Donald Trump a full medal Jack-Ass--over attack of G.W. Bush--9/11


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Anyone today that is supporting Donald Trump should be ashamed of themselves. Last night Trump was on Hannity--basically stating that his immigration policy was sooooo strict that these terrorists would have never made it into this country. Trump wasn't anti immigration 14 years ago, in fact quite the opposite.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

What was astounding, Trump conveniently IGNORED the prior 8 years of Bill Clinton, while bashing G.W. Bush for not doing anything in the 8 months he was in office prior to 9/11. Under Clinton we were attacked on 4 different occasions by Al Queda. Clinton had several shots at Bin Laden and didn't take them. The one attempt he did make--Madelene Albright notified Pakistan that we were going to be sending missiles through their air space to hit Bin Laden's camp in Afghanistan. We missed Bin Laden by 30 minutes, because they warned him. So after about 3 minutes of listening to this crap I about puked.

I don't know how any Republican could look at Donald Trump as an honorable patriot. He's anything but that.

These refugees. They aren't sending their best, you know.

I would ban these refugees like you wouldn't believe. And the Muslims love me, you know. They know these refugees are losers. If they weren't losers, they wouldn't be running away from their country. I am polling higher with the ragheads than anybody else right now. If I'd been President on 9/11, there wouldn't have been a 9/11. It would have been just another day, and I would have made another ten million dollars that day. Without these wars, I'd be more fantastically rich than I already am. I'm gonna fix everything on Day One.
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Trump KNOWS what he is talking about

That is why he is the leading Republican candidate
for crying out loud. it wasn't some damn ATTACK. He made a "comment" on it. it's everyone else who never cared for Bush in the first place has spun it into it's now AN ATTACK. You people aren't happy unless you are stirring the division of us in this country.
Anyone today that is supporting Donald Trump should be ashamed of themselves. Last night Trump was on Hannity--basically stating that his immigration policy was sooooo strict that these terrorists would have never made it into this country. Trump wasn't anti immigration 14 years ago, in fact quite the opposite.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

What was astounding, Trump conveniently IGNORED the prior 8 years of Bill Clinton, while bashing G.W. Bush for not doing anything in the 8 months he was in office prior to 9/11. Under Clinton we were attacked on 4 different occasions by Al Queda. Clinton had several shots at Bin Laden and didn't take them. The one attempt he did make--Madelene Albright notified Pakistan that we were going to be sending missiles through their air space to hit Bin Laden's camp in Afghanistan. We missed Bin Laden by 30 minutes, because they warned him. So after about 3 minutes of listening to this crap I about puked.

I don't know how any Republican could look at Donald Trump as an honorable patriot. He's anything but that.

Trump is responding to a nasty anti- Trump commercial Bush just put out. ....
I think we saw that coming...

the only ONE attacking us everyday and putting in executive orders to tear us down has been this man you all call a President. I call him a thug.

we aren't going down that slope where you can't ever SPEAK badly of one these people who happened to make it as our President. that's what they would like to impose on us. but we aren't there YET
America is great. THAT is all

For example...

People are beating our door down to get in. We take in everybody.

"You're from Eritrea? I don't even know what that is, but come on in!"

We are a nation of mutts, and we are who everyone else on Earth calls when they are in deep shit. Even the fucking commies called us to get wheat.

We also have the greatest economy on the planet.

We are the greatest country on Earth. Ever.
the only ONE attacking us everyday and putting in executive orders to tear us down has been this man you all call a President. I call him a thug.

we aren't going down that slope where you can't ever SPEAK badly of one these people who happened to make it as our President. that's what they would like to impose on us. but we aren't there YET

Obama has said very little about Trump

Most attacks are coming from his fellow Republicans

hint: Democrats want Trump as GOP candidate
Not good enough...
It's good enough for the rest of the planet.

When the shit hits the fan, they call 1-800-AMERICA.

We're number 1 on their speed dial.
To hell with the rest of the planet... This is America. We are Americans. We have done; and can do things so great, that they change the world forever.
The modern era that the rest of the planet depends on to keep up; was borne unto this world, from the womb of the American spirit.
May it be so again...

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