CDZ Does Putin Want Trump Elected President?

Putin probably wants to see Trump as president, because he knows that he can goad and manipulate him into policies that would be bad for the USA, but good for Russia.

And..............if he's looking to start another Cold War, Trump would be the one to set it in motion.
And if so, why?

Please discuss

I suspect Putin prefers Trump to Mrs. Clinton. I suspect he does because
  • Trump's words have been more conciliatory toward Russia in general.
  • Trump is willing to deny NATO support to nations that don't provide their 2% of cash support to NATO and every NATO nation that is close to Russia doesn't, thereby reducing the national security risk Russia faces as well as reducing the impediments Russia would face were it to act upon any imperialist designs it has toward those land areas and peoples.
  • Trump is often driven by the financial gain/loss proposition. Thus his general approach to governance is largely transactional, and that, in turn, makes predicting what he will do or eschew doing pretty straightforward. That quality is further an aid to Russia given Trump's impulsiveness; he can be relied upon to do whatever first arrives in his mind, no matter how ill advised that action be. Moreover, his general approach to political decision making makes Trump more strategically controllable....not manipulatable as an individual man but rather in the way a chess player can force his opponent to make or not make certain moves. In contrast, Mrs. Clinton's actions, like those of most other national leaders has a far less discernable balance between transactional decision making and ethically driven decision making.
  • Trump isn't particularly well versed in world history, international politics, non-American cultural imperatives, and so on.
  • Trump's strength lies in empirical analysis of financial information that function in a well defined atmosphere. He may well be a very good Sec. of Commerce or maybe even Treasury Secretary. He's not good with uncertainty on a geopolitical level and he's childish in his responses to slights real or imagined.

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