Donald Trump Jr sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin set shooting

The point is if one is going to be handling firearms it is prudent to at least be versed in basic gun safety. There is nothing expert level here.

Clearing a weapon and checking the load are fundamental Dick and Jane concepts

Again the safety requirements on a set are that a qualified firearms expert load the weapon and declare it safe.
An actor messing with that gun afterwards invalidates that certification
Look I already said this was an accident that could have been avoided and I already mentioned the standard safety actions involving firearms in my first post here.

On a Hollywood movie set the roles and responsibilities of the people are very clear and in all honesty the safety record in regards to firearms on movie sets is extremely good.

I have a feeling you wouldn't be so unforgiving if say some other actor who agreed with your politics was involved.

It doesn't have anything to do with politics.

Yes I think Baldwin is a first rate asshole but that is not the issue here. We all know he had no intentions of killing anyone.

The issue is did he have a degree of neglect in the shooting.

As someone that is involved in firearms safety as a firearms instructor and range officer it is clear to me that he was. Both as a producer of the movie for allowing live ammo on the set and as an actor that relied on someone else to tell him if the gun was loaded or not.

Probably because of his Hollywood Limousine Liberal Privileged status the Prosecutor won't indict him for negligent or involuntary homicide but he should be so that a jury can determine his level of neglect.
Again the safety requirements on a set are that a qualified firearms expert load the weapon and declare it safe.
An actor messing with that gun afterwards invalidates that certification
I know that already and have stated the same thing more than once.

And no it doesn't invalidate it in fact it double checks and then either validates it or picks up on the fact that a fucking gun has a live round in the magazine.
It doesn't have anything to do with politics.

Yes I think Baldwin is a first rate asshole but that is not the issue here. We all know he had no intentions of killing anyone.

The issue is did he have a degree of neglect in the shooting.

As someone that is involved in firearms safety as a firearms instructor and range officer it is clear to me that he was. Both as a producer of the movie for allowing live ammo on the set and as an actor that relied on someone else to tell him if the gun was loaded or not.

Probably because of his Hollywood Limousine Liberal Privileged status the Prosecutor won't indict him for negligent or involuntary homicide but he should be so that a jury can determine his level of neglect.
No actor in the same situation would be charged.
It is not the NRA
that the point, if it were she would still be alive
Actors are not trained to inspect a blank loaded gun.
in which case the NRA requires that you treat it like it is loaded with real rounds so no one gets hurt or killed

If they open it up and pull out the rounds they may invalidate a previous inspection that cleared the gun
Baldwin was told to fire at the camera for the shot being filmed.
what does that matter? he fired a gun he no training to use and killed one person and injured another...this entire thing points out just how insincere white liberals are about gun safety

The woman killed
hmmm - that is the phrase you claimed was mocking the woman baldwin killed
Alec Baldwin made a career out of skewering Trump. It is karma fulfilled that Trump gets to skewer a bit. Just like holding up a dummy of Trump’s severed head got a bit of karmic breast cancer.

Baldwin had a 24 year old, inexperienced, cutie hired as armorer. No experience, knows nothing about guns. Miss Pert ass cleared the gun. Investigate how this young women got hired for a job she was clearly unable to do. Who was rejected? Was it an experienced, straight, white man and NRA member?

Good for Donald Trump. Double plus good.
It is not the NRA

Actors are not trained to inspect a blank loaded gun. If they open it up and pull out the rounds they may invalidate a previous inspection that cleared the gun
Baldwin was told to fire at the camera for the shot being filmed. The woman killed was behind the camera

View attachment 556102
Gun safety isn't rocket science. Any actor who is too stupid to confirm the status of the firearm they're using in a scene shouldn't be allowed to be in a production involving guns. Obviously, actors who use guns in their movies need to be properly trained to do so.

You can buy this on the idiots website.
View attachment 556071
I wonder if he will donate the profits to the family of the dea woman ? Piece of shit.
Anything for a buck, or more likely $20 bucks. Welcome to America, ready to turn a profit on misfortune before the headline fades.
Again the safety requirements on a set are that a qualified firearms expert load the weapon and declare it safe.
An actor messing with that gun afterwards invalidates that certification
Looks like that system failed, bigger than shit. Huh?

The person holding the gun is ultimately responsible, just like someone driving a car. "Gee! I didn't know" isn't a defense.
Good ole Mac…still throwing his favorite word around…..TRUMPISM
This “Trumpism” has him paralyzed and paranoid.
Meanwhile he says little to nothing about wetback invasions, jungle people riots, a corrupt and Dem complicit media and social media, a Dem complicit academia, CRT being shoved down our childrens throats….you know, all the REAL issues that plague American society. All this shredding America at it‘s core and all Mac can do is cry “TRUMPISM“.
Mac, please don’t wonder why you aren’t taken seriously….you have slid to the depths of this board…you’re down there with rightwinger JoeB131 and danielpalos
We know you find saying TRUMPISM to be really fun….but what is this scary TRUMPISM anyway?
Is Trumpism nationalism?
Is it extreme patriotism?
Is it embracing and defending America’s right to sovereignty?
Is it the support and or display of core American values?
Is it preferring a likeminded society?
I remain impressed by how sensitive so many of you are to my words. All I wrote was "Trumpism, 2021", and off you went. Again. Since my words are so important to you, I am hopeful you will save this post so that you will stop asking the same question over and over.

Ready? Here we go. Last time. My definition of Trumpism is:
  • The group pathology and willingness to sell one's soul and subjugate one's morality to a profoundly damaged, childish, boorish, pugilistic, ignorant, hateful, spiteful, flamboyant, hypersensitive con man
  • The impulse and willingness to obediently avoid and/or attack any information and facts that are not provided to you by your separate, isolated, insulated, closed circuit informational universe
  • Arrogant ignorance and abject intellectual myopia on virtually all of the major issues that face us, with its shallow, simplistic, binary, distorted understanding the other side of a story and a steadfast refusal to comprehend complexity or nuance
  • The terribly, tragically misguided and destructive notion that you are "at war" with "evil", provided, nurtured, enabled and enforced by the dishonest voices you have chosen to trust
You're welcome. I'm sure that my definition is clear to you now. And as always, neither your agreement nor your approval are required.

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