Do you notice how LW never admit their real goal is to overturn the 2nd amendment?

Why don't they follow the processes of the government and get 2/3 of Congress and 75% of states to overturn the 2nd amendment?

It's because they know it won't they will continually try to erode it with continuing to reduce our rights.
Trying to have background checks for everyone but family members and even doing away with handguns, is not trying to do away with the 2nd Amendment.we need Hunters to kill all these damn deer. But carry on with your ridiculous brainwashed bs, hater dupe.

Yea, what Franco said. Can’t you gun toting weirdos understand that if there was no second amendment nobody would ever be murdered again in this country?
Democrats I've never tried to outlaw rifle hunting rifles and shotguns... You people are really brainwashed out of your minds... Change the channel please poor America

No, of course you haven’t. Listen Frances, we all know the lib playbook for killing amendment 2- start with big guns that shoot big bullets really fast, and don’t stop until every BB gun has been melted down.

They will straight up admit it.

The "slippery slope" is a liberal staple.


Not the "slippery slope"!

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While theyre generally nice people at parties, once they're in control of a government with disarmed citizens, progressives tend to veer toward genocide and mass murder
Trying to have background checks for everyone but family members and even doing away with handguns, is not trying to do away with the 2nd Amendment.we need Hunters to kill all these damn deer. But carry on with your ridiculous brainwashed bs, hater dupe.

Yea, what Franco said. Can’t you gun toting weirdos understand that if there was no second amendment nobody would ever be murdered again in this country?
Democrats I've never tried to outlaw rifle hunting rifles and shotguns... You people are really brainwashed out of your minds... Change the channel please poor America

No, of course you haven’t. Listen Frances, we all know the lib playbook for killing amendment 2- start with big guns that shoot big bullets really fast, and don’t stop until every BB gun has been melted down.
Sure very scary, Dupe... No evidence of that of course. No not Francis Franco is from Francophile. Vive La France.

Francis- I just read thru all the tags attached to each of your post. You are rare in that you are a perfect example of the stereotypical snowflake liberal. I mean you could be the poster child for Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren and Commie Bernie. Let me guess, you have a nude picture of Rachel Maddow’s crank taped to the ceiling above your bed, don’t cha?
It's called The Real World, Dupe of greedy idiot billionaire GOP a holes..
While theyre generally nice people at parties, once they're in control of a government with disarmed citizens, progressives tend to veer toward genocide and mass murder
Since many brainwashed ignoramuses on the right now Define progressives as Nazis... It's the liberal fascism b******* from 10 years ago. Amazing how idiotic and dangerous you people are becoming. A disgrace. Poor America...
Maybe Progs never had civics and don't understand how amendments work.

Get 2/3 of Congress and 75% of states to vote to 2nd amendment and you guys are in business.

You know the go do it!!
Nancy slipped up and admitted she hope the potential BUMP STOCK ban will be a slippery slope to repeal of the 2nd amendment.

Progs can't be truly honest about their intentions, because they are all about REMOVING your rights.
Why don't they follow the processes of the government and get 2/3 of Congress and 75% of states to overturn the 2nd amendment?

It's because they know it won't they will continually try to erode it with continuing to reduce our rights.

They can either repeal replace or amend the 2nd amendment, so that it reads like the original framers intended it to read.
I believe the Democrats should offer up a repeal/replace for the 2nd amendment and the Republicans should offer new amendment dealing with restrictions of abortions.
From what I have read, I don't believe all want to go to that extreme, but one need only look at left wing, Democratic strong holds to surmise the objective of some.

Check out this map. California gun ownership is at 20%, and the North Eastern Seaboard state are all the lowest gun ownership areas in the U.S

Here's where you're most likely to own a gun

R.I 5.8%, NY, 10.3%, NJ 11.3%, DE 5.2%

Compare that with AZ, AK, ID, WY, All well over 50%

I suppose it's almost more about the state rules about gun ownership as well as ownership numbers. Open carry vs other laws. In Ontario for instance, if you own a gun, it must be locked up unloaded, and the bullets locked in a separate location. In essence, if someone is breaking into your home and is armed, you're in trouble.

