Do you believe in gobal warming?

I would be daft If i didn't believe in global warming. I mean its happening all around us..Polar ice caps melting , ozone layer depletion , rising sea levels..Its true.These are hot topics among environmentalists.Most people don't give two shits about them but I assure they will in the next decade or so. Katrina , RIta , Tsunamis are all proof of that.

Moral:- Never mess with Ma Nature or else she'll kick everyone's ass..wether its a global superpower or a third world poverty stricken country!!

I feel you should have posted this under Science and Tech and not under Politics

Id be daft if i did believe it. The idea that mankind is effecting the climate of the world is ridiculous. The idea that if the tempature goes up its global warming, if it goes down its global warming, heck anything that happens is global warming.

Its total poppycock.
Id be daft if i did believe it. The idea that mankind is effecting the climate of the world is ridiculous. The idea that if the tempature goes up its global warming, if it goes down its global warming, heck anything that happens is global warming.

Its total poppycock.

Come on now, Avatar. President Bush can create and direct the path of Hurricanes, why can't he raise the earth's temperature a couple of measly degrees?
Right, Jennifer?
Scientists say they have "compelling" evidence that ocean warming over the past 40 years can be linked to the industrial release of carbon dioxide.
I believe that through out history the earth is either in a warming trend or a cooling trend.

So do I, but thinking that 6 billion people on the planet pumping billions of tonnes of crap into the atmosphere and that NOT affecting the way the sun's heat is trapped on the Earth's surface etc is just head in the sand thinking IMO. Next time you light a fire, get somebody to try and shine a torch light through the smoke and see what happens. Also, the ozone depletion over the Antarctic has been proven to be there, and CFCs seem to be the problem in that regard...
So do I, but thinking that 6 billion people on the planet pumping billions of tonnes of crap into the atmosphere and that NOT affecting the way the sun's heat is trapped on the Earth's surface etc is just head in the sand thinking IMO. Next time you light a fire, get somebody to try and shine a torch light through the smoke and see what happens. Also, the ozone depletion over the Antarctic has been proven to be there, and CFCs seem to be the problem in that regard...

I see the Earth going through a changing period but to say that humans are the only cause is ignorant. We do have an effect on the planet. That is undeniable. The impact we have though is debatable. What can we do to lessen the impact that we do have is only determined when we can agree on what impact we are having. Do humans cause the massive hurricanes we've been having lately or is that just a global trend that occurs every couple hundred years or so? Do humans cause the polar ice caps melting, or is it that the Earth's warming trend combined with about a billion things we don't know about our sun could be increasing the temperature? These are the questions that some people choose to ignore.

I do agree with some things like Leo Dicaprio and other environmentalists say. Like using energy efficient electronics and light bulbs. That just makes sense because your wasting your own money. I agree that we need better fuel efficient cars and new fuel alternatives. I agree that we need to recycle and reuse the plastic we use everyday. The general idea that they have i agree with.

What i don't agree with is using incomplete scientific data to shape political policy and generally to scare people into thinking the world will end in 30 years because of humans. Do the science right which will take some time since we've only really begun to record accurate temperatures for the Earth for the last 100 years or so. Have REAL debates about the issues with opposing scientists instead of declaring the debate over before any was really had. I generally don't like people who think they are holier than thou telling me what to do. I don't like it when religious people do it and I sure as hell don't like people telling me that humans are the ultimate source of destruction in this world. We don't control volcanoes. We don't control Tectonics. We don't control the weather. We don't control the sun. We don't control the core of the earth. Thats just to name a few of the numerous variables not being considered when discussing global warming.

Eventually this planet will become uninhabitable for humans. Thats a simple fact of all dominant species on this planet. The planet changes and they die out. Whether that is 100 years or 100,000 years we have no clue and we have very little ability to alter that future. The Earth keeps going no matter what we do. So how are we egotistical enough to think that we can change what it has in store for us?
So do I, but thinking that 6 billion people on the planet pumping billions of tonnes of crap into the atmosphere and that NOT affecting the way the sun's heat is trapped on the Earth's surface etc is just head in the sand thinking IMO. Next time you light a fire, get somebody to try and shine a torch light through the smoke and see what happens. Also, the ozone depletion over the Antarctic has been proven to be there, and CFCs seem to be the problem in that regard...

I tend to agree with this assessment. All of the worlds man-made pollutions can't be helping. I do believe we can and should move to a more nuclear powered society, but environmental freaks won't let it happen. And forget hybrid cars, all electric is the way to go. We have the technology now, its just a matter of getting the infrastructure to support it up and running and for the costs to come down.
It's quite possible that the earth is warming, but it does not logically follow that CO2 emissions are the cause. The earth has changed temperatures in the past without our help. The end of the last ice age was extremely sudden in geologic terms (perhaps 500 years at the most, with massive meltdowns occuring in sudden spikes). There are other explanations for global warming/cooling, but unfortunately they don't support a socialist agenda. Honestly, if Steorn's invention is pulling free energy out of the aether in 10 years time, the socialists will find another boogeyman.
Mars' ice caps are melting, too, and scientists also claim the sun is hotter than it once was. Then there's the fact that at the turn of the 19th century, we were coming out of a miniature ice age. I have a hard time believing that humans are the cause of any climate change. Mother nature isn't so fragile that a century of human industrialisation can do more than billions of years of volcanic activity and massive, unchecked forest fires.

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