CDZ Do you agree with trump?

Do you agree with trump's statement/position?

  • In order to stop ISIS, “.. closing that Internet up in some way”.

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Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mark any and all that you agree with.
If you don't agree, don't mark anything but do feel free to explain your position in your posts.
If you do agree, please explain why you believe this is good for the US.

Why do you think these are important questions? Why do you believe that we should not implement any of them. Did you vote for trump because of any or all these statements?

Thanks very much.

Note that I might not get back until tomorrow but I'm sure you can carry on without the OP. :)
None of them make sense, sound like MeLAYnia babbling. Ivanka can at least make complete sentences, Trump should have let the girlfriend take the role of First Lady; the LAY isn't at her best when she works vertical.
I agree with Trump on most things. I think the Wall needs to go back burner, but border security and agents needs to be beefed up. All Presidents golf, your estimate is exaggerated.

Every day without Madame President is a great day!
Almost a year later and Luddly is still all butt hurt over the election. Lol!

The left is just a bunch of nuts.
“total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S.”

We are at war with them. This is a 'no duh' idea that is long overdue.

The wall, on US side.
wall, fence, mine field, kill squads, whatever it takes to prevent another rape or murder.
None of them make sense, sound like MeLAYnia babbling. Ivanka can at least make complete sentences, Trump should have let the girlfriend take the role of First Lady; the LAY isn't at her best when she works vertical.

I agree completely.

First, MeLAYnia (perfect pronunciation!) has not done much of anything but she and Ivanka turn up in the most inappropriate places. And yes, Melania was and still is the First Slut.

By "girlfriend", do you mean Hope Hicks?

As to my poll -- I agree they don't make sense but I asked these questions because every single one of them is unconstitutional.

I have been astounded that pino trump fans have agreed with all of them and I have yet to see even one of them question the constitutionality of his harebrained plans.
Picking out a few sentences that sound silly is just a game.
U.S. government should shut down mosques where “some bad things are happening.”
First Amendment

  1. “We're going to open up those libel laws..”, to allow public figures to sue newspapers.
First amendment

  1. Using waterboarding, killing family members of terrorists.
Eighth Amendment, Geneva Convention

  1. “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S.”
Fourteenth Amendment, includes Equal Protection Clause and First Amendment Free Exercise

  1. “Lock her up”.
Sixth and Seventh Amendment

  1. "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go." to Comey.
Separation of Powers, obstruction of justice

  1. Golfing, 20-25% of time since taking office, taxpayers paying extra for it.
The Secret Service ran out of money to protect the trump family and their constant vacations, business travel that benefits trump.

  1. The wall, on US side.
Fifth Amendment

  1. The wall, on Mexico side.
Violation of trade agreements

  1. In order to stop ISIS, “.. closing that Internet up in some way”.

First Amendment

The last choice was supposed to be a question about his DC hotel and other of his properties, and foreign and American people staying in it in order to gain favor with trump. Obviously, trump is profiting from this and so is in violation of the emoluments clause and extreme conflicts of interest.

Sorry for the weird formatting but my word processing program won't let me move them.

Also note that not all are unconstitutional.
Picking out a few sentences that sound silly is just a game.

Are you referring to the poll?

If so, its true that I posted only enough to identify his exact words. With some, the quotes are very long because trump really likes the sound of his own word salads.
Picking out a few sentences that sound silly is just a game.

Are you referring to the poll?

If so, its true that I posted only enough to identify his exact words. With some, the quotes are very long because trump really likes the sound of his own word salads.

Yes, you can pick out odd sentences from any political leader. Most do talk quite a bit, in public.
Should have been the following options.

Build the wall with US taxpayer money?

Nuclear war with N. Korea?

Exit from Paris Accords?

Tax break for the top 1%?
Should have been the following options.

Build the wall with US taxpayer money?

Nuclear war with N. Korea?

Exit from Paris Accords?

Tax break for the top 1%?

For his idiocy, I agree. But I was looking at his attacks on the constitution and the wide eyed support he gets from the right for simply trashing it.

He even said the constitution is archaic and 'really bad' for the country.

If pino trump gets his way, there will be no US Institution left. He's got a lot of support for that in congress as well. He's anti-US and very very very pro-Russia and so are his fans.

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