DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Unfortunately this does not surprises us. There should be outrage over it.

---DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable – Instead Going After Those Who Call Out the Egregious Steal---

We live in a dangerous time. Checks and balances are gone. Blind justice is gone. Free and independent media is gone. Woke Liberals occupy the top positions in the DOJ, Intelligence Agencies, The Military, The White House, and The Media. I never thought I would see the day America would have political prisoners, but here we are.
Unfortunately this does not surprises us. There should be outrage over it.

---DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable – Instead Going After Those Who Call Out the Egregious Steal---

Real adults don’t have time for your fantasies just because you are sore losers.
The whole stolen election was too close to the DOJ for them to really investigate it. In fact, if this was a trial the DOJ would have to recuse themselves on a conflict of interest. And that's how this investigation turned into a cover up for the DOJ.
We live in a dangerous time. Checks and balances are gone. Blind justice is gone. Free and independent media is gone. Woke Liberals occupy the top positions in the DOJ, Intelligence Agencies, The Military, The White House, and The Media. I never thought I would see the day America would have political prisoners, but here we are.
The whole stolen election was too close to the DOJ for them to really investigate it. In fact, if this was a trial the DOJ would have to recuse themselves on a conflict of interest. And that's how this investigation turned into a cover up for the DOJ.
Makes you wonder what back room deals were made.
"the bulk of absentee ballots cast in Pennsylvania in the 2020 Election were determined to be invalid by a court in that state."

Contrary to known reality. The election law was valid at the time of the election. It was passed nearly unanimously by the Pa. legislature and signed by the Gov. The courts said nothing about the ballots whatsoever. The Pa. SC has yet to weigh in on the case. Even if the SC uphold the decision, the mail in ballots will not be invalidated.

GP are Neo-GOP hacks, sowing dissent in America with lies.
"the bulk of absentee ballots cast in Pennsylvania in the 2020 Election were determined to be invalid by a court in that state."

Contrary to known reality. The election law was valid at the time of the election. It was passed nearly unanimously by the Pa. legislature and signed by the Gov. The courts said nothing about the ballots whatsoever. The Pa. SC has yet to weigh in on the case. Even if the SC uphold the decision, the mail in ballots will not be invalidated.

GP are Neo-GOP hacks, sowing dissent in America with lies.
If it's ruled illegal, the ballots should be thrown out.
We live in a dangerous time. Checks and balances are gone. Blind justice is gone. Free and independent media is gone. Woke Liberals occupy the top positions in the DOJ, Intelligence Agencies, The Military, The White House, and The Media. I never thought I would see the day America would have political prisoners, but here we are.
We've had political prisoners since the country was founded..
Unfortunately this does not surprises us. There should be outrage over it.

---DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable – Instead Going After Those Who Call Out the Egregious Steal---

Haha, what a surprise… neither did Trumps DOJ or his Supreme Court. Shocking how nobody serious is taking this seriously!!!
"the bulk of absentee ballots cast in Pennsylvania in the 2020 Election were determined to be invalid by a court in that state."

Contrary to known reality. The election law was valid at the time of the election. It was passed nearly unanimously by the Pa. legislature and signed by the Gov. The courts said nothing about the ballots whatsoever. The Pa. SC has yet to weigh in on the case. Even if the SC uphold the decision, the mail in ballots will not be invalidated.

GP are Neo-GOP hacks, sowing dissent in America with lies.
The SC would not like to alienate the integrity of voters with disenfranchisement and they likely will not get involved. Trumpette's will just have to suck air...
The judge ruled that is was in illegal process of voting.
No they didn't. They didn't file the lawsuit until after the Biden victory. Even if the Pa. SC upholds the opinion of the Republicans on the lower court, that will not invalidate any 2020 ballot or make the vote in 2020 illegal.

The DOJ is going to ignore this? Americans won't. The DOJ hates Americans.
Unfortunately this does not surprises us. There should be outrage over it.

---DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable – Instead Going After Those Who Call Out the Egregious Steal---

Good news for Trump and his helpers.
Unfortunately this does not surprises us. There should be outrage over it.

---DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable – Instead Going After Those Who Call Out the Egregious Steal---

Wow, shocked, I'm not said Master Yoda

Krebs and Barr fucked America over on this already
We live in a dangerous time. Checks and balances are gone. Blind justice is gone. Free and independent media is gone. Woke Liberals occupy the top positions in the DOJ, Intelligence Agencies, The Military, The White House, and The Media. I never thought I would see the day America would have political prisoners, but here we are.

More kindling

I've been posting online for decades now. There was a time when we could all, especially around the Holidays, democrats and Republicans, hang out together, go to a pub and have a good time. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the last time that happened, getting together with a social media political group was pre-Obama. My leftists friends seemed to lose all interest once they "took power"

Today we live in a sad state of affairs where those currently in power are now in full Cultural Revolution mode and have absolutely no interest in going along, getting along, or being civil. They are currently actively fundamentally transforming America and want to crush all who stand in the way of the Progressive Utopia - a nation of mindless bovines following orders, permanently masked and socially distanced. All hail St. Fauxi, Lord and Savior!

Those who fell victim to Nancy's Reichstag Fire on Jan 6th are still political prisoners; President Trump remains locked out of most social media.

Day after day new offense is piled on new offense. NY State is in a "State of Emergency" -- for the seasonal flu

We are told our very whiteness is offensive. We see the unvaccinated treated as Untermenschen, the cause of all societal ills

There is a vast, nationwide rage and anger slowly building up. Unlike the programmed Marxists Revolutionaries, we do not take to the street and burn down cities at an offense. We wait, we pray. Our greatest hope is that sanity is restored during the normal course of business. Perhaps political leaders will be visited by the Three Spirits this Christmas, but some days, like today, I've become as pessimistic as PoliticalChic

I look at all these seemingly isolated event, the ongoing offensives of the American Marxist Cultural Revolution, and I call them kindling. A smoldering rage throughout this once great nation to which all this new kindling is added.

Not offenses, kindling.

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