Does Anybody Know Why Nancy Pelosi Is Visiting Tiwan?

Road Runner

Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2021
The news seems really vague on that and that worries me. All I know so far is that the Chinese are planning on shooting her plane down.
There's a sale on Russian vodka. Also, reports are coming that jill told her it was taco Tuesday over there!
The news seems really vague on that and that worries me. All I know so far is that the Chinese are planning on shooting her plane down.
The news seems really vague on that and that worries me. All I know so far is that the Chinese are planning on shooting her plane down.
No, you don't know that. Fox News spun it that way, not China.
The reason is to show Biden's strength and resolve to the American people. And it's supposed to confirm that America still has the power to act against China's demands without China being able to respond in some way.

And again it's reinforcing confidence with propaganda. Americans are expected to believe that both China and Russia are powerless to act against US aggression.
To provoke an incident with China that will give Biden and the DemoKKKrats the cover they need to cheat in the midterm elections. That's the ONLY purpose of this visit.
Good thinking there, getting your excuses for losing in place ahead of time.

You've all been telling the "Democrats are weak on China" big lie over and over. Pelosi just showed what a stupid lie it is. Hence, conservatives are very butthurt.
Only liar here i see is you, traitor.
So why didn't you melt down last year when a senate delegation visited Taiwan?

Oh, that's right. FOX and China, your dual masters, didn't tell you to melt down. Like all Trump cult losers, you only do what you're told.

Needless to say, if Pelosi had chosen to call off the trip, FOX would be proclaiming she was appeasing China, and you'd be agreeing.

And needless to say, Trump is taking China's side here.
So why didn't you melt down last year when a senate delegation visited Taiwan?

Oh, that's right. FOX and China, your dual masters, didn't tell you to melt down. Like all Trump cult losers, you only do what you're told.

Needless to say, if Pelosi had chosen to call off the trip, FOX would be proclaiming she was appeasing China, and you'd be agreeing.

And needless to say, Trump is taking China's side here.
Why do you lie so much, cockroach?

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