Donald Trump a full medal Jack-Ass--over attack of G.W. Bush--9/11

America is great. THAT is all

For example...

I love Aaron Sorkin and have used that clip several times myself. What Sorkin doesn't say is that in many other nations, he, the actor who said it (Jeff Daniels) the producers, the television network, and all of the extras would be incarcerated.

What Sorkin (and yourself) also have forgotten is that greatness doesn't mean being "#1", the ways and means are just as important. We have a problem with poverty. We have a problem with inequality. We have a problem with wealth disparity. We have a problem with race. We have a problem with trust.

But for all of the problems we have with poverty, inequality, wealth disparity, race, and trust; we do not have people dying of hunger, a caste system, poor who cannot afford basic necessities on a chronic basis, race wars or shooting wars on any kind. You want to see what a "not so great" place looks like; check out Samolia. Check out Brazil where the average income is something like $700 a month. Check out China where communal toilets are still the norm.

America is Great. Americans forget just how much.
1st post
America was Great for Americans and Trump just wants to make America Great Again . He just might help to do that Candy !!
How dare Trump destroy our myth that somehow Bush was not "on watch" when 9/11 occurred. If you Bush defenders had any integrity you would admit that had there been a Democratic President at the time the GOP would have been blaming him ( or her) from the get go. There would have been impeachment hearings, and the right wing media would have been relentless.

Bush on the other hand was given a pass.
Agree on the good run , I just wish I had been born in the early to mid 20s , fought and survived WW2 , raised a family like my parents did . They had the best run in a wide open , lightly populated huge country with few rules and regulations . Me at 66 , I got the second best but the rules , regulations and other nasty things are increasing every year HazelNut . Still , yeah , its been a pretty good run !! ------------- Go Trump !!
America was Great for Americans and Trump just wants to make America Great Again . He just might help to do that Candy !!

Still is great.

It's cute that when faced with a choice between folks who have done little more than serve themselves and others who have passed up real money to serve in Congress or State Houses instead of Wall Street; those who "want to make America Great Again" are rallying behind those who have only sought primary personal benefit.

Support whomever you wish but it would probably be a decent homage to those who have actually sacrificed for this nation if the electorate stopped and considered where the gut of their candidates is located.
5th post
Trump's pretty cool. I agree with most everything he stands for. Especially hating the Bush's. I'm in.
Anyone today that is supporting Donald Trump should be ashamed of themselves. Last night Trump was on Hannity--basically stating that his immigration policy was sooooo strict that these terrorists would have never made it into this country. Trump wasn't anti immigration 14 years ago, in fact quite the opposite.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

What was astounding, Trump conveniently IGNORED the prior 8 years of Bill Clinton, while bashing G.W. Bush for not doing anything in the 8 months he was in office prior to 9/11. Under Clinton we were attacked on 4 different occasions by Al Queda. Clinton had several shots at Bin Laden and didn't take them. The one attempt he did make--Madelene Albright notified Pakistan that we were going to be sending missiles through their air space to hit Bin Laden's camp in Afghanistan. We missed Bin Laden by 30 minutes, because they warned him. So after about 3 minutes of listening to this crap I about puked.

I don't know how any Republican could look at Donald Trump as an honorable patriot. He's anything but that.

He makes politics worth watching, The Rino slaying continues...
my Guess is that he doesn't hate the 'bush's' though he probably doesn't like any of them , same as me . Trumps original statement on 'gwb' is correct and factual and it tweaked the 'jebito' which I think was the purpose of the statement Paulitician . JMO !!----------- Go Trump !!
for crying out loud. it wasn't some damn ATTACK. He made a "comment" on it. it's everyone else who never cared for Bush in the first place has spun it into it's now AN ATTACK. You people aren't happy unless you are stirring the division of us in this country.

Donald Trump's name can also be SPELLED Division. That's all he does. That's all he campaigns on-dividing large voting blocks-- insulting other Republican candidates & their supporters from one another.

The ONLY people that are attracted to Donald Trump--are those that have crawled out from under their rock with a 2 word vocabulary of (establishment & rino)--to spew at everyone else they don't agree with.


10th post
Anyone today that is supporting Donald Trump should be ashamed of themselves. Last night Trump was on Hannity--basically stating that his immigration policy was sooooo strict that these terrorists would have never made it into this country. Trump wasn't anti immigration 14 years ago, in fact quite the opposite.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

What was astounding, Trump conveniently IGNORED the prior 8 years of Bill Clinton, while bashing G.W. Bush for not doing anything in the 8 months he was in office prior to 9/11. Under Clinton we were attacked on 4 different occasions by Al Queda. Clinton had several shots at Bin Laden and didn't take them. The one attempt he did make--Madelene Albright notified Pakistan that we were going to be sending missiles through their air space to hit Bin Laden's camp in Afghanistan. We missed Bin Laden by 30 minutes, because they warned him. So after about 3 minutes of listening to this crap I about puked.

I don't know how any Republican could look at Donald Trump as an honorable patriot. He's anything but that.

He makes politics worth watching, The Rino slaying continues...
for crying out loud. it wasn't some damn ATTACK. He made a "comment" on it. it's everyone else who never cared for Bush in the first place has spun it into it's now AN ATTACK. You people aren't happy unless you are stirring the division of us in this country.

Donald Trump's name can also be SPELLED Division. That's all he does. That's all he campaigns on-dividing large voting blocks-- insulting other Republican candidates & their supporters from one another.

The ONLY people that are attracted to Donald Trump--are those that have crawled out from under their rock with a 2 word vocabulary of (establishment & rino)--to spew at everyone else they don't agree with.


I like division , plus weren't you a 'fiorina' supporter . Looks like her 15 minutes are gone Oreo !!

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