Does it get more. wrong than this? Defying parents an ethical alternative?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Or should I say the ONLY ethical alternative?

They have to be kidding with this, right?

In teaching children to avoid sexual predators, one of the key lessons is to report any adult that asks them to keep a secret or offers to keep their secrets. Those are the lessons parents need to be teaching, and any “educator” who attempts to circumvent that parental lesson for any reason, needs to experience escalating consequences including but no limited to:


We have lost our minds that we have allowed a society in which a well-known magazine would dare to publish something like that.
Transgenderism is brand spanking new. Adults today did not have the issue of transgenderism in school. Children haven't changed. Teachers have. They are training children to be transgendered prideing themselves on how many students they have convinced they are the opposite sex. Those who refuse are encouraged to commit suicide.
Transgenderism is brand spanking new
Sumerian and Akkadian texts from 4,500 years ago document priests known as gala who may have been transgender. Likely depictions occur in art around the Mediterranean from 9,000 to 3,700 years ago. In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and Rome, there were galli priests that some scholars believe to have been trans women.

Transgender history - Wikipedia​

Michael Dillon

Michael Dillon (1915-1962) was the first person in the world to transition from female-to-male through hormones and surgery. From an aristocratic family, Dillon led the women's rowing team to many victories while at Oxford University in the 1930s.

Trans Pioneers – Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Histories​

Or should I say the ONLY ethical alternative?

They have to be kidding with this, right?

In teaching children to avoid sexual predators, one of the key lessons is to report any adult that asks them to keep a secret or offers to keep their secrets. Those are the lessons parents need to be teaching, and any “educator” who attempts to circumvent that parental lesson for any reason, needs to experience escalating consequences including but no limited to:


We have lost our minds that we have allowed a society in which a well-known magazine would dare to publish something like that.
Hmm..did you actually read the article? Long, I know.

Stepping away from the trans issue for a moment--the real controversy here is some fairly reputable educators...proposing that in certain ethical cases..they have not only the duty, but the honor the student's requests..and deliberately disobey the clearly stated intent of the parents. To the point of not even notifying the Parents of the request!

Now, I admit I don't give a hoot about whether or not a kid is trans, or just playing. I want my kid happy. Trans kids and adults often have very sad lives--but that is due almost entirely to the hostile societal attitudes represented by some here. Normalizing Trans choice leads to less hostility. I get that it's an emotional issue. Some here call it's not..but it is deliberate socialization.
As a parent and grandparent, I've always striven to respect wishes and needs of the kids in my's awesome responsibility--but I never doubted for a moment that it was MY responsibility.

Now the extension the State..says it owes a higher allegiance to the Children's perceived by them--than it owes to the parent.
Already we acknowledge that in cases of child abuse it is the school's duty to step in and intervene. Not really a big leap, to losing one's kids to the state..if they feel that a parents denial of their child's wishes.....IS abuse~

That is a huge departure to 'the buck stops here' attitude to parenting---final responsibility is the school.
Of course, you can Home-school--but if..just had a genuine Trans kid on your hands, and you remain hostile to his/her choices..I can guarantee it will end badly.
Sumerian and Akkadian texts from 4,500 years ago document priests known as gala who may have been transgender. Likely depictions occur in art around the Mediterranean from 9,000 to 3,700 years ago. In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and Rome, there were galli priests that some scholars believe to have been trans women.

Transgender history - Wikipedia

Michael Dillon

Michael Dillon (1915-1962) was the first person in the world to transition from female-to-male through hormones and surgery. From an aristocratic family, Dillon led the women's rowing team to many victories while at Oxford University in the 1930s.

Trans Pioneers – Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Histories

Yes, well then we have this,


And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive,
Transgenderism is brand spanking new. Adults today did not have the issue of transgenderism in school. Children haven't changed. Teachers have. They are training children to be transgendered prideing themselves on how many students they have convinced they are the opposite sex. Those who refuse are encouraged to commit suicide.
I knew several Trans/lesbian/gay people is the '50's and '60's. The big difference is that then..if you were out..and NO-ONE was out---you were tortured. Sometimes raped, sometimes murdered.
To many of you here..dem was the good ole days. I'll take the current state of education..with anti-bullying and someone actively advocating for the kids~
Yes, well then we have this,


And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive,
Blah, Blah, Blah.

Maybe it's time to ditch Christianity..or at least the toxic forms of it.

Repulsive is in the eye of the beholder--actually that's the crux of the matter eh?
I knew several Trans/lesbian/gay people is the '50's and '60's. The big difference is that then..if you were out..and NO-ONE was out---you were tortured. Sometimes raped, sometimes murdered.
To many of you here..dem was the good ole days. I'll take the current state of education..with anti-bullying and someone actively advocating for the kids~
The good old days was when a teacher tried to groom a child into being gay, queer or transgendered parents would deposit pieces of that teacher all over town.

