Do We Need More Tolerance, Or Do We Just Need Less Narcissism?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Ace referencing a Jim Geraghty article regarding people who seem to equate what they like to do or how they like to think with the view that everyone should like those things or think that way.

Do We Need More Tolerance, Or Do We Just Need Less Narcissism?

"I'm a childless adult, telling all of you people out there to stop having children." "I'm a vegan, telling you that you have to stop eating meat." "I'm an urbanite who doesn't own a car, telling you that your automobile is destroying the planet and gas taxes should be higher to support the costs of mass transit."

The not-so-subtle subtext is, "why arent you more like me?"

And the simple answer from most people is "because I dont want to be more like you."

But I don't expect the left to understand this or to care even if they did to understand, because like most cultists who are in a religion not for the actual religion or learning or quickening of the spirit, but just for the unearned sense of superiority and a list of new insults to cast upon others, they really do not give a shit whether anyone leads a good life.

They're in this for the narcissism. They're in this for the preening. They are in this to fill the emptiness of their souls with something warm and fulfilling and offering them an easy feeling of superiority -- in short, they're in it precisely for the hatred, so telling them "you'd be better at spreading your Religion-Without-God without all the hatred" is a pointless endeavor.

It's the only reason they're the anti-church in the first place.
Far less narcissism, of course. That would breed more tolerance.

Unfortunately, we're going in the wrong direction. The Division Pimps are seeing to that.

it's amazing how similar the far left's current trajectory is to a religious movement.

No dissent, no argument, no independent thought, no questioning.

I can now understand how secularists felt back in the old days when facing the bible thumpers.
Far less narcissism, of course. That would breed more tolerance. Unfortunately, we're going in the wrong direction. The Division Pimps are seeing to that.
it's amazing how similar the far left's current trajectory is to a religious movement. No dissent, no argument, no independent thought, no questioning. I can now understand how secularists felt back in the old days when facing the bible thumpers.
They're every bit as devoted to their religion - PC/Identity Politics - as Christians (or Muslims!) are to theirs.

Christians are the one group among those who won't seek to punish you for being an apostate.
Far less narcissism, of course. That would breed more tolerance.

Unfortunately, we're going in the wrong direction. The Division Pimps are seeing to that.

it's amazing how similar the far left's current trajectory is to a religious movement.

No dissent, no argument, no independent thought, no questioning.

I can now understand how secularists felt back in the old days when facing the bible thumpers.

The left have out Nazi'ed the Nazi's, they took the Nazi party playbook and improved on it.
Far less narcissism, of course. That would breed more tolerance. Unfortunately, we're going in the wrong direction. The Division Pimps are seeing to that.
it's amazing how similar the far left's current trajectory is to a religious movement. No dissent, no argument, no independent thought, no questioning. I can now understand how secularists felt back in the old days when facing the bible thumpers.
They're every bit as devoted to their religion - PC/Identity Politics - as Christians (or Muslims!) are to theirs.

Christians are the one group among those who won't seek to punish you for being an apostate.

Some sects still do, but those are few and far between. at most you get shunned.

Christianity went through a reformation to get to the point it is at today. Islam and Progressive Statism hasn't had that happen yet.
The evangelical Billy Graham actually called tolerance a sin against God....He actually stated, Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Hypocrisy
The evangelical Billy Graham actually called tolerance a sin against God....He actually stated, Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Hypocrisy

Which makes my point about the modern hard left being like a religion.
The left have out Nazi'ed the Nazi's, they took the Nazi party playbook and improved on it.

Moron......mull this over....The Nazis were....

  • conservative, both in economic and social matters;
  • nostalgic about the past (reactionaries);
  • nationalistic;
  • militaristic;
  • anti-internationalist
Now.......WHO better reflects the above Nazi values and tenets???
The left have out Nazi'ed the Nazi's, they took the Nazi party playbook and improved on it.

Moron......mull this over....The Nazis were....

  • conservative, both in economic and social matters;
  • nostalgic about the past (reactionaries);
  • nationalistic;
  • militaristic;
  • anti-internationalist
Now.......WHO better reflects the above Nazi values and tenets???

Nazi lib please, you people are the poster child for modern Nazi propaganda.
Which makes my point about the modern hard left being like a religion.

Don't forget the anti-HYPOCRISY part.......LOL

Nah, I saw it. Most of the hypocrisy these days come from the hard left.

FIGHT GLOBAL WARMING by going from my mansion on my private jet to a conference.
FIGHT CAPITALISM! using my Iphone to record me bravely breaking a Starbucks window
TOLERATE OTHER VIEWS, as long as they are the same as my views, otherwise, shut up.
Liberal Tolerance: Obey or we'll attack you like a hive of angry killer bees. Talk, walk, act, believe what we tell you or else be punished.
Nazi lib please, you people are the poster child for modern Nazi propaganda.

By all means, stay dumb.....we need folks like you to convince our kids about the value of an education..otherwise they'd wind up like you....ignorant and clueless.
Nazi lib please, you people are the poster child for modern Nazi propaganda.

By all means, stay dumb.....we need folks like you to convince our kids about the value of an education..otherwise they'd wind up like you....ignorant and clueless.

I whooped your ass last November, tissue? :laugh: We control the House, the Senate, the White House, the next several SCOTUS nominations and you control, well nothing. Ha ha its still funny you lost :funnyface:
By all means, stay dumb.....we need folks like you to convince our kids about the value of an education..otherwise they'd wind up like you....ignorant and clueless.

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