Dominion, Scorecard, Hammer


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
If the CIA is involved we have a very serious problem within our swamp in DC. This means that an outright premeditated act of treason was perpetrated on our votes and against the US Constitution.

Hand counts must be done and verification of every vote submitted must be checked for legality. The CIA has, if true, undermined the election systems integrity and we are all at risk from globalist take over. THis also explains why the media is silent on this as they do not want to be on the bad side of the dictator who is about to assume control... AND THEY KNOW IT!
Hand counts must be done and verification of every vote submitted must be checked for legality.

THAT is the whole ball of wax!

If we don't do HAND RECOUNTS in every state (with observers from both sides present) we will never know the size and scope of the fraud!!!
Last edited:
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
I'd say it's unlikely that Trump didn't know about this in advance.

Though he is given to making outrageous and exaggerated comments off the cuff, he's not given to making declarations like he did early Wednesday morning without strong evidence on his side....See his tweet about being spied on, that was roundly poo-poo-ed before all the evidence was revealed.

Something serious is cooking.
Yeah I've read some on this and it's more believable then the watermark ballot thing.
Use of this wasn't successful in 2016 for Hillary because they had no idea of a TRUMP vote. And I do remember when Jill Stein abruptly stopped her recount after it was starting to discover more votes for TRUMP even though she had raised the funds for the recounts.
The numbers were off this time because they didn't account for the massive increase of the TRUMP vote and so they were left scrambling to make up the addition ballots by mail.

IMO, true or not true all that will come from this is a bunch of books...
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
Scorecard and Hammer is a vote scraping software. IT takes one vote from one person and attributes it to another. This has the effect of a two vote change in the count. If Trump is up by 1000 votes this software takes -1000 votes away from Trump reducing his vote count and then gives those votes to Biden +1000. This creates a 2,000 vote swing.

IT gives the appearance of correct overall totals but skews the votes in a desired direction. Everyone using the Dominion software must hand count every vote as electronic tabulation can not be trusted.
Remember the names Dominion, Scorecard, and Hammer!

You're going to hear those words ALOT in the news in the coming weeks!
With DOJ and FBI forensic teams dispatched to these states, will they disclose that they have found this malware? Will they disclose where the malware was made? (CIA?)... This could potentially start a civil war..
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
Sounds like another right wing Hoax.
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
Sounds like another right wing Hoax.
If you read the OP you would know that the malware was found in TWO Michigan counties already. We need to know how far this has been propagated.
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
Sounds like another right wing Hoax.
If you read the OP you would know that the malware was found in TWO Michigan counties already. We need to know how far this has been propagated.
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
If the CIA is involved we have a very serious problem within our swamp in DC. This means that an outright premeditated act of treason was perpetrated on our votes and against the US Constitution.

Hand counts must be done and verification of every vote submitted must be checked for legality. The CIA has, if true, undermined the election systems integrity and we are all at risk from globalist take over. THis also explains why the media is silent on this as they do not want to be on the bad side of the dictator who is about to assume control... AND THEY KNOW IT!

If the CIA is involved? LOL
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).
You STUPID assholes need to get your lies straight, yesterday it was the Clinton Foundation who made the Dominion software, and now it is the CIA!!!!! :cuckoo:
With DOJ and FBI forensic teams dispatched to these states, will they disclose that they have found this malware? Will they disclose where the malware was made? (CIA?)... This could potentially start a civil war..

Barr's DOJ and Wray's FBI, what could possibly go wrong?
What if this was done without their knowledge?

What if sending them to chase the RUSSIA! hoaxers was done deliberately to take them out of the loop?

Now, I've never been a big believer in the "Trump is playing 3-D underwater chess!" bit....But what if?
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).

Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting pseudoscience and far-right extremism


What these pushers of supplements have figured out is that people who are prone to conspiracy theories also buy natural supplements. So they flood the Internet with bogus stories to generate clicks and sell products.

Alex Jones admitted to as much when he gets sued in court saying he's just a performance artist and no reasonable person would believe what he says.
Five days ago, we published a breaking story that was originally uncovered by Dave Janda (, detailing the use of CIA-developed software to steal votes by intercepting voting machines and switching Trump votes to Biden votes. That story is entitled, “RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states.” (See full video interview below, which was banned by YouTube.)

Earlier today it was discovered that a software “glitch” in Michigan had switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. The glitch was discovered when an effort was made to manually review the ballots, revealing that thousands of votes were switched by the software. This was announced by state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox, who stated:

In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.’ Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity… Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies.

So 47 other counties in Michigan were using the same software. This means the Michigan vote was stolen from Trump, and we are actually being subjected to a cyber warfare assault on America.
The same vote rigging software is used in every swing state.

Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.

The software is ominously named “Dominion.” The project to deploy this software is called both “Project Hammer” and “Operation Scorecard.”

As TGP reports:

The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.

Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


As we reported earlier, the Dominion software intercepts voting machines and alters votes to make sure Joe Biden always has roughly a 3% victory margin, no matter what the original votes.

BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state... "glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden

(Sidney Powell on lou dobbs lastnight said she had EVIDENCE of scorecard & hammer being used in this election and she was presenting that evidence to the courts and the DOJ).

Natural News (formerly NewsTarget, which is now a separate sister site) is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory and fake news website known for promoting pseudoscience and far-right extremism


What these pushers of supplements have figured out is that people who are prone to conspiracy theories also buy natural supplements. So they flood the Internet with bogus stories to generate clicks and sell products.

Alex Jones admitted to as much when he gets sued in court saying he's just a performance artist and no reasonable person would believe what he says.
Sydney Powell has been talking about this....She's the farthest thing you get from an Alex Jones loon.

BTW, when are you going to untie Toro and let him out of the basement, Jake?

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