One teacher proudly announces that under her tutelage out of a class of 32, 20 students were gay or transgendered. Torture and rape is too good for this twisted sex offenders.
NO-ONE was out
Then how did you know "several" of them? Also, it is not the school's nor the state's job to teach societal norms. Their job is to teach ACADEMICS, reading, writing, math, proven science, geography and history (what it is and not what some whack job wants it to be). Parents who choose to isolate their children from degenerate behavior are not abusing their children. Their job is to teach the morals that they deem important without you, the school's or the state's attempting to groom them.
Hmm..did you actually read the article? Long, I know.
No. I read articles like that for the purpose of understanding how Democrats think. Thinking like a Democrat certainly does not require reading a long article. Democrats typically "learn" from headlines only, which are often contradicted by the facts in the article, which they do not read. Then later, they regurgitate what they "learned" from the headline and say, "I read somewhere that . . . "
Stepping away from the trans issue for a moment--the real controversy here is some fairly reputable educators...proposing that in certain ethical cases..they have not only the duty, but the honor the student's requests..and deliberately disobey the clearly stated intent of the parents. To the point of not even notifying the Parents of the request!
Yes, that is the point, apart from the trans issue. The point is the same if we are talking about a kid going to Youth for Christ in the morning and wanting his Christian teacher to tell his Muslim parents that he went for math turoring because his parents do not want him to be a Christian, or a kid wanting his music teacher not to tell his parents that he is shredding an electric guitar when they think he is staying after school practicing the violin, or any other way that a kid might ask an adult at school to keep a secret from his parents.
Now, I admit I don't give a hoot about whether or not a kid is trans, or just playing. I want my kid happy. Trans kids and adults often have very sad lives--but that is due almost entirely to the hostile societal attitudes represented by some here. Normalizing Trans choice leads to less hostility. I get that it's an emotional issue. Some here call it's not..but it is deliberate socialization.
It is secrecy and defiance such as the article suggests that gives ammo to people who do believe that such efforts to "normalize trans choice" is grooming. Groomers need secrecy. Teacher, counselors and administrators acting in the best interest of the child have no reason to hide what they are doing from the parents.

Not to mention the number of teachers who have not only stated that they support the children who spontaneously make a claim of transgenderism, but who state that they encourage children to express transgenderism, before they mention it, and suggest to children that transgenderism is the cause of their very normal sexual confusion and lack of sexual self-confidence.

What is that, if not grooming?
As a parent and grandparent, I've always striven to respect wishes and needs of the kids in my's awesome responsibility--but I never doubted for a moment that it was MY responsibility.
As you should, in whatever way you, as the parent, determines is best for them.
Now the extension the State..says it owes a higher allegiance to the Children's perceived by them--than it owes to the parent.
Already we acknowledge that in cases of child abuse it is the school's duty to step in and intervene. Not really a big leap, to losing one's kids to the state..if they feel that a parents denial of their child's wishes.....IS abuse~
Yes, that is the direction that the Demogroomers are clearly taking us. Children belong to the community and that particular community needs a supply of gender-confused biological male children who will go along with being feminized for the community's gratification. Who are mere parents to stand in the way of such an emergency sexual need?
That is a huge departure to 'the buck stops here' attitude to parenting---final responsibility is the school.
Of course, you can Home-school--but if..just had a genuine Trans kid on your hands, and you remain hostile to his/her choices..I can guarantee it will end badly.
You cannot guarantee it, but you can offer your opinion. You may be right. Perhaps being hostile to a kid's claim of being transgender could lead to exacerbation of the confusion, self-hatred, and depression that most often motivates such a claim.

Perhaps the ideal parental choice would be to be as accepting and supportive as possible. Short of medical "treatment," humoring such a child until they grow out of it may be the best choice. Some of them may never grow out of it, and can make the decision for medical treatment as adults.

But you could say the same about a parent who objects to their child's desire to convert to Christianity from Islam, play Rock and Roll instead of Classical, play checkers with friends to the dismay of her Chess Grandmaster parents, wear a MAGA hat, take autoshop instead of Pre-AP Calculus, smoke weed instead of study, and any number of disagreements that parents have with their kids over how to act and what to do.

Sometimes a parent insisting on their way is very beneficial to a kid, by keeping them from making a mistake they will regret for life. Sometimess it only alienates the kid and only slows him down in his quest to be his own person. That's the tightrope a well-meaning parent walks.

