I'm not a Pro-Prostitution Supporter but I think that Prostitution should be Legal in The U.S. on a national level in all (50) Fifty States that will required Mandatory Monthly Tests, Etc but with no taxes associated in this Industry under no circumstances
The U.S. Prostitutes & The Customers will be licensed for safety purposes concerning Anti-Identity Theft factors but all licenses will be free.
The U.S. Prostitutes & The Customers don't need no Brothels, Paid Permits, Etc to participate in The Sex Industry World under no circumstances.
The Filthy Gay Agenda (The LGBT Association) won their Fight at The U.S. Supreme Court so therefore The Pro-Prostitution Supporters need to get together & take their case to The U.S. Supreme Court to fight to win their case to legalize & protect their interests.
Hint!: -> If Anyone think that The Filthy Gay Agenda (The LGBT Association) is more Ethical than Prostitution then I've a Bridge to sell You because if I had to choose I'll choose Prostitution over The Filthy Gay Agenda (The LGBT Association) any day, anytime, And/Or anywhere.
The Only Reason Prostitution Is Illegal Is Because Of The (2) Two Factors That's Listed Below.
1. The U.S. Government Can't Tax Sex Since Sex Is A Human Right (Freedom) Which Is A Right That Can't Be Given And/Or Taken By No Governments.
2. If Prostitution Was Legal It Would Take The Power Away From Women Because Men Would Take Less Shit From Women Along With Marriages Being At A Low Rate Which Would Lead To The U.S. Courts Losing Major Money.
The main point is The U.S. can't make one unethical factor legal & let the other unethical factors etc remain illegal which is a violation of The Equal Protection Of The Law Clause.
The U.S. Prostitutes & The Customers will be licensed for safety purposes concerning Anti-Identity Theft factors but all licenses will be free.
The U.S. Prostitutes & The Customers don't need no Brothels, Paid Permits, Etc to participate in The Sex Industry World under no circumstances.
The Filthy Gay Agenda (The LGBT Association) won their Fight at The U.S. Supreme Court so therefore The Pro-Prostitution Supporters need to get together & take their case to The U.S. Supreme Court to fight to win their case to legalize & protect their interests.
Hint!: -> If Anyone think that The Filthy Gay Agenda (The LGBT Association) is more Ethical than Prostitution then I've a Bridge to sell You because if I had to choose I'll choose Prostitution over The Filthy Gay Agenda (The LGBT Association) any day, anytime, And/Or anywhere.
The Only Reason Prostitution Is Illegal Is Because Of The (2) Two Factors That's Listed Below.
1. The U.S. Government Can't Tax Sex Since Sex Is A Human Right (Freedom) Which Is A Right That Can't Be Given And/Or Taken By No Governments.
2. If Prostitution Was Legal It Would Take The Power Away From Women Because Men Would Take Less Shit From Women Along With Marriages Being At A Low Rate Which Would Lead To The U.S. Courts Losing Major Money.
The main point is The U.S. can't make one unethical factor legal & let the other unethical factors etc remain illegal which is a violation of The Equal Protection Of The Law Clause.