Do you approve of, and think it is classy to do this to a First Lady?

Persistence Of Memory

Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2019
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

Think what would happen if white kids had done that to Michelle Obama. :eek:
What do you expect from a bunch of uneducated animals. Pure trash. What a disgrace.

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Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

Has anyone called her "Moolania" or photoshopped a dick onto her yet?


Then shut the fuck up.

I concur with the above statement. But, I think it was rude,taking disgust for Trump and projecting that disgust towards Melania.
Yeah those who are crying and whining about Melania's unjust treatment are same ones who abused Michelle Obama. You losers are "human scum"! :up:
The only link I could find where Moocher was booed was at a NASCAR event. You’d think she’d know better than to attend an event at a Non-Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks.
Trumps get booed at a DC World Series game. And every university.
I’m surprised Melanie dared to show up at a college. I’m surprised she got any applause at all.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

I agree with you. I think her husband is a horrible President, but that is no reason to be so disrespectful to her.

Politician's wives and children- leave them alone. I hated it when the assholes did it to Michelle, and I hate it when the assholes do it to Melania.
Politician's wives and children- leave them alone. I hated it when the assholes did it to Michelle, and I hate it when the assholes do it to Melania.

That we have partisans who think they can validate one via potty mouth about the other makes that somewhat a lofty objective

Melania Trump isn't running for any office- she shouldn't be attacked because of who her husband is.

Melania cried when Bannon informed the Trump's they'd won

She didn't want any part of the WH limelight

speaking of treating the flotus w/respect...>>>


This is a great example of why I really just don't care about society any more. It's too far gone. The erosion of virtue in society, though gradual, has been consistent.

It's one thing to sit around shooting the breeze about the economy and politics and policy and all of that. That's just leisurely discourse. End of the day, though, I don't even care if they eat each other alive. I didn't always have that view. Just over the last decade or so.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

In all my life I have never cared what first lady did. Stop crying.
Look at this. Melania was at an opiate conference with grade school kids in Baltimore. An epicenter of abuse.

How classless. What kind of teachers would not let students know this is the First Lady, an institution. Respect her like any FL. Would be just as bad if it was Michelle.

Raising a bunch of classless urchins

In all my life I have never cared what first lady did. Stop crying.

No one does

Or all they really care about is how the first lady dresses
The only times I find myself being classless or unkind is on this forum.
The parents and teachers of these classless kids need to have their asses kicked. That kind of hate isn't natural. It's taught.

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