Do you consider it a compliment when someone refers to you as “MAGA” or as a “MAGA”?

Yup. I suppose you think you’re smarter then me cause I take the agreed upon science of 3400 university and research facilities over you thinkers. It’s hard to waddle through all this made up shit generated by you thinkers…..and Tucker.
Link to "3400 agreed upon", faggot?

You're claiming one thing, when I know for a fact the source of all the bullshit is the U.N.
Link to "3400 agreed upon", faggot?

You're claiming one thing, when I know for a fact the source of all the bullshit is the U.N.
Are you cruising again ? Actually there are 3982 post secondary education facilities. That’s not counting dedicated climate research facilities. If you could find just ONE that disses AGW……just one.
Are you cruising again ? Actually there are 3982 post secondary education facilities. That’s not counting dedicated climate research facilities. If you could find just ONE that disses AGW……just one.
Link to "3400 agreed upon", faggot?

You're claiming one thing, when I know for a fact the source of all the bullshit is the U.N.
I’ll do one better.
Here is one. Are you smarter then Harvard ?
Pick another when you’re not too busy picking your nose.
I’ll do one better.
Here is one. Are you smarter then Harvard ?
Pick another when you’re not too busy picking your nose.
Where's the empirical scientific evidence? I don't wanna see people talking. I wanna see research papers, hard evidence, facts, things like that. I'm smart enough to know that that there is fact-free, chump.
So far you have nothing but an argument from authority fallcy. Can you do better? :dunno:


Appeal to authority​

Definition: Often we add strength to our arguments by referring to respected sources or authorities and explaining their positions on the issues we’re discussing. If, however, we try to get readers to agree with us simply by impressing them with a famous name or by appealing to a supposed authority who really isn’t much of an expert, we commit the fallacy of appeal to authority.

Example: “We should abolish the death penalty. Many respected people, such as actor Guy Handsome, have publicly stated their opposition to it.” While Guy Handsome may be an authority on matters having to do with acting, there’s no particular reason why anyone should be moved by his political opinions—he is probably no more of an authority on the death penalty than the person writing the paper.

Tip: There are two easy ways to avoid committing appeal to authority: First, make sure that the authorities you cite are experts on the subject you’re discussing. Second, rather than just saying “Dr. Authority believes X, so we should believe it, too,” try to explain the reasoning or evidence that the authority used to arrive at his or her opinion. That way, your readers have more to go on than a person’s reputation. It also helps to choose authorities who are perceived as fairly neutral or reasonable, rather than people who will be perceived as biased."

PS: That's NOT "one better", Faggotronius Maximus. Try again, boy.

I want links to real things, not some prof saying things with no evidence.

Put up or shut up, faggot. You got the right one now. Like a bobcat by the tail.
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‘MAGA’ is illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, and neo-fascist.

‘MAGA’ is reactionary – fearful of, and hostile to, positive, beneficial change, diversity, dissent, and inclusion.

‘MAGA’ is nativist, racist, bigoted, and hateful.

‘MAGA’ seeks to compel conformity at the expense of individual liberty.

‘MAGA’ has nothing to do with making America great – it has to do with white grievance politics, racist replacement theory, and dividing the American people.
You're an absolute idiot.

This one's on me:
Wow, your answer for 3400 universities and every country in the world and every related corporation. You’re ignorant.
wtf are you even living in America.

You say that like you leftards haven't been toiling away by the millions in every one of those institutions for generations.
Hilarious. That’s just your ignorant opinion. Just because you believe in Trump,the most ignorant politically motivated president we’ve ever had, you think everyone does. That’s stupid.

I said nothign about other people believing in Trump. What are you talkinga bout? Oh, right, you are just talking shit.
You say that like you leftards haven't been toiling away by the millions in every one of those institutions for generations.
My family's been here since before America was America and that stupid motherfucker can go fuck himself.

I've had kin in every war America's ever been in. Actually it's dicey about the 1st one, but definitely all the others.
Post your big 3400 link or STFU, faggot. And if/when you do, I guarantee I'm gonna rip it right the fuck apart, you mental munchkin.

That's the power of a Classical Liberal American Education. They trained me well and properly, boy.
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Let's take a minute to remember that the two issues that drove Trump's campaign, that caused the left to flip out like hysterical drag queens, was

1. Trade, specifically pro-job trade policy

2. Border security, ie build a fucking wall.

And that is why the left cried like a woman that got kicked in the baby maker.



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My family's been here since before America was America and that stupid motherfucker can go fuck himself.

I've had kin in every war America's ever been in. Actually it's dicey about the 1st one, but definitely all the others.
Congrats. We now know what the inside of the mind of a MAGA intent on coming out looks like. It’s not pretty is it.
Congrats. We now know what the inside of the mind of a MAGA intent on coming out looks like. It’s not pretty is it.

He's proud of his family's hertiage and thinks you can go fuck yourself.

Nothing wrong with that.
Congrats. We now know what the inside of the mind of a MAGA intent on coming out looks like. It’s not pretty is it.
Stfu, you leftist shitbag. What's Pi R Squared, motherfucker? You don't know. You're a retard shill.
If you answer that correctly, I'll be impressed.
Yep and Texas paid the price last winter, for embracing green energy. I bet they don't do it this year. Natural gas is going through the roof, thanks to the pedophile in chief.
Geesus, Nat gas is a fossil fuel. It’s not a renewable. If the price is going through the roof, it’s the energy corp raking in their usual record breaking profits. You aren’t into science are you ?

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