Also, if you do use your gun, you had better hope the intruder has a gun also. If they only have a baseball bat with spikes on it or a 16" knife, you will be charged with a crime for "excessive force". Compare that with many U.S states where you can carry one with you where you go and your home is your castle.
Texas: 35.7% = 9.3 million gun owners.

...that's not enough.

Progs can't be truly honest about their intentions, because they are all about REMOVING your rights.
That's why they are now called progressives, instead of communists, socialists, or liberals. They have to re-brand themselves every decade or so, just to keep up the lying Bolshevik charade.
Why don't they follow the processes of the government and get 2/3 of Congress and 75% of states to overturn the 2nd amendment?

It's because they know it won't they will continually try to erode it with continuing to reduce our rights.

Or maybe your belief about the LW is pure fantasy and fear.

Maybe they own guns and believe the 2nd Amendment is important.

And just maybe they believe, like Anton Scalia said, the second amendment has limitations and exceptions -- as do most of the rights.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

District of Columbia vs Heller - majority opinion....

So, you can scream "shall not infringe" all you want -- but this is how SCOTUS interprets the "right". It's limits and meaning.

Their OPINION is law. When the state or city over reaches, the right to own guns has been protected by our federal court system.
Why don't they follow the processes of the government and get 2/3 of Congress and 75% of states to overturn the 2nd amendment?

It's because they know it won't they will continually try to erode it with continuing to reduce our rights.
Trying to have background checks for everyone but family members and even doing away with handguns, is not trying to do away with the 2nd Amendment.we need Hunters to kill all these damn deer. But carry on with your ridiculous brainwashed bs, hater dupe.
You are the one who is deluded.

The ultimate aim of the Left is to ban all guns. Either that, or they are fucking stupid beyond belief.

You see, the Left is always renting their clothes and weeping over the bodies of gun homicide victims.

Well, there is one way, and one way only, to effectively reduce gun homicides. Waiting times won't do it. Banning "assault weapons" won't do it. Banning bump stocks won't do it.

Those are all shams.

The only way to effectively reduce gun homicides is to ban guns entirely and confiscate the ones that are out there. And the only way to do that is to repeal the Second Amendment.

And if you were paying attention, you would see the Left is always point to the examples of countries like Australia which had mandatory confiscation!

So the only one brainwashed in this picture is you. The ultimate aim of the Left is to repeal the Second Amendment and confiscate our guns.
I'm OK if one doesn't want to own a gun, but why do you want to take the rights away from law abiding citizens to own guns...especially when it's 2nd in the Bill of Rights?
I'm OK if one doesn't want to own a gun, but why do you want to take the rights away from law abiding citizens to own guns...especially when it's 2nd in the Bill of Rights?

It doesn't actually read, that the gun right is an individual right, but a collective one. Heller twisted it into an individual right.
Texas: 35.7% = 9.3 million gun owners.

...that's not enough.


You know that
Only a quarter of Americans own guns

Three percent of the population own half of the civilian guns in the US

Three percent of the population own half of the civilian guns in the US
Guns are expensive. Of course 3% will own a lot of guns. That's probably grossly skewed result caused by huge private gun collector outliers.

At one time, a bachelor's degree in Geograph from the University of North Carolina had the highest potential salary and ROI. Why?

Who got a bachelor's degree in Geograph from UNC?
It doesn't actually read, that the gun right is an individual right, but a collective one. Heller twisted it into an individual right.
It was never NOT an individual right until the leftists tried to twist it into a collective right.

Cite to founding fathers' writings showing that they believed the right to arms was a collective right. Can you? I have multitudes of quotes to the contrary, but I will entertain this argument for a moment.
Guns are expensive. Of course 3% will own a lot of guns. That's probably grossly skewed result caused by huge private gun collector outliers.

It means gun ownership is far less popular than the NRA would lead people to believe. It means 75% of people don't own guns,
It doesn't actually read, that the gun right is an individual right, but a collective one. Heller twisted it into an individual right.
It was never NOT an individual right until the leftists tried to twist it into a collective right.

Really, an individual right? The founding fathers wanted slaves and indians to have guns?

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