Either way, the state has no legitimate role in those conflicts.
Then how did you know "several" of them? Also, it is not the school's nor the state's job to teach societal norms. Their job is to teach ACADEMICS, reading, writing, math, proven science, geography and history (what it is and not what some whack job wants it to be). Parents who choose to isolate their children from degenerate behavior are not abusing their children. Their job is to teach the morals that they deem important without you, the school's or the state's attempting to groom them.
Oh my. Dude, teaching societal norms is entire reason for public education. Why did we recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning? Why did we all learn the same songs, read the same books...and on and on.
Socialization is by far largest part of a child's education..certainly the most impactful part...after all, that's kinda why this is a thing.

How did i know them? Well..small town...friends who struggled with being gay..not that it even was..then. I knew a girl..dressed like a dude..but not butch...just regular guy. Short hair...had a girlfriend..but everyone pretended not to notice.
No. I read articles like that for the purpose of understanding how Democrats think. Thinking like a Democrat certainly does not require reading a long article. Democrats typically "learn" from headlines only, which are often contradicted by the facts in the article, which they do not read. Then later, they regurgitate what they "learned" from the headline and say, "I read somewhere that . . . "

Yes, that is the point, apart from the trans issue. The point is the same if we are talking about a kid going to Youth for Christ in the morning and wanting his Christian teacher to tell his Muslim parents that he went for math turoring because his parents do not want him to be a Christian, or a kid wanting his music teacher not to tell his parents that he is shredding an electric guitar when they think he is staying after school practicing the violin, or any other way that a kid might ask an adult at school to keep a secret from his parents.

It is secrecy and defiance such as the article suggests that gives ammo to people who do believe that such efforts to "normalize trans choice" is grooming. Groomers need secrecy. Teacher, counselors and administrators acting in the best interest of the child have no reason to hide what they are doing from the parents.

Not to mention the number of teachers who have not only stated that they support the children who spontaneously make a claim of transgenderism, but who state that they encourage children to express transgenderism, before they mention it, and suggest to children that transgenderism is the cause of their very normal sexual confusion and lack of sexual self-confidence.

What is that, if not grooming?

As you should, in whatever way you, as the parent, determines is best for them.

Yes, that is the direction that the Demogroomers are clearly taking us. Children belong to the community and that particular community needs a supply of gender-confused biological male children who will go along with being feminized for the community's gratification. Who are mere parents to stand in the way of such an emergency sexual need?

You cannot guarantee it, but you can offer your opinion. You may be right. Perhaps being hostile to a kid's claim of being transgender could lead to exacerbation of the confusion, self-hatred, and depression that most often motivates such a claim.

Perhaps the ideal parental choice would be to be as accepting and supportive as possible. Short of medical "treatment," humoring such a child until they grow out of it may be the best choice. Some of them may never grow out of it, and can make the decision for medical treatment as adults.

But you could say the same about a parent who objects to their child's desire to convert to Christianity from Islam, play Rock and Roll instead of Classical, play checkers with friends to the dismay of her Chess Grandmaster parents, wear a MAGA hat, take autoshop instead of Pre-AP Calculus, smoke weed instead of study, and any number of disagreements that parents have with their kids over how to act and what to do.

Sometimes a parent insisting on their way is very beneficial to a kid, by keeping them from making a mistake they will regret for life. Sometimess it only alienates the kid and only slows him down in his quest to be his own person. That's the tightrope a well-meaning parent walks.

Either way, the state has no legitimate role in those conflicts.
The next democrat move will be to normalize childhood prostitution so they can keep all of those democrat degenerates like Clinton and Biden supplied with fresh young victims.
The next democrat move will be to normalize childhood prostitution so they can keep all of those democrat degenerates like Clinton and Biden supplied with fresh young victims.
I hadn't thought of that, but yes. That is absolutely the next move, so that little girls and these feminized little boys can be had even by the most repulsive of teachers for a price.

It has already started with the encouraging of trafficking of children across the border. Soon there will be school library books in which grown men recall adventurous boyhood days having sex with adults and incidentally making a few bucks from it. Grown women characters will recount stories of saving the family from eviction by exhanging favors for dollars with a trusted teacher, who is now their mentor in their own teaching career.

It is almost as if the Dems have made a bet among themselves to see if there is a limit to the depravity that they can normalize.
Why did we recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning? Why did we all learn the same songs, read the same books.
One at a time, Pledge of Allegiance--um, support of the government that you live under? Songs? To disseminate musical education? Same books? What would you suggest? Different books? One that teaches 2 + 2 = 4 and one that teaches 2 + 2 = 75? Maybe science books that teach that there are 527 different genders? Use your head. Sounds like you went to one of those alternative education schools or did you escape from the Jim Jones school of kool-aid consumption?

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