Donald Trump Jr. Shoots Guns With GOP Senate Candidate Accused Of Abuse: 'Liberals Beware'


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump Jr. This is the behavior of an emotionally disturbed 13 year old bully or wannabee gangster. Clearly, the apple does not fall far from the tree

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Liberals are warned to “beware” in Donald Trump Jr.’s latest display of macho bravado.
Former President Donald Trump’s eldest son and Missouri GOP Senate candidate Eric Greitens fire automatic rifles at a shooting range in a new video shared online Monday. “Striking fear into the hearts of liberals everywhere, folks,” Trump Jr. says in the clip. “Liberals beware,” adds Greitens after he and Trump switch to semi-automatic pistols. “Liberals beware,” adds Greitens after he and Trump switch to semi-automatic pistols.

Right bitch, I'm quaking in my boots, LOL What these boys don't understand that this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced. This is noy North Korea, and it is not Russia. Nor is it Saudia Arabia. And these moron have the nerve to call themselves patriots??!!

And Trumps sidekick is a real wonder child:

Greitens resigned as governor of Missouri in 2018 amid sexual misconduct and campaign finance scandals. He has been accused by his ex-wife of physical abuse and “unstable and coercive behavior” to her and their children.
ONOES!....Don jr went and shot an icky gun, with a guy the Trump haters have smeared the fuck out of!

There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump Jr. This is the behavior of an emotionally disturbed 13 year old bully or wannabee gangster. Clearly, the apple does not fall far from the tree

Selected Excerpts

Right bitch, I'm quaking in my boots, LOL What these boys don't understand that this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced. This is noy North Korea, and it is not Russia. Nor is it Saudia Arabia. And these moron have the nerve to call themselves patriots??!!

And Trumps sidekick is a real wonder child:
What's so god damned funny ?

There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump Jr. This is the behavior of an emotionally disturbed 13 year old bully or wannabee gangster. Clearly, the apple does not fall far from the tree

Selected Excerpts

Right bitch, I'm quaking in my boots, LOL What these boys don't understand that this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced. This is noy North Korea, and it is not Russia. Nor is it Saudia Arabia. And these moron have the nerve to call themselves patriots??!!

And Trumps sidekick is a real wonder child:

Shooting a gun at a gun range ? really? are you that triggered ?(pardon the pun). You actually saw this moment of sarcasm and a simple joke as intimidation?? Oh my. Do you need someone to hold your hand constantly?
There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump Jr. This is the behavior of an emotionally disturbed 13 year old bully or wannabee gangster. Clearly, the apple does not fall far from the tree

Selected Excerpts

Right bitch, I'm quaking in my boots, LOL What these boys don't understand that this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced. This is noy North Korea, and it is not Russia. Nor is it Saudia Arabia. And these moron have the nerve to call themselves patriots??!!

And Trumps sidekick is a real wonder child:
seems like shooting at a range actually did strike fear in your little heart
There is something seriously wrong with Donald Trump Jr. This is the behavior of an emotionally disturbed 13 year old bully or wannabee gangster. Clearly, the apple does not fall far from the tree

Selected Excerpts

Right bitch, I'm quaking in my boots, LOL What these boys don't understand that this is still a country of laws where you can't go around trying to intimidate those with political differenced. This is noy North Korea, and it is not Russia. Nor is it Saudia Arabia. And these moron have the nerve to call themselves patriots??!!

And Trumps sidekick is a real wonder child:
Haha, he is stupid AND a pussy.

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