Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by Senate Intelligence Committee

So you think Hillary didn't ask or want to know where that information on the dossier came from? I don't give her credit for much, but I will give her credit for that. There is no possible way she just took that information without question. She not only knew where it came from, but didn't care either.

I stated this earlier:
If what you claim is true, and I am not saying it is, or is not, there would be multiple layers of contacts required to pull off such a stunt.
In such a scenario it would likely be impossible for the original source(s) to know whom the end user recipient(s) may ever be, and vice versa.

What I may "think" & what actually happened, I have no idea; that is speculation, unless there is a source that has irrefutable evidence to the contrary.

The SC investigation has already documented what occurred with team Trump.

Go ahead; keep digging that hole.

Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

what were his lies? be specific.

then you can address lies to congress by the following: Hillary, Comey, Holder, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, the women who lied about Kavanaugh. we'll wait
Dude, HRC did not lie.

we landed under sniper fire
there was no classified data on my personal server (to congress)
I never destroyed any emails (to congress)
Benghazi was caused by a video
Bill's accusers are all trailer trash
the election was stolen from me
I never approved giving 20% or our uranium to russian interests

just to list a few of the most well known lies.
Well you're in luck, because Barr is going to investigate and find out exactly what happened and why criminality was ignored.
Barr lied to Congress. That makes him a criminal.

Then Hillary was a criminal long before Barr stepped into the picture. So the question is, why did the Democrats let a criminal run for President?

Criminal? What was HRC convicted of?

Your sour grapes are making for a shitty tasting bottle of whine for you, jack ass.

According to Dean's standards, yes, she was a criminal. Or maybe you forgot:

Dean? I'm not wading through a video of over six minutes for bullshit.

So, HRC was convicted of what?

Oh, that's right; NOT a fucking thing.

Keep dreaming those wet dreams .........

She wasn't convicted of anything.......yet. She had the whole cabal protecting her. OJ wasn't convicted of murder either.

Don't want to watch the video? Fine with me. That's how people stay ignorant; they refuse to learn anything. I'm sure you can use that 60 seconds for much more productive things, like watching CNN.
its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.
its amazing how you libs dont know the difference between political rhetoric and lies. But you voted for hillary so I guess that explains it.

Sorry, and as usual you are WRONG, again.

I voted for Gary 'What is Aleppo' Johnson but nice try retard.

so you wasted your vote on a pothead who had zero chance of winning-----------and you call others dumb?

Many people state they 'vote for the lesser of two evils' but me, I don't play that shit; I actually vote for a candidate.

Sure, anyone can vote for a Democrat, or a Republican; those are the two parties that got AmericKKKa where we are now, in a huge shit pile of debt.

Go ahead, keep voting for the same ole shit that got you where you are now, and go ahead & keep hoping that may change.

Why did you need to quote me twice? Are you a dumbass?

defend it however you want, you wasted your vote on a fool that had zero chance of winning

to your second question: machine error. and its obvious that you are the dumbass here.

No; I wasted no vote.

Machine error? Yes; I thought you were a fucking robot but now I have no doubt.

if you click the reply button twice it posts your comment twice. I know you are too dumb to understand that, so lets move on.

when you vote for someone with no chance of winning you waste your vote when you could have voted for or against someone with a chance of winning. You did not vote against Trump by voting for pothead, you wasted it.
we landed under sniper fire
there was no classified data on my personal server (to congress)
I never destroyed any emails (to congress)
Benghazi was caused by a video
Bill's accusers are all trailer trash
the election was stolen from me
I never approved giving 20% or our uranium to russian interests

just to list a few of the most well known lies.

One more: I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary (who wasn't even known until after Hillary was born).
He should have dad invoke executive privilege.

I guess you don't understand executive privilege.

It applies to discussions and events that happen while a person is president. NOT while they're a candidate for president.

trump jr is being asked about events with russia that happened before trump was president. The meeting in trump tower happened before trump was president.

So executive privilege doesn't apply to any candidate. They aren't the executive yet.

You might want to try another flimsy straw to desperately grab onto.

You might want to stop being a democrat long enough to realize Obama invoked it on Fast and furious which started two years before he was President.

You might want to stop being such a republican.

I'm not nor have I ever been a registered democrat nor have ever been a member the democratic party.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I don't vote for any party. I vote for a person. I'm not a partisan hack like you. It's us Independent who decide elections. It's us Independents that both parties need to win an election. People like you just look for the R next to a name then check if off.

Stop projecting.

What does Obama have do with any of this? Oh that's right. Nothing. Only as far as you want to either change the subject or use it to excuse trump's actions. Fast and Furious wasn't a campaign for the presidency. The two aren't even similar.

What happened during his campaign isn't protected by executive privilege. No matter how much you want it to be.

Also, trump jr. isn't a member of the government, isn't a cabinet member or diplomat or even an advisor so any conversations with him and his dad can't can't come under executive privilege. No matter how much you want it to be.

I find it disgusting you want to protect liars and criminals who conspired with russia then tried to cover it up. The sad thing is you don't care what he does. He can kill a baby in broad day light and you wouldn't care. You would probably blame it on either the baby or any democrat you can think of.

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