Dominion says it plans to sue the Pillow Guy

Dominion can't win.
To win they would have to prove the defendant knew the machines were accurate and lied anyway.
It does not matter if the voting machines are accurate or not, only that it is reasonable to believe they are not.
And Dominion can't prove they are reliable.
First of all, they are not going to want to allow their code to be entered in as evidence.
Second is that all code does have some bugs.
Third is that the Dominion machines were networked using ethernet TCP/IP, and that can never be secure since it automatically impliments RPC, (Remote Process Control), which makes it vulnerable to outside attacks, without leaving any trace.
Third is that the Dominion machines were networked using ethernet TCP/IP, and that can never be secure since it automatically impliments RPC, (Remote Process Control), which makes it vulnerable to outside attacks, without leaving any trace.

Except that Lindell says he has the traces.
I'm thrilled that each side will get opportunity to present their side in court. Time to lay their cards on the table, who can object to that?
Did anyone else catch the irony of someone whose username literally boasts of having no employable skills, expressing ersatz sympathy for actual employees?

I feel bad for his employees…​

It's a screen name, dipshit. And I do feel bad for his employees. Because they are the ones who will suffer because of their employers douchebaggery.
Did anyone else catch the irony of someone whose username literally boasts of having no employable skills, expressing ersatz sympathy for actual employees?
It's a screen name, dipshit.

It's the identity by which you have chosen to be known.

Why would you even choose such a pseudonym, anyway?

If I was as worthless as you are, as unemployable as you are, it certainly is not something about which I would be proud enough to identify in the manner that you do.
Did anyone else catch the irony of someone whose username literally boasts of having no employable skills, expressing ersatz sympathy for actual employees?
It's a screen name, dipshit.

It's the identity by which you have chosen to be known.

Why would you even choose such a pseudonym, anyway?

If I was as worthless as you are, as unemployable as you are, it certainly is not something about which I would be proud enough to identify in the manner that you do.

Meh. Worthless usual. I've been watching you post for years and you haven't disappointed me yet.
If you'd like to address the topic, feel free. Otherwise, get lost dipshit.
I've been watching you post for years…

You've been on this forum for less than a year and a half. How have you been watching me for “years”?

If you'd like to address the topic, feel free. Otherwise, get lost dipshit.

You're not a moderator on this forum. By what fake authority do you presume to try to boss me around?
I've been watching you post for years…

You've been on this forum for less than a year and a half. How have you been watching me for “years”?

If you'd like to address the topic, feel free. Otherwise, get lost dipshit.

You're not a moderator on this forum. By what fake authority do you presume to try to boss me around?

Wow, you really don't have anything do you? Running on about screen names and not knowing the basic concept of lurking? And I'm not bossing you around. If you have nothing of substance to reply to the topic, don't waste your time posting a reply to my reply. :)

So, Lindell welcomes the lawsuit? I'm gonna guess that will last until the first evidentiary hearing is held. Then he's gonna get pimp slapped. :)
Pillow Boy is just the latest casualty of Trumpery.

Screen Shot 2021-02-23 at 9.37.36 AM.png

"Ooooo! It's like snuggling up to
Trump's big, soft bum!"

From the foolhardy who dived in like Tillerson, Mattis, Sessions, Kelly, Barr, etc., etc., etc, etc., to those who were unavoidably befouled by it like Fauci, Wray, Birx, Pence, etc. etc., etc., etc., to those who irrationally dived in and immersed themselves in it - like Giuliani, Bannon, Stone, Manafort, to the nasty, shameless parrots who spewed it - Dobbs, Bartiromo, Powell, etc., etc. etc., TrumpStink has diminished virtually everyone exposed to it.

Merely groveling from a social distance infuses one with the ungodly stench.

Corporate interests are attempting to delouse themselves. Financial institutions are refusing to bail out the Loser. The glitzy branding has become a toxic warning.

Hapless goons may soon be subjected to mandatory restrictions under which they are required to wear their MAGA cap that proclaim to respectable folks, "Unclean! Unclean!"

The man on the way down continues to drag down many. Pillow Boy won't be the last.

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