Do you ever ponder if we really exist? Are we just a simulation?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I seldom dream but I had a dusey last night lol.

I fell asleep watching a show about megalithic structures and the next thing I remember was "willing" objects into existence to consume for energy. A VERY bizarre dream that I suppose was triggered by the thoughts of how humans could have cut, moved & erected such massive structures with supposedly primitive tools. It's like we are now human 2.0 or something and the mastermind forgot to delete all the files from his previous "game"

Anyhow, what a bizarre way to start a day lol
"Life", the thing we interpret from the perceptual processing in the brain, may only be a dream, but the brain is there to dream it, so, some kind of external reality, "life", must be concluded to exist. How much that corresponds to the common idea of "life" is open to endless, meaningless debate.


It doesn't matter.

What we perceive as the real world is nothing but electrical impulses sent to our brain so our reality is a simulation of the actual world
I seldom dream but I had a dusey last night lol.

I fell asleep watching a show about megalithic structures and the next thing I remember was "willing" objects into existence to consume for energy. A VERY bizarre dream that I suppose was triggered by the thoughts of how humans could have cut, moved & erected such massive structures with supposedly primitive tools. It's like we are now human 2.0 or something and the mastermind forgot to delete all the files from his previous "game"

Anyhow, what a bizarre way to start a day lol

Aristotle, Plato and Descartes are on a plane. The flight attendant comes by to take their drink orders. She asks Aristotle if he'd like a beverage. Aristotle says, "I'll have a ginger ale."
"And how about you, Mr. Plato?"
Plato says "Diet Coke, please."
She says, "and Mr. Descartes, anything to drink for you?"
Descartes says, "I think not," and disappears.

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