Do you think we can stop COVID-19 spread in a month?


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2015
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-W guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!
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As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!
What an utterly retarted idea that a virus can be "stopped" if we only sacrfice the economic lives of enough people to it.

Did European countries stop it back in the spring when they shut down everything tight?
As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else.
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!

We also need you to stop unprotected ghey sex with random males.
What an utterly retarted idea that a virus can be "stopped" if we only sacrfice the economic lives of enough people to it.

Did European countries stop it back in the spring when they shut down everything tight?
As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else,
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.

You are the one to do it.

Swing your purse as hard as you can at them and then pull their hair to get their minds right cuppycakes.
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!

We've been doing it for 7 months with no effect.

"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein
What an utterly retarted idea that a virus can be "stopped" if we only sacrfice the economic lives of enough people to it.

Did European countries stop it back in the spring when they shut down everything tight?
As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else,
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.
You are the one to do it.

Swing your purse as hard as you can at them and then pull their hair to get their minds right cuppycakes.
If you can’t contribute rational thoughts, don’t bother ... unless you want to continue making a fool of yourself.
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!
In a word, NO!

You dont know much about viruses, do you. Masks and distancing only slow the rate of infections for a time, about a month in most cases. This is done to evaluate the virus and find ways to treat the infections that are coming your way.

You can not stop the spread. Only a fool believes that they can stop a viral infection without reaching natural herd immunity levels and even then there will be residual outbreaks of the virus.

Quit listening to Joe Biden's lies...
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!

Only one miscue, one person, one mistake and it would all be for not. After the lockdown, one person goes to a country and gets the virus, comes home and it is back to square one. 1-325 million.
What an utterly retarted idea that a virus can be "stopped" if we only sacrfice the economic lives of enough people to it.

Did European countries stop it back in the spring when they shut down everything tight?
As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else.
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.
Please tell me why 86% of those contracting COVID in July and August wore a mask all of the time or most of the time... I'll Wait..

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As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-W guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!

Been doing that for 9 FUCKING MONTHS!! here in Benito Cuomo NY and the virus refuses to submit to the power of the State
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-M guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!
In a word, NO!

You dont know much about viruses, do you. Masks and distancing only slow the rate of infections for a time, about a month in most cases. This is done to evaluate the virus and find ways to treat the infections that are coming your way.

You can not stop the spread. Only a fool believes that they can stop a viral infection without reaching natural herd immunity levels and even then there will be residual outbreaks of the virus.

Quit listening to Joe Biden's lies...
Oh, come on man. Listen to PK1. If we just talk to the virus nice enough, I'm sure it will be reasonable with us and go away.
As Ben Franklin is famous for saying:
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

If EVERYONE took responsibility to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus ... for “only” ONE MONTH by adhering to strict 3-W guidelines (masks, social distancing, hand washing before touching face), would we not beat the pandemic nationally with our borders closed?
Of course, we would need to do a strict “lockdown”, but it would be cost-effective in the long run, like taking 1 step backwards before taking 2 or 3 steps forward.

Unfortunately, there are always a few egocentric individuals who don’t cooperate with reason & civility to mess things up for everyone else!
Another brainwashed sheep that has fallen for the propaganda of the lamestream media over the dangerous virus hoax. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What an utterly retarted idea that a virus can be "stopped" if we only sacrfice the economic lives of enough people to it.

Did European countries stop it back in the spring when they shut down everything tight?
As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else,
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.
You are the one to do it.

Swing your purse as hard as you can at them and then pull their hair to get their minds right cuppycakes.
If you can’t contribute rational thoughts, don’t bother ... unless you want to continue making a fool of yourself.

In March and April, everyone in America did exactly as you said, and it had no effect. In May, the Communists took to the streets and the left, from Fauci on down said "Wuhan be woke yo" and that the rioters are immune.

Then we knew it was all a farce. Oh, not the bioengineered Wuhan virus, the masks and the socialist distancing - it does nothing but fuck with civil society.

The claim that a virus is politically aware is so insane that you lost all credibility.

It's a virus, it passes like all viruses do - just like a cold, which is a form of Corona Virus, or influenza does. It is utterly INSANE to treat this any differently. We destroyed our economy FOR NOTHING. We destroyed our quality of life, FOR NOTHING. The draconian measures did SHIT, not a fucking thing. Not one person was "saved" by this bullshit.
What an utterly retarted idea that a virus can be "stopped" if we only sacrfice the economic lives of enough people to it.

Did European countries stop it back in the spring when they shut down everything tight?
As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else,
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.
You are the one to do it.

Swing your purse as hard as you can at them and then pull their hair to get their minds right cuppycakes.
If you can’t contribute rational thoughts, don’t bother ... unless you want to continue making a fool of yourself.

Pot meet kettle sugar babay.

You stated so maturely:

As I said, more or less; a few assholes ruin it for everyone else,
Perhaps they can be put into their “places” for the benefit of 99.9% of the population.

Which is funny coming from a keyboard commando fruit loop like yourself.
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