Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Well I don't "pray" at all in the way most people think of it. By that I mean I don't get on my knees beside my bed,or close my eyes and clasp my hands, or recite a set of verses. I just kind of...."shoot the shit with God". I do this in the mornings on my way to work, and I talk to Him in much the same way I talk to a buddy on the phone. I do say thank you a lot for the good in my life that I can find (some days it's easier to find something to say thank you for than others). To some degree that's just starting my day by recognizing what is working in my life and starting my day off positively by focusing on that. I thank God for providing me with those things or the opportunity for me to achieve them on my own. I never ask for anything for myself, but I do lay out my plans and goals. On a rare occasion I will ask the He give support, guidance, or comfort to someone I care about that is going through a hard time, but that's about it for the "please give me" stuff. And I don't ask for forgiveness for anything because that seems a bit silly to do when you don't believe in the concept of "sin". :lol:

So i don't know if "praying" is the right word for what I do. If you consider that "praying" then I do it nearly daily. If not, then I never pray. :lol:
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Well I don't "pray" at all in the way most people think of it. By that I mean I don't get on my knees beside my bed,or close my eyes and clasp my hands, or recite a set of verses. I just kind of...."shoot the shit with God". I do this in the mornings on my way to work, and I talk to Him in much the same way I talk to a buddy on the phone. I do say thank you a lot for the good in my life that I can find (some days it's easier to find something to say thank you for than others). To some degree that's just starting my day by recognizing what is working in my life and starting my day off positively by focusing on that. I thank God for providing me with those things or the opportunity for me to achieve them on my own. I never ask for anything for myself, but I do lay out my plans and goals. On a rare occasion I will ask the He give support, guidance, or comfort to someone I care about that is going through a hard time, but that's about it for the "please give me" stuff. And I don't ask for forgiveness for anything because that seems a bit silly to do when you don't believe in the concept of "sin". :lol:

So i don't know if "praying" is the right word for what I do. If you consider that "praying" then I do it nearly daily. If not, then I never pray. :lol:

If you do not repent when you sin then how would you have any confidence that your fellowship with God has been restored? Unconfessed sin is unrepented sin which breaks our fellowship with God. As you do not believe in the "concept of sin" as you put it you may want to consider that you are having your conversations with "another god" but not the God of the Bible, Phantom. Do you believe in the reality of hell or is that just a concept to you too?

To be clear - I can understand to an extent how the world must marvel at people who claim to believe in God but live in sin - sometimes greater than the world - and yet have the audicity to tell the world they cannot go to heaven because they didn't say a prayer at the altar. You see, God isn't grading on a curve here. If you are living in sin? You are no different than the lost person living in sin. You'll both find go to the same place at the end of this life, Phantom. There are no born again fornicators, idolaters, liars, adulterers, sorcerers, thieves, going to heaven. There is no special clause for Christians living in sin. If you are a worker of iniquity you cannot enter in to the kingdom of heaven. Saved or unsaved.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

Okay, so is this an example of god answering a prayer?

Seriously, I can remember actually trying to pray when I was a kid and made to go to church/Sunday school. I felt foolish.

As an adult, of course not.
I remember watching the cosmos with a bunch of atheists and a Christian walked in while we were discussing things and he immediately blurted out yo go to hell! We all started laughing. I remember his father dragging him to Sunday school every Sunday throughout our childhood. And I can tell you it didn't make him a better person than any of us in fact he's horrible. Maybe I should thank God because without God maybe he'd be worse. Sometimes I wonder
Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.

The historical evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did exist. Yes. His mother was a virgin. Yes. He did walk on the water because He is God who came in the flesh to save lost mankind so yes to that too. He did heal the sick, there were many eye witnesses and we have written accounts of the miracles of Christ. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that said he would come. I do believe you tell it as you see it but perception is a matter of having the right facts. If you didn't have the right facts then your perception would be different from what it is right now, Sealy. So keep that in mind too. But I appreciate your honesty.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

Okay, so is this an example of god answering a prayer?

Seriously, I can remember actually trying to pray when I was a kid and made to go to church/Sunday school. I felt foolish.

