivanka's tits. But the good thing is that with drooling idiots like you, the Dems are sure to lose badly AGAIN.
Answer the question, shit for brains. What subpoenas has she ignored?
Just reported on MSNBC. I am surprised. What do you think?

Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenas Donald Trump Jr. in Russia probe
I'm sure, just like with everyone else associated with this corrupt administration, daddy will tell him to ignore the subpoena.

In today's corrupt political climate, showing up for subpoenas issued by Congress is optional.
/——-/ DJ Jr is not AG who is ready to rip open the democRATs festering wounds. He’ll show up.
/--- No he won't, asshole ---/



Mitch McConnell said it was all over. It’s a thing of the past. What are Republicans doing?

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