Does Pat Tillman deserve to be in the NFL Hall Of Fame?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
During the Thursday Night Football game, Chris Collingsworth was making a case for Pat Tillman to be in the NFL Hall Of Fame. Tillman played from 1998 to 2002 and he was really good. He left football, enlisted and was tragically killed in Afghanistan. I remember Pat Tillman and admired his play and his decision. I can't however agree with Collingsworth. Any sports Hall Of Fame should honor players and coaches who demonstrated exceptional ability in their sport over a long period of time, not just 3 or 4 years. Being an exceptional person outside of sport is a truly great thing and Pat Tillman has been recognized in many ways. But I don't see his decision and ultimate sacrifice as a criterion for entry into the Hall of Fame.

So what do you think? Who belongs the Hall Of Fame? Should Pat Tillman be in it?
During the Thursday Night Football game, Chris Collingsworth was making a case for Pat Tillman to be in the NFL Hall Of Fame. Tillman played from 1998 to 2002 and he was really good. He left football, enlisted and was tragically killed in Afghanistan. I remember Pat Tillman and admired his play and his decision. I can't however agree with Collingsworth. Any sports Hall Of Fame should honor players and coaches who demonstrated exceptional ability in their sport over a long period of time, not just 3 or 4 years. Being an exceptional person outside of sport is a truly great thing and Pat Tillman has been recognized in many ways. But I don't see his decision and ultimate sacrifice as a criterion for entry into the Hall of Fame.

So what do you think? Who belongs the Hall Of Fame? Should Pat Tillman be in it?

No. His football accomplishments do not warrant it. He could be honored in another way.
During the Thursday Night Football game, Chris Collingsworth was making a case for Pat Tillman to be in the NFL Hall Of Fame. Tillman played from 1998 to 2002 and he was really good. He left football, enlisted and was tragically killed in Afghanistan. I remember Pat Tillman and admired his play and his decision. I can't however agree with Collingsworth. Any sports Hall Of Fame should honor players and coaches who demonstrated exceptional ability in their sport over a long period of time, not just 3 or 4 years. Being an exceptional person outside of sport is a truly great thing and Pat Tillman has been recognized in many ways. But I don't see his decision and ultimate sacrifice as a criterion for entry into the Hall of Fame.

So what do you think? Who belongs the Hall Of Fame? Should Pat Tillman be in it?
I have no problem with him being in the hall of fame; however, the reason should also be famous. He gave up a great career in the NFL to serve his country and ultimately gave his life doing so.
Pat Tillman deserves to be in the HOF not because he was a really good player but because he left fortune and fame to serve in what he believed at the time was a righteous war. He learned, much to his chagrin that the war was total bullshit and that 9/11/01 was a total "false flag" perpetuated by rogue elements of this corporate entity that lamely attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body to provide the 19 enumerated governmental services in a "for profit" venture. Tillman was killed by his government because he knew what the score was.

BTW, if any of you believe that 19 hijackers armed with nothing but box knives directed by a CIA asset Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" single handedly took down the Pentagon, NORAD, the CIA and the NSA and butt-fucked them and the country on the world stage with combined budgets of over a TRILLION dollars after all the evidence that proves to the contrary? You have to be THE dumbest fucks on this prison planet.

Yeah, Tillman deserves to be in the pro football hall of fame and used as a reminder as to how blind patriotism can get you killed.
Pat Tillman deserves to have his sacrifices remembered and honored. He deserves a place outside the NFL HoF. His memory is not that of a player, but of a man who stood for what he believed in and paid the price.
Pat Tillman deserves to have his sacrifices remembered and honored. He deserves a place outside the NFL HoF. His memory is not that of a player, but of a man who stood for what he believed in and paid the price.

I've heard there is such an exhibit within the Hall of Fame itself where Tillman and players that died in prior wars are honored. Only question I have is if it is a permanent display or was temporary?

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