As an adult, of course not.
I remember watching the cosmos with a bunch of atheists and a Christian walked in while we were discussing things and he immediately blurted out yo go to hell! We all started laughing. I remember his father dragging him to Sunday school every Sunday throughout our childhood. And I can tell you it didn't make him a better person than any of us in fact he's horrible. Maybe I should thank God because without God maybe he'd be worse. Sometimes I wonder

The fact that he told you to go to hell is a clear indication that he didn't know much about hell to say such a thing. I would not wish hell on my worst enemy, Sealy. I would not wish hell on any living human being. No matter what they had done wrong. Not a chance. As for your friend, he wasn't any better than you even when he was going to church! No one is better than you! God could not love you any more than He does right this moment! There is nothing you could do to cause Him to love you more because His love towards you is perfect!
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

Okay, so is this an example of god answering a prayer?

Seriously, I can remember actually trying to pray when I was a kid and made to go to church/Sunday school. I felt foolish.

As an adult, of course not.
I remember watching the cosmos with a bunch of atheists and a Christian walked in while we were discussing things and he immediately blurted out yo go to hell! We all started laughing. I remember his father dragging him to Sunday school every Sunday throughout our childhood. And I can tell you it didn't make him a better person than any of us in fact he's horrible. Maybe I should thank God because without God maybe he'd be worse. Sometimes I wonder

Sealy, did you ever go to church in your youth or visit one? Have you ever read the Bible?
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.

The historical evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did exist. Yes. His mother was a virgin. Yes. He did walk on the water because He is God who came in the flesh to save lost mankind so yes to that too. He did heal the sick, there were many eye witnesses and we have written accounts of the miracles of Christ. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that said he would come. I do believe you tell it as you see it but perception is a matter of having the right facts. If you didn't have the right facts then your perception would be different from what it is right now, Sealy. So keep that in mind too. But I appreciate your honesty.
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

Okay, so is this an example of god answering a prayer?

Seriously, I can remember actually trying to pray when I was a kid and made to go to church/Sunday school. I felt foolish.

As an adult, of course not.
I remember watching the cosmos with a bunch of atheists and a Christian walked in while we were discussing things and he immediately blurted out yo go to hell! We all started laughing. I remember his father dragging him to Sunday school every Sunday throughout our childhood. And I can tell you it didn't make him a better person than any of us in fact he's horrible. Maybe I should thank God because without God maybe he'd be worse. Sometimes I wonder

Sealy, did you ever go to church in your youth or visit one? Have you ever read the Bible?
Yes and yes. For years I thought my church was the best church then I realized it too was bullships. Greek Orthodox.
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
God's call only, Jeremiah.
Use the quote button, Jake. I have no idea what you are referring to otherwise.
You are not in charge here, either, Jere. :lol:

This is my thread and you are not permitted to wage personal attacks against the writers here. (whether you work for the govt or not means nothing to me nor does it nullify USMB rules). That has already been established. With that said - If you want me to respond to you, use the quote button. Otherwise we don't have a clue what you are speaking about, Jake. It's just that simple.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.

The historical evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did exist. Yes. His mother was a virgin. Yes. He did walk on the water because He is God who came in the flesh to save lost mankind so yes to that too. He did heal the sick, there were many eye witnesses and we have written accounts of the miracles of Christ. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that said he would come. I do believe you tell it as you see it but perception is a matter of having the right facts. If you didn't have the right facts then your perception would be different from what it is right now, Sealy. So keep that in mind too. But I appreciate your honesty.
But how do you know what Jesus said? Did you translate the original bibles from Hebrew to Greek? The Greeks are still debating the meaning and translation of the bibles.

But forget all that. Who's to say Jesus said believe or don't go to heaven. Or even worse go to hell. To me this is proof the Jesus story is man made used to demand loyalty.
Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

Okay, so is this an example of god answering a prayer?

Seriously, I can remember actually trying to pray when I was a kid and made to go to church/Sunday school. I felt foolish.

As an adult, of course not.
I remember watching the cosmos with a bunch of atheists and a Christian walked in while we were discussing things and he immediately blurted out yo go to hell! We all started laughing. I remember his father dragging him to Sunday school every Sunday throughout our childhood. And I can tell you it didn't make him a better person than any of us in fact he's horrible. Maybe I should thank God because without God maybe he'd be worse. Sometimes I wonder

Sealy, did you ever go to church in your youth or visit one? Have you ever read the Bible?
Yes and yes. For years I thought my church was the best church then I realized it too was bullships. Greek Orthodox.

Really? I am not familiar with Greek Orthodox churches but I find that interesting to hear you say that you felt it was the best church and then realized it was not so good - people are fallible and sometimes when they let us down (especially as representatives of a church) it can also take a toll on our faith. I've been through that myself, Sealy. It's a difficult thing to overcome but in the end the lesson I learned was simple. My eyes are on the Lord only and I do not give myself any room to put people / or an individual church on the same level as my faith in God. That way if they blow it - it is still me and Jesus and I'm not falling down over it (by God's grace).
I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.

The historical evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did exist. Yes. His mother was a virgin. Yes. He did walk on the water because He is God who came in the flesh to save lost mankind so yes to that too. He did heal the sick, there were many eye witnesses and we have written accounts of the miracles of Christ. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that said he would come. I do believe you tell it as you see it but perception is a matter of having the right facts. If you didn't have the right facts then your perception would be different from what it is right now, Sealy. So keep that in mind too. But I appreciate your honesty.
But how do you know what Jesus said? Did you translate the original bibles from Hebrew to Greek? The Greeks are still debating the meaning and translation of the bibles.

But forget all that. Who's to say Jesus said believe or don't go to heaven. Or even worse go to hell. To me this is proof the Jesus story is man made used to demand loyalty.

To be sure man is very adept at using religion for his own purposes - perhaps adept is not the word - let's call it what it is - crafty! For many the church has become a business and yet it was never meant to be that. I suppose that is what happens with organized religion when man makes his own rules / adds to the Word of God, etc. The truth is God is greater than the total sum of our worries over His ability to keep His Word intact. Whereas there are many translations that are taking liberty with changing the Word of God (into a lie) the King James Bible version is still intact and there is a woman named Gail Riplinger who gives a wonderful presentation of why there has been a concerted effort to destroy the KJV - because if Satan could pervert the Word of God - the Christian would be using a defective Sword. Afterall, the Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit so what would Satan want to steal from us more than the Word, Sealy? Think about it. If the Russians wanted to invade us what do they need to do first? Disarm us. Right? Right. What is true in the natural realm is true in the Spiritual realm. In fact what is happening in the natural realm is your tip off to what is happening in the Spiritual realm and even "where" it is happening!

This video will show you the strategy Satan has set up to destroy the King James Version Bible. Now let me ask you a question, Sealy. If the KJV Bible was not such a threat to the New Agers who are working in tandem with the New World Order agenda - why would they have gone to such trouble / worked so hard to make the KJV Bible appear "imperfect'? Archaic? Outdated? I'll tell you why! It's the Sword of the Believer and our enemy wants to disarm us!

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I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.

The historical evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did exist. Yes. His mother was a virgin. Yes. He did walk on the water because He is God who came in the flesh to save lost mankind so yes to that too. He did heal the sick, there were many eye witnesses and we have written accounts of the miracles of Christ. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that said he would come. I do believe you tell it as you see it but perception is a matter of having the right facts. If you didn't have the right facts then your perception would be different from what it is right now, Sealy. So keep that in mind too. But I appreciate your honesty.
But how do you know what Jesus said? Did you translate the original bibles from Hebrew to Greek? The Greeks are still debating the meaning and translation of the bibles.

But forget all that. Who's to say Jesus said believe or don't go to heaven. Or even worse go to hell. To me this is proof the Jesus story is man made used to demand loyalty.

Sealy, when you have some free time, I want to ask you to watch the video with Gail Riplinger and tell me what you think. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts about it! Thank you. Thank you for the discussion! I appreciate it!
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.

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